Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.

Modules Credits TAF SSD
Between the years: 1°- 2°
Between the years: 1°- 2°
Further linguistic skills

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.

S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Teaching code





French fr

Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)



II semestre (Lingue e letterature straniere) dal Feb 17, 2020 al May 30, 2020.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to
- master skills and methodologies in language for special purposes;
- show mastery of textual study for the analysis and production of specialized texts in the fields of tourism and international commerce.


The course, highly applicative, aims to provide students with the tools for the knowledge and analysis of the linguistic varieties of French in commerce and tourism through the study, analysis and interpretation of different textual typologies. The objectives of the course are also the acquisition of skills that allow them to communicate clearly through specialty languages (areas of commerce and tourism) and to develop learning skills and integrated methodologies (such as terminological and textual analysis from corpora and through the use of computer tools).

The teaching includes frontal and interactive lessons by the teacher, aimed at guiding students in learning the topics covered by the course. The lessons, carried out by the teacher in French and with a communicative approach, will promote comprehension, reading skills, interpretation and linguistic analysis of lexical phenomena faced in the classroom. In order to verify in itinere the acquisition of the topics covered during the lessons, guided classroom activities are provided in the form of exercises, tâches and self-assessment tests aimed at ascertaining the achievement of the objectives. In addition, during the academic year students will be able to attend lectures and seminars held by scholars from the French-speaking world, hosted at the University.

The course is divided into two distinct sections.
In the first section the following topics will be outlined, in the order indicated :
1. Standard and use in contemporary French;
2. Creation of a body of work (tourism, fair trade, e-commerce);
3. The different textual genres in tourism (newspapers, travel diaries, tourist guides, press articles, advertising, standards, questionnaires, etc.) and commerce (job offers, press articles, sales catalogues, etc.);
4. Critical analysis of data published on the Internet;
5. Terminology, neology; language loans;
6. The denomination of tourism and commerce trades and how the terms are created: etymology, loans, feminisation;
7. The terminological evolution of forms of commerce: from the mail order catalogue to commerce, analysis and production of a terminology sheet;
8. The structure of a document (text, illustrations, typography, layout);
9. The analysis and production of a document.

In the second section the following topics will be dealt with, in the order indicated:
1. The linguistics of corpora within the study of specialty languages (what it is and what it is for);
2. The corpus as a source of linguistic data (concrete document of some varieties of French in the fields of tourism and commerce): sampling and representativeness;
3. The legal and ethical issues for the processing of documents and for the constitution of a closed or open corpus;
4. The definition and approach of corpus linguistics: the main types of corpus;
5. The exploration of a corpus; concordances, placements, frequency and qualitative and quantitative analysis;
6. The possible applications of corpus linguistics for the exploration of the terminological varieties of commerce, luxury marketing and tourism: lexicology, lexicography, terminology and translation; the computer tools used for the automatic processing of languages;
7. The creation and constitution of a corpus: criteria and selection of metadata, constitution of a corpus, transcription and annotation,
8. Examples of analysis of small, medium and large textual corpora; analysis of some methodologies based on the observation and semi-automatic analysis of linguistic and terminological varieties in commerce and tourism, based on quantitative and qualitative measures.
9. Commercial onomastics: lexicological and lexicographic treatment of brand names (general language and speciality languages)

Mandatory texts
- CABRÉ Maria Teresa (2008), " Constituer un corpus de textes de spécialité ", Cahiers du CIEL, Université Paris-Diderot.
- DESEILLIGNY, ANGE, The intertextual meshing of travel blogs or the production of traveler figures. MEI - Médiation et information, L'Harmattan, 2011, p. 131-140.hal-01137217
PETIT, Michel " Les descripteurs du Cadre : quelle conception de la langue de spécialité ? "In Haramboure, F. et al (eds). Proceedings of the 2006 EA 2025 conference. Bordeaux: Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2, 14-29 text provided
- MOIRAND Sophie and TRÉGUER-FELTEN Geneviève, " Des mots de la langue aux discours spécialisés, des acteurs sociaux à la part culturelle du langage : raisons et conséquences de ces déplacements ", ASp (revue du GERAS), 51-52, 2007:
- Bénédicte Pincemin. Concordances and concordances: the art of good KWAC. XVIIe colloque d'Albi Lagages et signification - Corpus en Lettres et Sciences sociales : des documents numériques à l'interprétation, Jul 2006, Albi, France. pp.33-42. ⟨_COPY15⟩ Downloadable at:
- Décuré, Nicole & Laura Hartwell (dirs.). (2018). N° 31 - Les corpus / Corpora. Studies in language didactics 31, 112 pp.
- Doquet, C., David, J. and Fleury, S. (eds.) (2018) Spécificités et contraintes des grands corpus de textes scolaires: problèmes de transcription, d'annotation et de traitement. Corpus, 16.
- Rastier, F. (2004). Epistemological issues in corpus linguistics. Texto! online], June 2004. Rubrique Dits et inédits. Available at:

OTHER REFERENCE BIBLIOGRAPHY- BÉACCO Jean-Claude (1992), "Les genres textuels dans l'analyse du discours", Langages, 105, 8-27.
- CANDEL Danielle, "Terminology between science and discourse? Remarks on institutional terminology", Linx, 2005, 52, pp. 85-96.
- CIAPUSCIO GUIOMAR Elena (2007), "Genres and families of genres: contributions for the acquisition of generic competence in the academic field", ELA, 148, 405-416,
- FORNER, Werner, THÔRLE, Britta (eds.) (2016). Manual of languages of specialisation. De Gruyter: Berlin.
- Sinclair, J. (1991). Corpus Concordance, Collocation. Oxford: OUP.
- Tognini-Bonelli, E. (2001). Corpus linguistics at work. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
- Williams G. (ed.) (2005). Corpus linguistics . Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
- Poudat, C., & Landragin, F. (2017). Exploring a textual corpus: Methods-Practice-Tools. Louvain-la-neuve: De Boeck Superieur.

Examination Methods

Students will be asked to produce a document similar to those that will be studied during the course and that will cover topics covered in the classroom. This work, although individual, will be followed by the teacher. There will be moments of sharing the research, difficulties and experience of the students. At the end of the semester, each student will have to present orally the written document produced. To pass the exam, it will be necessary to demonstrate a sufficient level of preparation in each of the two parts of the course. The student's argumentative skills will also be assessed and the student's ability to critically link and process the topics covered in the course will be evaluated. The final assessment will result from the average of the assessments obtained in the different sections.
The test aims to verify: a) the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of terminology and speciality languages in the commercial and tourist field; b) the knowledge of the distinctive characteristics of speciality languages; c) the ability to conduct an analysis of the varieties of the language on written corpora, also with the help of computer tools.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE