Studying at the University of Verona
Study Plan
Your Study Plan includes all the learning activities you will undertake during your time at the University, such as modules, lab activities and practicals, seminars, project work, internships, as well as educational off-site visits, conferences and the final examination, or graduation.
Bilancio ed economia aziendale (2024/2025)
Teaching code
Not yet assigned
The teaching is organized as follows:
I documenti che compongono e accompagnano il bilancio di esercizio, semplificazioni per piccole e microimprese
Academic staff
Il bilancio come sistema informativo
Academic staff
La lettura del bilancio
Academic staff
The course has a total duration of hours: 34 and will be held in the period from October 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.Modalità di erogazione della didattica
Modalità mista tramite ZOOM.
Project work, verifiche periodiche, prova finale
Non sono previsti Project Work e Prova finale.