Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.


2° Year   activated in the A.Y. 2022/2023

activated in the A.Y. 2022/2023
Modules Credits TAF SSD
Between the years: 1°- 2°

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.

S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Teaching code



Ivan Russo





Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)



Secondo semestre (lauree magistrali) dal Feb 20, 2023 al May 19, 2023.



Learning objectives

The goal of the module is to provide a knowledge about the instruments which allow firms to realize the logistics customer satisfaction across supply chain. It plays a key role for the creation of customer value, usually the first goal of marketing activities. Thus another aim of the course is to analyse supply chain strategies for a global firm. Moreover a general aim of the class should develop the ability of students to identify, formulate and solve problems autonomously.

Prerequisites and basic notions

To attend the course, it is necessary to have basic knowledge of management and marketing.


There is now a much greater understanding of the role that supply chain management plays in creating competitive advantage. Whereas previously the focus was primarily tactical with a concern for optimising costs, now there is much more of a strategic focus with the emphasis on value creation and delivery.
Supply chain management is not just an extension of logistics management, but rather that it is about managing
relationships across the complex networks that today's supply chains have become. Then another significant change over that period is that the business environment has become a lot more volatile and hence less predictable. This transition from a relatively stable world to one that is much more turbulent requires supply chains to be
capable of changing rapidly to meet changed circumstances .
Within this scope in the class it will introduce various sub concepts collectively through the baseline of customer service ans supply chain management along with the processes for the entities of business processes to enable students to understand the effects of the logistics on company business and relations between customers and suppliers.
Thus, the supply chain is a complex and dynamic system that is difficult to forecast and control. Each node in the supply chain manages its own resources to obtain a profit and coordinates its actions with the purpose of achieving visibility upstream towards its suppliers and downstream to its customers. The class discuss also how supply chain management strives to provide goods and services that fulfil customer demand responsively, efficiently and sustainably.
The class will cover the following topics:
- Customer Service, logistics and supply chain
- Logistics and customer value
- trade-off service-costs
- Measuring logistics costs and performance
- transportation management
- 3pl and outsourcing
- inventory management and warehouse management.
- Supply Chain Strategy
- Omnichannel Strategy
All materials and papers uploaded in the e-learning area are mandatory for the exam.
- Russo I.- Pasquetto P. (2022) "Logistica e Supply Chain Managemen. Offrire il miglior servizio al cliente ottimizzando i costi", ISEDI, UTET Università


Visualizza la bibliografia con Leganto, strumento che il Sistema Bibliotecario mette a disposizione per recuperare i testi in programma d'esame in modo semplice e innovativo.

Didactic methods

The teaching involves the interaction of different teaching methods (discussions, role play, mini case) and is supported by a Moodle platform. These activities will be fully usable to all students. The material to be prepared consists of all the material present in the e-learning area as well as the reference book.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam is written and oral.
A mini-case will be assigned as part of the evaluation.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE

Evaluation criteria

The written part consists of an open question relating to a business case with respect to which the student has to propose a suitable solution (evaluation 80% of total)
The written exam lasts 45-50 minutes and will provide students with maximum 30/30 points.
The oral examination is evaluated with 20% of the overall mark and it consists of establishing the critical knowledge of the contents of the study material.

Criteria for the composition of the final grade

he final assessment is expressed in 30ths (written part evaluated 80% of total and oral part evaluated 20% of total)

Exam language
