Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

Teaching code



Teresa Manconi



Also offered in courses:

  • French language 2 of the course Bachelor's degree in Languages and Cultures for Tourism and International Commerce
  • French language 2 of the course Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures


French fr

Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)



II semestre (Lingue e letterature straniere) dal Feb 19, 2024 al May 25, 2024.

Courses Single


Learning objectives

At the end of the course students will be able to: - know the basic notions and the methodological tools to operate on French lexicon; - apply basic notions for the dectection of lexical phenomena; - know the main laws concerning language policy in the francophone world; - for the students in Tourism and Commerce: apply theoretical notions for the detection of phenomena concerning specialized lexicon; - for the the students in Foreign Languages and Literatures and in Edition: acquire the main notions of lexicography and demonstrate a good knowledge of the most important lexicographic tools of the French and Francophone domains; - demonstrate to have atteined a B2 level in French language.

Prerequisites and basic notions

To take the "Langue française II" exam, it is mandatory to have a linguistic certification in French equal to or higher than level B2, issued by the University Language Center (CLA) or by certification bodies recognized by the MIUR such as the Institut Français and the Alliance Française. In this regard, the DELF-DALF certifications obtained in the three years preceding the current academic year are accepted. Instead, for the recognition of the ESABAC diploma, it is necessary to present to the teacher the certificate of the grade in fifteenth (only of the ESABAC test and not of the entire State exam) issued by the Italian high school and / or institute. It is also necessary to have fulfilled the respect of the prerequisites, that is to have taken the characterizing exams of the first year.


The training course of the “Langue française II” course aims to provide introductory knowledge on the morpho-semantics of the French language and the methodological tools necessary for lexical analysis activities. The course also aims to introduce the student to the concept of linguistic variation through a metalinguistic reflection on the norm (legislative level and linguistic policies). Finally, the course includes a basic methodological framework of lexicography and dictionnairique (paper, computerized and databases). The program consists of three parts: 1. Lexicology: basic notions. The main metalinguistic notions will be presented (langue, parole, langage, lexie, vocable, lexème, mot, mot-forme) as well as the most elementary phenomena of lexical morphology (derivation, composition) and lexical semantics (polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy , hyperonymy-hyponymy). Each case will be illustrated by examples taken from the French language. 2. Language policy: the evolution of the legislative provisions implemented in the French and Francophone fields for the purpose of affirming and spreading the French language will be presented. We will focus on the definition of "Francophonie" and will present the main languages and main dialects spoken in France. 3. Notions of lexicography, metalexicography, dictionnairique; the structure of a dictionary (microstructure and macrostructure). Historical path of French lexicography from its origins (1539) to the contemporary era; reading, analysis and comparison of extracts and passages taken from French dictionaries.


Visualizza la bibliografia con Leganto, strumento che il Sistema Bibliotecario mette a disposizione per recuperare i testi in programma d'esame in modo semplice e innovativo.

Didactic methods

The course includes frontal and interactive lessons by the teacher, aimed at guiding students in learning the topics covered by the course. The lessons, held by the teacher in French and with a communicative approach, will promote understanding, reading skills, interpretation and linguistic analysis of the lexical phenomena faced in the classroom. In order to verify in itinere the acquisition of the topics covered during the lessons, guided activities in the classroom are provided in the form of exercises, tâches and self-assessment tests aimed at ascertaining the achievement of the objectives. The course materials and any further information will be published from time to time on the dedicated e-learning platform, on which you will find the schedule of all the lessons and the overall and detailed program. Furthermore, during the academic year the students (attending and not attending) will be able to attend conferences and seminars held by scholars from the French-speaking world, hosted at the University. The teacher will be able to provide support during office hours.

Learning assessment procedures

The oral test, entirely in French, focuses on verifying the acquisition of the thematic contents covered by the course. It is aimed mainly at ascertaining the acquisition of theoretical notions and the ability to apply them to practical cases, as well as the assimilation of the stages of the evolution of linguistic policy in the Francophone context and of French lexicography. The student must demonstrate that they have acquired theoretical knowledge of the morpho-semantic elements addressed in class, that they are able to identify the semantic relationships between lexemes, that they recognize the main forms of linguistic variation characterizing the Francophone context and that they know the history of French lexicography and the main lexicographic tools analyzed in the classroom. More specifically, the student must be able to: a) describe the French language at the various levels of linguistic analysis (morphology, lexicology, semantics) in relation to the norm and use; b) to recognize the different parameters of linguistic variation, in their interrelation on texts of various nature and of different registers in the French-speaking world; c) to recognize, analyze and define the characteristics of a dictionary, in relation to the history of the French language and lexicography. Non-attending students (less than 70% attendance) will be asked a question relating to the thematic in-depth articles published on the teaching platform.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE

Evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria of the oral test will take into account: a) level of knowledge of the basic concepts of morpho-semantics, lexicology and lexicography; b) degree of articulation of the response; c) ability to apply knowledge in identifying and describing lexical and morphological phenomena of French in a pertinent manner; d) ability to recognize and analyze the phases of the evolution of linguistic policy in the Francophone context and of French lexicography; e) correctness and effectiveness of the presentation (adequacy of the terminology used, use of explanatory examples of the theoretical concepts).

Criteria for the composition of the final grade

The final grade, expressed in thirtieths, is obtained from the weighted average between the grade of the linguistic certification (converted into thirtieths as per the "Regulatory Vademecum for students of the Foreign Languages and Literature Area") or the equivalence of the Esabac grade and that of the oral exam.

Exam language
