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Translation theory and practice (2017/2018)
Teaching code
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
Semester 2 dal Feb 26, 2018 al Jun 9, 2018.
Learning outcomes
The course is designed to provide the student with:
A familiarity with critical issues in translation theories and studies (methods, criticism, description vs. prescription, etc.)
A language (vocabulary) and discourse (manner) for “talking” about translation.
A critical skill to analyze and compare different interlinguistic translations of a literary source text. An insight into the workings of theories and of practices of certain of the most renowned translators working today. A historical overview of Translation Theories with a particular emphasis on Italian theories of translation in XXth Century.
This course will deal with the main topics faced by modern Translation studies, such as the couple theory-practice, reflection-experience, acceptability-adequacy, source-target text, or key terms as domestication, foreignization, manipulation, movement, poetics, constraints, translation project, translation purpose, ethics of translation, productive criticism etc. - analyze translations of a number of literary texts presenting specific formal constraints (i.e. proverbs) - explore representative texts on the history and theory of translation.
Reference texts
- MUNDAY J., Introducing Translation Studies. Theories and applications, Routledge, 2001 (e successive ristampe), also available in Italian translation: MUNDAY J., Manuale di studi sulla traduzione, a cura di C. Bucaria, Bologna, Bonomia University Press, 2012 (Chapters 1, 2, 3 (pp. 67-76), 5 (pp. 119-130), 7 (pp. 153-165), 8 (pp. 171-178), 9 (p. 195-208).
- ALBANESE A., NASI F., (eds.) L'artefice aggiunto. Riflessioni sulla traduzione in Italia: 1900-1975, Longo, Ravenna, 2015 (Introduction + a free selection of 4 authors on the following topics: translation of poetry, lnarrative translation, theatrical translation, translation and publishing industry translation and linguistics, translation and philosophy etc...).
- Slides.
The program is the same as the one required for attending students.
Author | Title | Publishing house | Year | ISBN | Notes |
Munday, Jeremy | Introducing Translation Studies. Theories and applications (Edizione 3) | Routledge | 2012 | 0415584892 | |
ALBANESE, Angela, NASI, Franco (eds.) | L'artefice aggiunto. Riflessioni sulla traduzione in Italia: 1900-1975, Longo, Ravenna, 2015. | Longo, Ravenna | 2015 |
Examination Methods
- Intermediate Written Exam: A Review of a book of Translation Theory chosen by the students among a list of texts suggested in the class (and in the slides) or proposed by the students, provided that they are consistent with the objectives of the course.
- Final Oral Examination: Discussion on Review and verification of Knowledge and Skills acquired during the course. The questions will cover all the topics of the program, both in the classroom and in the slide, as well as those prepared by students on the texts mentioned in the bibliography.
Final exam for non attending students: non attending students should write a final paper (i.e. a review of one of the thoery of translation texts chosen from a list inclosed in the power point on line). Studens are allowed to write a review on a different text only if previously agreed upon with the teacher. The review should be turned in (by e-mail) at least ten days before the final oral exam. The final oral exam will be the same as the one described for attending students.