Training and Research
PhD Programme Courses/classes - 2022/2023
Calendario attività didattica 2022/2023
Primavera - locandina
Primavera - programma
Autunno 2022
Winter School Literature
Winter School Languages
Winter School Digital Humanities
Lezioni Dottorandi (2022/2023)
Academic staff
Stefano Aloe, Chiara Battisti, Riccardo Benedettini, Anna Bognolo, Maria Francesca Bonadonna, Manuel Boschiero, Silvia Cavalieri, Sara Corrizzato, Matteo De Beni, Davide Di Maio, Roberta Facchinetti, Sidia Fiorato, Valeria Franceschi, Paolo Frassi, Anna Giust, Rosanna Gorris, Sharon Hartle, Maria Ivana Lorenzetti, Stefano Neri, Gabriella Pelloni, Paola Perazzolo, Annalisa Pes, Marco Rospocher, Massimo Salgaro, Luca Salvi, Elisa Sartor, Giovanni Luca Tallarico, Andrea Zinato, Susanna Zinato
Class attendance
Free Choice
Learning objectives
See The formative aims of the Winter School
Prerequisites and basic notions
Enrollment in the PhD course.
1. Introduction to learning design:
a. Putting the learner at the centre of the process, post COVID-19 (Presentation and Discussion).
b. Paradigm shift from grammar to lexis: lexical grammar and language teaching (Presentation and discussion).
2. Development of an awareness of Data Driven Learning (DLL): advantages and disadvantages in English Language Teaching:
a. Why DDL and which version should be adopted? (Presentation and discussion)
3. Sensitizing the course participants to available resources and their use both in teaching and learning:
a. Demonstration of various resources developed for language learning: SkeLL, COCA and Just the Word
b. Practice (group work)
4. Provide the opportunity to practice working with the tools to meet personal needs:
a. Reflection and final discussion.
When and where
Face to face lesson
Learning assessment procedures
Not required
Not required
PhD school courses/classes - 2022/2023
PhD students
No people are present. 40° Ciclo not started.
Guidelines for PhD students
Below you will find the files that contain the Guidelines for PhD students and rules for the acquisition of ECTS credits (in Italian: "CFU") for the Academic Year 2023/2024.
Title | Info File |
Guidelines for PhD students | pdf, en, 146 KB, 02/04/24 |
Linee guida del percorso formativo | pdf, it, 210 KB, 02/04/24 |