Studying at the University of Verona
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Project management Laboratory (2024/2025)
Teaching code
Academic staff
Roberta Tolve, Silvia Blasi, Giovanna Felis, Giuseppe Nocella
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
NN - -
Semester 1 dal Oct 1, 2024 al Jan 31, 2025.
Courses Single
Not Authorized
Learning objectives
The laboratory foresees the realization of a study to analyse the technical, economic and organizational feasibility of a new product. Starting from the analysis of customer needs, it proceeds with the definition of a prototype, making an estimate of the investment and operating cost of the project, the expected timing and the return on investment. A methodological framework and organization of the project is also provided.
Examination methods: students will have to demonstrate that they are able to present the project of the new product, clearly and concisely, relating objectives, actions, and outputs. They will have to show the ability to argue analyzes, hypotheses and solutions adopted on the basis of the requests and expectations of the company management in an innovative and sustainable perspective.
Prerequisites and basic notions
The student who accesses this course must have a solid knowledge of the production and conservation processes of food products, together with the related quality standards, as well as skills in laboratory microbiological techniques. An in-depth understanding of business dynamics, competitive analysis and marketing mix (4P) is also required, as well as the ability to develop marketing strategies and logistics plans specific to the agri-food sector.
The lab program will focus on the development of a plant-based yogurt, starting from the introduction to the project and the market analysis to identify consumer needs. Subsequently, the product concept will be defined, including the selection of ingredients and the design of the production process, with particular attention to technological and microbiological aspects. In this phase, the prototype will be developed, which will be evaluated in terms of stability and food safety through microbiological, chemical-physical and sensorial analyses. Students will then proceed with the technical evaluation and cost analysis, estimating production costs and planning the necessary resources. The return on investment and sustainability of the project will also be analyzed, considering environmental and social aspects. The program will conclude with the definition of marketing and logistics strategies, followed by the final presentation of the prototype and the technical specifications, during which students will demonstrate the ability to connect objectives, actions and results in a logical way, arguing the choices made with an innovation and sustainability perspective.
Didactic methods
The course includes lectures integrated with the discussion of scientific articles, specific reviews and analysis of case studies. Students are required to review the teaching material provided before the lessons, in order to actively participate in classroom discussions. In addition, active teaching methodologies will be used, including "learning by teaching" and strategies oriented to cooperative learning. Students will be organized into work groups to facilitate cooperation and the exchange of ideas during the development of the project.
Learning assessment procedures
To pass the exam at the end of the course, students, divided into groups, will have to prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which they will have to explain in detail all the information relating to the development of the product. The presentation must include a complete overview of the technical, chemical-physical, microbiological and sensorial characteristics of the product, as well as an in-depth description of the associated business plan. It is essential that, one week before the exam date, students send the exam commission the templates, specifically filled out, relating to the technical sheet of the product, its chemical-physical, microbiological and sensorial characteristics, and the business report, in order to allow a preliminary evaluation of the material and guarantee a more in-depth evaluation during the presentation.
Evaluation criteria
To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate that he/she has fully achieved the proposed educational objectives. The evaluation will focus on the acquisition and application of technical knowledge in the microbiological, chemical-physical and sensorial fields, essential for product development. The student's ability to clearly and thoroughly explain the concepts learned, demonstrating competence and mastery of the topic, will also be considered.
Criteria for the composition of the final grade
The final grade is composed of the outcome of the evaluation of the power point presentation and the templates relating to the technical sheet of the product, its chemical-physical, microbiological and sensorial characteristics, and the business plan. The final grade will be expressed in thirtieths (with a minimum passing threshold set at 18/30).
Exam language