Training and Research

PhD Programme Courses/classes - 2023/2024

1° Modulo - Seminari Autunno 2023

Language: Italiano, English, Français, Español

Teacher:  Heather Buchanan (York), Pablo Motoya (Antioquia e Madrid, Complutense), Francesca Dainese (Padova), Antonio Bernat Vistarini (Illes Balears ), Selena Simonatti (Pisa), Carmen Saggiomo (Università della Campania), Celia A. Delgado Mastra (Zaragoza), Frank Lestringant (Sorbonne), Emmanuel Cartier (Joint Research Center, T5), Agnès Tutin (Grenoble Alpes)

2° Modulo - Winter School Literatures 2024

Credits: 9

Language: Italiano, English, Français, Español

Teacher:  Elisa Destro, Gabriella Pelloni, Massimo Salgaro, Susanna Zinato, Luca Salvi, Davide Di Maio, Chiara Battisti, Annalisa Pes, Antonella Gallo, Maurizio Busca, Francesca Dainese, Vera Gajiu, Giovanni Ricci, Stefano Aloe, Andrea Zinato, Anna Bognolo, Anna Giust, Sidia Fiorato, Rosanna Gorris, Manuel Boschiero, Laura Maria Colombo, Lisanna Calvi

2° Modulo - Winter School Languages 2024

Credits: 8,5

Language: English

Teacher:  Silvia Cavalieri, Sara Corrizzato, Bianca Basciano, Maria Ivana Lorenzetti, Piero Renato Costa León, Maria Francesca Bonadonna, Roberta Facchinetti, Luisa M. Paternicò, Valeria Franceschi

3° Modulo - Seminari Primavera 2024

Language: Italiano, English, Français, Español

Teacher:  Angela Locatelli (Bergamo), Laura Alicino (Ca’ Foscari e NC Chapel Hill), Korinna Csetényi (Szeged), Emilio Blanco (Madrid, Complutense), Georgina Olivetto (Buenos Aires, Salamanca e IEMYRhd), Manuel Boschiero (Verona), José Manuel Fradejas (Valladolid), Levan Tsagareli (Ilia State, Georgia), Mercedes Fernández Valladares (Madrid, Complutense), José Luis Ramírez Luengo (Madrid, Complutense), Sara Bani (Chieti-Pescara), Ignacio Díez Fernández (Madrid, Complutense), Anna Kérchy (Szeged), Béatrice Laurent (Bordeaux-Montaigne), Kay Wolfinger (Monaco), Kris Heylen (Katholieke Universiteit, Lovanio e Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal)

PhD school courses/classes - 2023/2024

Please note: Additional information will be added during the year. Currently missing information is labelled as “TBD” (i.e. To Be Determined).

PhD students must obtain a specified number of CFUs each year by attending teaching activities offered by the PhD School.
First and second year students must obtain 8 CFUs. Teaching activities ex DM 226/2021 provide 5 CFUs; free choice activities provide 3 CFUs.
Third year students must obtain 4 CFUs. Teaching activities ex DM 226/2021 provide 2 CFUs; free choice activities provide 2 CFUs.

Registering for the courses is not required unless explicitly indicated; please consult the course information to verify whether registration is required or not. When registration is actually required, no confirmation e-mail will be sent after signing up.

Teaching Activities ex DM 226/2021: Linguistic Activities

Teaching Activities ex DM 226/2021: Research management and Enhancement

Teaching Activities ex DM 226/2021: Statistics and Computer Sciences

Teaching Activities: Free choice





Class attendance

Free Choice



Learning objectives

An introduction to the fundamentals of generalized regression models will be given in this course, with a focus on models for count, binary, and categorical data. These types of response variables are widely used in industrial applications as well as observational and experimental research.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
• Describe the general structure of a GLM and similarities and differences with linear models
• Estimate and interpret a logistic regression model
• Estimate and interpret a Poisson regression model
• Know of issues and some strategies for dealing with overdispersion in some generalised linear models (GLMs)

Prerequisites and basic notions

This course assumes a good understanding of probability and mid-level knowledge of linear regression theory.


The course covers methods for regression analysis of responses that do not follow the normal distribution, especially of discrete responses. We will learn to understand some of the common statistical methods for fitting regression models to such data. In particular, we will consider logistic regression, Poisson regression and log-linear models. The lecture focuses on the development, theoretical justification, and interpretation of these methods.

When and where

Teaching forms mainly consist of lectures (8h) and exercises proposed by the teacher. The teaching material (slides of the theoretical lessons) is made available to the students on the e-learning web page of the course (Moodle platform). Lessons will be delivered via Zoom. Full attendance is required.

Learning assessment procedures

There is no exam

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE


There is no exam, hence there is also no definition of the evaluation criteria.

Criteria for the composition of the final grade

There is no grade because there is no exam.

Scheduled Lessons

When Classroom Teacher topics
Tuesday 19 March 2024
14:30 - 16:30
Duration: 2:00 AM
To be defined Lucia Cazzoletti Introduction to generalised linear models. Review of the general linear model: assumptions of the linear model (independence of observations, homoskedasticity of errors, linearity of coeffiicents) , least squares estimation and maximum likelihood estimation. Main features of the genralised linear model: i) the probability distribution function of the random component of the response variable belongs to the exponential family, ii) a differentiable and monotonic link function relates the mean of the response variable to the linear predictor, a linear combination of coefficients and explanatory variables.
Tuesday 26 March 2024
14:30 - 16:30
Duration: 2:00 AM
To be defined Lucia Cazzoletti Introduction to the theoretical basis of logistic regression model, commonly used for binary (proportion/percentage) data, as a generalised linear model. Binomial distribution for the outcome binary variable. The link between probability and logodds. Maximum likelihood estimation of the coefficients of the model. Interpretation of the meaning of the regression coefficients and their statistical significance.
Wednesday 03 April 2024
14:30 - 16:30
Duration: 2:00 AM
To be defined Lucia Cazzoletti Introduction to the theoretical basis of Poisson regression model, commonly used for count data, as a generalised linear model. Poisson distribution for the outcome variable. Maximum likelihood estimation of the coefficients of the model. Interpretation of the meaning of the regression coefficients and their statistical significance. Use of the offset to take into account the different exposure of subjects. Extensions of the Poisson Regression Model: Negative binomial regression model (NBRM), Zero-inflated poisson (ZIP) model, Zero-truncated count data model.
Wednesday 24 April 2024
14:30 - 16:30
Duration: 2:00 AM
Aula virtuale - Lezione online Lucia Cazzoletti Using Deviances to Compare Models for Logistic and for Poisson Regression Models. Use of the Likelihood Ratio Test to assess the presence of overdispersion. Some hints about the log-linear model in the presence of contingency tables



Aloe Stefano

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8409

Battisti Chiara

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8317

Benedettini Riccardo

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8413

Bezrucka Yvonne

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8580

Bigliazzi Silvia

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8477

Bognolo Anna

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8327

Bonadonna Maria Francesca

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8663

Boschiero Manuel

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8405

Calvi Lisanna

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458028673

Cavalieri Silvia

symbol email

Colombo Laura Maria

symbol email symbol phone-number + 39 045802 8322

Corrizzato Sara

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8694

Costa León Piero Renato

symbol email

De Beni Matteo

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8540

Di Maio Davide

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8678

Facchinetti Roberta

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8374

Fiorato Sidia

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8317

Franceschi Valeria

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8729

Frassi Paolo

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8408

Gallo Antonella

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8467

Gambin Felice

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8323

Giust Anna

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8465

Gorris Rosanna

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8324

Hartle Sharon

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8259

Kofler Peter Erwin

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8313

Larcati Arturo

symbol email symbol phone-number + 39 045802 8311

Lorenzetti Maria Ivana

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8579

Mannoni Michele

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8597

Neri Stefano

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8692

Pelloni Gabriella

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8328

Perazzolo Paola

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8412

Pes Annalisa

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458028318

Salgaro Massimo

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8312

Salvi Luca

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8468

Sartor Elisa

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8598

Sassi Carla

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8701

Schiffermuller Isolde

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8478

Stelzer Emanuel

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8410

Tallarico Giovanni Luca

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8663

Vettorel Paola

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8259

Zinato Susanna

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8318

Zinato Andrea

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8339

PhD students

PhD students present in the:

No people are present. 40° Ciclo not started.

Course lessons
PhD Schools lessons


Guidelines for PhD students

Below you will find the files that contain the Guidelines for PhD students and rules for the acquisition of ECTS credits (in Italian: "CFU") for the Academic Year 2023/2024.


Title Info File
File pdf Guidelines for PhD students pdf, en, 146 KB, 02/04/24
File pdf Linee guida del percorso formativo pdf, it, 210 KB, 02/04/24