Training and Research
PhD Programme Courses/classes - 2022/2023
Lezioni Dottorandi
Credits: 50
Language: Inglese
Teacher: Anna Cappellotto, Chiara Melloni, Maria Adele Cipolla, Serena Dal Maso
Costrutti transfrastici fra testualità e sintassi
Credits: 1
Language: Italian
Grammatical uncertainties in Germanic and Romance and their explanations
Credits: 0,5
Language: English
L’edizione da codice unico: alcune riflessioni e pratiche editoriali
Credits: 0,5
Language: Italian
Lingua e violenza nel romanzo cortese: Erec e Ferguut come casi studio
Credits: 0,5
Language: Italian
Morphosyntax and lexical semantics
Credits: 2,5
Language: English
Old Icelandic: language structure and history of the lexicon
Credits: 1,5
Language: English
Credits: 3
Language: English
The regional variation of slurs - a semantic exploration
Credits: 0,5
Language: German
The role of morphology in L2 reading and reading comprehension
Credits: 2,5
Language: English
Two types of exclamatives in German
Credits: 1
Language: English
Wortbildung im Bairischen – Word formation in Bavarian
Credits: 1
Language: German
REDE SprachGIS (2022/2023)
Class attendance
Free Choice
Matthias Hahn and colleagues (Universität Marburg)
COURSE CONTENTS (REDE) is a long-term research project at Marburg's Forschungszentrum Deutscher Sprachatlas that aims to investigate the modern regional languages of German. It is funded by the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur (Mainz). The creation of the online platform, a research-centered information system for linguistic geography, is one of the main objectives of the REDE project (project description). The website offers access to (1) digitized linguistic atlases, (2) audio recordings, (3) Wenkerbogen, (4) regionallanguage databases. The heart of our REDE platform is the application REDE SprachGIS. It allows you (1) to access speech maps, audio recordings, Wenkerbogen, and the Georeferenzierte Online-Bibliographie zur Areallinguistik (GOBA), (2) to create maps (e.g. by importing and visualizing spatial data records), (3) to publish maps online and export map images. In searching for Wenker surveys, audio recordings, and literature, you can also make use of the catalogues listed on the side bar. There are various step-by-step instructions and helpful texts available for using the REDE SprachGIS.
Note: please register for the first day's videoconference (basic module) here
The advanced module of the second day will be taught by Matthias Hahn in the classroom in Verona. For details of the programme see also flyer published here
12 October 2022, 9.00-16.45 (videoconferenze)
13 October 2022, 9.00-1645 (classroom)
UniVR - Aula Co-working
PhD school courses/classes - 2022/2023
Guidelines for PhD students
Below you will find the files that contain the Guidelines for PhD students and rules for the acquisition of ECTS credits (in Italian: "CFU") for the Academic Year 2024/2025.
Title | Info File |
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pdf, it, 115 KB, 26/09/24 |
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pdf, it, 118 KB, 12/12/23 |
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pdf, it, 89 KB, 12/12/23 |
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pdf, it, 434 KB, 12/12/23 |
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pdf, it, 104 KB, 11/10/24 |