The programme

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, participants will have developed international intermediation and negotiation competence in English, both in the commercial and diplomatic fields, with specific attention to interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence being essential abilities in successful negotiation. Moreover, the final part of the course provides for a dedicated module simulating an international commercial negotiation managed by experts in the field.
Main objectives of the course are (a) to promote the acquisition and/or improvement of written and oral communication skills in English and (b) to develop professional skills, both in formal professional contexts (work meetings and international negotiations) as well as in more informal social contexts. The development of such practical skills and knowhow is especially facilitated by the “learning by doing” approach, a key feature of the course methodology.
More specifically, participants will be able to
(1)integrate content and language skills in the following professional areas:
-Global competition and business
-Global legal studies
-Governance and conflict
-Institutional framework of the European Union
-Market disruption and client centricity centrality, central role?
-Web and social media marketing
-Electronic commerce and information technologies
-Global dimensions in supply chains: fair trade and logistics networks
-Corporate reporting and performance analysis
-Economics and art markets
-Wine industry business
-Business crisis leadership
-Negotiation with the EU and the UN
- Protocol and etiquette
(2) know how to relate to international business partners with competence, fluency, ease and effectiveness;
(3) master techniques of negotiation and intermediation in commercial, diplomatic and, more generally, international relations;
(4) interact with fluency in corporate events, to develop and/or consolidate pre-existing relationships;
(5) chair and actively participate in meetings and conferences;
(6) integrate traditional communicative tools, such as letters and e-mails, with most advanced technologies such as social networks, VoIP techniques, screen-capture or blogs.
Each content module is integrated with and complemented by linguistic in-depth studies, to consolidate specialized contents by means of language practice. To do so, practical activities for individuals and/or groups will be activated with the purpose of:
- Development of vocabulary and specific structures in professional and persuasive discourse;
- Improvement of pronunciation and communicative fluency;
- Development of skills aimed at designing and giving public speeches;
- Development of negotiation and conflict management techniques;
- Development of verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal communication strategies;
- Development of translating skills in the commercial field.

Professional profiles and employment and professional opportunities

The Master will allow students to acquire and/or develop specific English language skills in operational and managerial areas where intermediation and negotiation between parties are crucial.
Priority will be given to international relations at commercial and diplomatic level, proceeding from the assumption that key characteristics of good communicators at all levels of linguistic competence and in all areas of work include flexibility, ability to win interlocutors’ trust, and familiarity with critical and responsible thinking.
By the end of the course, participants will be able to apply acquired skills to their areas of work, whether private or public, profit or non-profit. They will also have acquired the means to manage wide-ranging commercial, diplomatic and relational contacts at both national and international level.
The Master will thus train specialists in economic and diplomatic communication in English, since relational networks in international professional contexts require cooperation between parties seldom sharing the same linguistic-cultural backgrounds.

Altre informazioni

The Italian University system


First-cycle degrees: Bachelor’s degree programme

First-cycle degrees are aimed at enabling students to achieve a command of general scientific methods and content, and to acquire specific professional knowledge.
Admission requirements: secondary school diploma after completing 13 years of study in total and passing the relevant State examination, or equivalent foreign qualification; admission may be subject to further assessment.
Duration: three years.
Graduation: in order to obtain the degree, it is necessary to gain at least 180 CFU; doing an internship and preparing a dissertation/thesis may also be required. Upon completion of a Bachelor’s degree, graduates may continue their studies by enrolling in a Master’s degree or other second-cycle degree programmes and courses.
Academic title: upon completion of a Bachelor’s degree (Laurea), graduates are awarded the title of “Dottore”.

Second-cycle degrees: Master’s degree

Second-cycle degrees aim to provide students with an advanced training and knowledge to take on highly-skilled roles.
Admission requirements: applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree, or a foreign equivalent qualification; curricular admission requirements for each course may vary depending on each University.
Duration: two years.
Graduation: in order to obtain the degree, it is necessary to gain at least 120 CFU, as well as preparing and presenting a dissertation/thesis.
Academic title: upon completion of a Master’s degree (Laurea Magistrale), graduates are awarded the title of “Dottore magistrale”. Single cycle/Combined Bachelor+Master’s degrees
Some courses (Medicine and Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy, Architecture and Building Engineering-Architecture, Law, Primary Education) are offered as Single cycle/Combined Bachelor+Master’s degrees (Corsi di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico).
Admission requirements: applicants must hold a secondary school diploma or equivalent foreign qualification; admission is subject to passing an admission test.
Duration: five years (six years and 360 CFU for Medicine and Surgery, and Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics).
Graduation: in order to obtain the degree, it is necessary to gain at least 300 CFU, as well as preparing and presenting a dissertation/thesis. Upon completion of a Single-cycle degree, graduates may continue their studies by applying for a PhD programme (Dottorato di Ricerca) or other third-cycle courses.
Academic title: upon completion of a Master’s degree (Laurea Magistrale), graduates are awarded the title of “Dottore magistrale”.

Third-cycle degrees

PhD programmes: these courses enable students to gain reliable methodologies for advanced scientific research through innovative methodologies and new technologies, and generally include internships abroad and lab activities at research laboratories. Graduates wishing to apply for a PhD programme must have a Master’s degree (or a foreign equivalent qualification) and pass an open competition; PhD programmes have a minimum duration of three years. In order to complete the programme, students must produce a research thesis/dissertation and present it at a final examination.
Academic title: upon completion of a PhD programme, students are awarded the title of “Dottore di ricerca”, or “PhD”.
Postgraduate specialisation courses: these are third-cycle courses aimed at enabling students to develop advanced knowledge and highly-specialised skills, such as in the medical, clinical and surgical fields. To be admitted to these courses, applicants must have a Master’s degree (or a foreign equivalent qualification) and pass an open competition. Postgraduate specialisation courses may last from two (120 CFU) to 6 years (360 CFU) depending on the type. Academic title: upon completion of this programme, graduates are awarded a “Diploma di Specializzazione”.

Professional Master’s programme

1st-level Professional Master’s programmes: these courses enable students to further enhance their scientific knowledge and professional skills. In order to apply, applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree, or foreign equivalent qualification. The minimum duration is one year (60 CFU). Please note that completing this course will not provide you with direct access to a PhD programme (Dottorato di Ricerca), or other third-cycle courses, as these courses are run and managed by each University at the local level. Upon completion of this programme, students are awarded a “Master universitario di primo livello”.
2nd-level Professional Master’s programmes: these courses enable students to further enhance their scientific knowledge and professional skills. In order to apply, applicants must have a Master’s degree, or foreign equivalent qualification. The minimum duration is one year (60 CFU). Please note that completing this course will not provide you with direct access to a PhD programme (Dottorato di Ricerca), or other third-cycle courses, as these courses are run and managed by each University at the local level. Upon completion of this programme, students are awarded a “Master universitario di secondo livello”.

Other useful things

Crediti Formativi Universitari (CFU/ECTS credits): Italian university courses are based on the CFU system. 1 CFU is equal to 25 hours of study. The average annual academic workload for a full-time student is generally assumed to be 60 CFU. CFU and ECTS credits serve the same purpose and generally have the same value.
Degree class: Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes that have the same learning objectives and activities are grouped into “degree classes". The educational content of each programme is set autonomously by each university; however, universities are required to include certain educational activities (and the corresponding number of CFU credits) set at the national level. These requirements are established in relation to each degree class. Degrees in the same class have the same legal value.
Double/Joint degrees: the Italian universities may establish degree programmes in partnership with other Italian or foreign universities. Upon completion of these courses, graduates are awarded a joint or double/multiple degree, one from each Partner University.

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