Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Academic calendar
The academic calendar shows the deadlines and scheduled events that are relevant to students, teaching and technical-administrative staff of the University. Public holidays and University closures are also indicated. The academic year normally begins on 1 October each year and ends on 30 September of the following year.
Course calendar
The Academic Calendar sets out the degree programme lecture and exam timetables, as well as the relevant university closure dates..
Period | From | To |
I semestre | Oct 1, 2015 | Jan 9, 2016 |
II semestre | Feb 22, 2016 | May 31, 2016 |
Session | From | To |
Appelli d'esame LINGUE - sessione invernale | Jan 11, 2016 | Feb 20, 2016 |
Appelli d'esame LINGUE - sessione estiva | Jun 3, 2016 | Jul 29, 2016 |
Appelli d'esame LINGUE - sessione autunnale | Aug 29, 2016 | Sep 29, 2016 |
Session | From | To |
TESI DI LAUREA - LINGUE | Nov 18, 2015 | Nov 20, 2015 |
TESI DI LAUREA - LINGUE | Mar 30, 2016 | Apr 1, 2016 |
TESI DI LAUREA - LINGUE E LL.SS | Jul 6, 2016 | Jul 8, 2016 |
TESI DI LAUREA - LINGUE E LL.SS | Nov 23, 2016 | Nov 25, 2016 |
Period | From | To |
FESTA DELL'IMMACOLATA | Dec 8, 2015 | Dec 8, 2015 |
VACANZE DI NATALE | Dec 23, 2015 | Jan 6, 2016 |
Vancanze di Pasqua | Mar 24, 2016 | Mar 29, 2016 |
FESTA DELLA LIBERAZIONE | Apr 25, 2016 | Apr 25, 2016 |
FESTA DEI LAVORATORI | May 1, 2016 | May 1, 2016 |
FESTA DEL SANTO PATRONO SAN ZENO | May 21, 2016 | May 21, 2016 |
FESTA DELLA REPUBBLICA | Jun 2, 2016 | Jun 2, 2016 |
Vacanze estive | Aug 8, 2016 | Aug 15, 2016 |
Exam calendar
Exam dates and rounds are managed by the relevant Foreign Languages and Literatures Teaching and Student Services Unit.
To view all the exam sessions available, please use the Exam dashboard on ESSE3.
If you forgot your login details or have problems logging in, please contact the relevant IT HelpDesk, or check the login details recovery web page.
Academic staff
Zaccarello Michelangelo +39 045 802 8330Study Plan
The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.
1° Year
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
2° Year activated in the A.Y. 2016/2017
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
3° Year activated in the A.Y. 2017/2018
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)
TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.
Spanish Literature I (2015/2016)
The teaching is organized as follows:
Learning outcomes
Module: PARTE I
The course aims to familiarize students with some aspects of Spanish literature related to printing culture and editorial context. It will treat, therefore, topics like bestselling books and censorship along various periods of Spanish literature, previously providing the students with notions about the history of printed literature in Spain and critical tools for the analysis of literary texts.
Module: PARTE II
There is no division in parts. See the full program as published PART I
Module: PARTE I
The course will start from a comprehensive reading of the novel El Club Dumas (1993) by Arturo Pérez Reverte, that will lead to issues of more general and transversal reach in the history of Spanish culture. Some of the contents of the course are: the phenomenon of the bestsellers in the history of Spanish literature, high literature and popular literature, history of printing in Spain, the form of the printed book, control over printing, Inquisition and censorship, reading history, elements of narratology. Students will also familiarize with the tools of literary text’s analysis The course is fully taught in Spanish. In order to access to the required critical bibliography, students will have to register on the website of the subject on the E-learning platform of university.
Arturo Perez Reverte, El club Dumas, Madrid, Punto de Lectura, 2007 (or subsequent).
Critical literature:
The critical bibliography and other required materials are availeble on the website of the course inside the E-learning portal of the University.
Module: PARTE II
There is no division in parts. See the full program as published PART I
Examination Methods
Module: PARTE I
Modalità d'esame
The exam, in Spanish language, is articulated in two parts:
1) Exposition on issues of history of Spanish literature and culture, focused on the critical bibliography of the subject (oral or written)
2) reading, translation and commentary of a text excerpt from the novel El club Dumas (oral).
It is strongly recommended to obtain a B1 certificate of Spanish language before the exam.
Module: PARTE II
The exam, in Spanish, is articulated in two parts:
1) Exposition on issues of history of Spanish literature and culture, focused on the critical bibliography of the subject (oral or written)
2) reading, translation and commentary of a text excerpt from the novel El club Dumas (oral).
It is strongly recommended to obtain a B1 certificate of Spanish language before the exam.
Type D and Type F activities
To discover all the teaching activities accredited by the foreign teaching college click here
Career prospects
Module/Programme news
News for students
There you will find information, resources and services useful during your time at the University (Student’s exam record, your study plan on ESSE3, Distance Learning courses, university email account, office forms, administrative procedures, etc.). You can log into MyUnivr with your GIA login details: only in this way will you be able to receive notification of all the notices from your teachers and your secretariat via email and also via the Univr app.
Student login and resources
Tutor for Final Paper
Accredited Activities for CFUs D and F
Detailed Academic Calendar
Curricular Language Change
Computer Skills
Language Skills (first and second language)
Language skills in the Bachelor’s programme (third language CFU F)
Preparation of the study plan
Catalan Language Literacy - Academic Year 2024-25
Portuguese language course
Erasmus+ and other study abroad experiences
Linguistic training CLA
Stage e tirocini
Nel piano didattico della laurea triennale in Lingue e culture per l’editoria (L11 ED) è previsto un tirocinio/stage obbligatorio (CFU 6).
Le attività di stage sono finalizzate a far acquisire allo studente una conoscenza diretta in settori di particolare interesse per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro e per l’acquisizione di abilità professionali specifiche.
Le attività di stage sono svolte sotto la diretta responsabilità di un singolo docente presso studi professionali, enti della pubblica amministrazione, aziende accreditate dall’Ateneo veronese.
I crediti maturati in seguito ad attività di stage saranno attribuiti secondo quanto disposto nel dettaglio dal “Regolamento d’Ateneo per il riconoscimento dei crediti maturati negli stage universitari” vigente.
- Tutte le informazioni in merito agli stage per futuri studenti sono disponibili alla pagina Stage e tirocini.
- Tutte le informazioni in merito agli stage per studenti iscritti sono pubblicate in MyUnivr - come fare per - stage e tirocini.
- Tutte le informazioni in merito agli stage per le aziende sono disponili alla pagina Stage e tirocini per azienze.
Ulteriori informazioni al seguente link