Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

Type D and Type F activities

Students can choose the type D training activities among a catalogue of courses, while type F activities provide additional knowledge useful for entering the job market (internships, transferable skills, project works, etc.). According to the Degree Programme description and regulation, some activities can be chosen and added autonomously by the students to the academic record, whereas others must be approved by a committee to verify their coherence with the study plan. Type D or F training activities can be covered by the following activities: 

1. Courses offered at the University of Verona: 

This includes the course listed below and/or in the Course Catalogue (which can be filtered by language using advanced search) 

Procedure for adding courses to the academic record: Ig the course is among those listed below or in the Catalogue, the student can add it independently when the study plan is open for modifications; otherwise, the student must request approval from the Student Office by sending the form to during the specified periods

Starting from students enrolled in the Academic Year 2022/2023, courses offered in the 2nd and 3rd years of the study plan can be autonomously added to the academic record.

There is no need to submit the request to add the following courses to the academic record to the “Commissione Pratiche Studenti”: Database and Web (BSc in Bioinformatics); General Biology (BSc in Bionformatics); Molecular Biology (BSc in Bioinformatics); Probaility and Statistics (BSc in Computer Science); Programming and Network Security (BSc in Computer Science). 

2. CLA Language Certification or Equivalence 

Beside to to those already required by the study plan, the following language certifications can be added as additional training activities for students enrolled in the academic years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023: 

English language: 3 CFU will be granted for each level of proficiency above the level required by the study program (if not already granted in the previous degree programme). 

Other languages and Italian for foreigners: 3 CFU will be granted for each level of proficiency starting from A2 (if not already granted in the previous degree programme). 

These CFU will be granted as type D activities and up to a 3 CFU in total. In case the language certification is dated prior to 27/10/2023 (date of the vote of the Teaching Board of Information Engineering) the maximum CFU to be granted can be extended to 6, as for previous regulation. Additional credits for language knowledge can only be granted if consistent with the student's educational project and adequately justified. 

For students enrolled in the academic year 2023/2024, credits for language certifications beyond those specified in the teaching plan will be recorded as extra type D CFU. 

Procedure for adding the relevant academic record: Request the certificate or equivalence certificate to the CLA and send it to the Student Administration Office via email ( for the exam to be recorded. 

3. Transferable Skills 

Discover the training paths promoted by TALC – Teaching and Learning Center of the University, intended for students regularly enrolled in the Academic Year offering the modules  

Procedure for adding the relevant academic record: the modules will not be added to the study plan, but CFU will be granted after obtaining the Open Badge. The procedure may require a certain amount of time to reach a conclusion. 

4. Contamination Lab 

The Contamination Lab Verona (CLab Verona) is an experiential program with modules dedicated to innovation and corporate culture that offers the opportunity to work in teams with students from all degree programs to solve challenges posed by companies and organizations. The program allows receiving 6 type D or F CFU. Discover the challenges: 

NOTE: To be admitted to any educational activity, including electives, students must be enrolled in the specific Academic Year of the course being offered. Therefore, it is recommended that those who foresee to graduate December and April sessions do NOT undertake extracurricular activities for the new Academic Year in which they are not enrolled, as these graduation sessions are valid for the previous Academic Year. Therefore, modules carried out in an Academic Year when the students is not enrolled with the University of Verona, the relevant CFU will not be recorded. 

5. Internship/Stage and other activities 

The student must complete a 7 CFU internship and attend a 2 CFU module on “Medical Systems Seminars”. 

Annually, the Internship Committee ( proposes a list of internship projects from which students can choose in line with their study plan and interests. The list can be complemented, after the approval of the Internship Committee, with proposals made by students who independently look for internship opportunities within the departments of the universities involved in the Degree programme, or within external organizations/companies. The management of the internship process is detailed in the  Vademecum delle Attività di Tirocinio. Here is the relevant information page (with a link to Moodle) and here the general information on how to activate an internship. 

Please note that for internships starting from October 1, 2024 with external partners/company, extra hours can lead to extra type D CFU. 

Teaching code





Nicola Sansonetto



Courses Single


The teaching is organized as follows:

Learning objectives

The course will deal will methods of differential and integral calculus in many variables and ordinary differential equations. Particular emphasis will be put on applications to rational mechanics and probability, namely:
systems of point masses and rigid bodies within Newtonian and Lagrangian mechanics and the corresponding qualitative description;
Fundamental concepts in probability theory used for the modelling of concrete problems

At the end of the course the student will have to show to be able to: understand basic notions in rational mechanics and probability, and advanced notions in mathematical analysis and their suitable use to solve problems;
know how to choose the appropriate theoretical tools to solve a given problem;
know how to make an appropriate use of the language and formalism of mathematical analysis, probability and rational mechanics;
know how to apply methods and techniques learned in the course to the mathematical modelling of mechanical systems and their qualitative analysis.

Prerequisites and basic notions

Calculus in one variable, differential equation in one variable and linear differential equation of the second order with constant coefficients.
Linear algebra and euclidean geometry in the plane and the space.


Visualizza la bibliografia con Leganto, strumento che il Sistema Bibliotecario mette a disposizione per recuperare i testi in programma d'esame in modo semplice e innovativo.

Criteria for the composition of the final grade

The final grade is made up of the arithmetic average of the marks obtained in the two modules.