How to enrol

How to enroll

Has been published the new admission news for the academic year 2024/2025 containing all the information necessary for enrollment.
The merit list for admission has been published.

Type of Access
The Study Course in Master's degree in Health Professions of Technical Sciences  it has scheduled access and requires the passing of a compulsory admission test, defined in the competition announcement. This test gives access to an admission ranking and enrollment in the course is conditioned by the position occupied in the ranking itself.
Read the admission requirements

Part-time membership
The Course also offers the possibility of part-time enrollment. For more information on the required requirements and the benefits provided, see the service page.

Available positions


Taxes and Facilitation
1° Installment: 352 euro 2° e 3° Installment: Variable To calculate the second and third instalments, please see the student Fees Guide at University contributions.
Tax simulator: The simulator allows the calculation of university fees and contributions based on the ISEEU/ISEE equalized for the academic year 2022/2023 end no credentials are required for its use.
The result of the simulator is absolutely indicative and unofficial.
Tax simulator

How to enroll

Read the Call for applications carefully. Please note: this summary does not replace the original Call for applications, which candidates are expected to fully know at the time of their registration for the Call.

1. Register on ESSE3.
2. submit your application and the required information and documents on ESSE3 for the Eligibility Check; Attention: at the end of the enrollment procedure, the receipt containing the pre-enrollment number can be viewed, which must be kept by the candidates as it is essential to view their position in the ranking.
3. from the ‘payment’ dashboard on ESSE3 make the payment of the registration fee via PagoPA, by the deadline set out in the Call for applications.
4. take the Admission Test (if you’re on the list of candidates admitted to take the test);
5. if you are on the list of eligible students (graduatoria), or if you have been selected at a later stage of the selection process, enrol on ESSE3 by the deadline set out in the Call for applications, or in the notice of selection. To complete your enrolment you will need to scan and upload a passport photo. Should you need help, please see 'How to add your photo';
6. on your ‘Payment dashboard’ on ESSE3 pay the first instalment of your student fees via PagoPA, by the deadline set out in the Call for applications or in the selection notice.
7. wait for confirmation email. Please note: you will not receive the confirmation email immediately, since the Enrolment Office will need to process and check your documents and qualifications before confirming your enrolment.
Students with disabilities and SLD/learning disabilities
Admission tests for limited-entry degree programmes are organised taking into account the needs of candidates with disabilities or SLD/learning disabilities, and their right to take part in the tests on a fair and equal basis. For more information: Auxiliary aids and services when taking an admission test.    

Laurea magistrale in Scienze delle professioni sanitarie tecniche assistenziali

Enrollment HELP center

The dedicated enrollment hotline, available during the summer period, serves as a unique reference for course registrations, deadlines to be met, and procedures to be followed. A team of specialized tutors is available to answer questions from incoming new students.

Contact us

FAQ – Questions about enrolment

Consult the frequently asked questions to find answers to your queries regarding the enrolment procedures and access methods (both open and admission-controlled) for the various undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of Verona.

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Title required for matriculation


L’accesso al Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze delle professioni sanitarie tecniche assistenziali è a numero programmato ai sensi dell’art. 1 della Legge 264/1999 e prevede un esame di ammissione che consiste in una prova con test a scelta multipla. Per l’ammissione è richiesto il possesso della laurea o diploma universitario abilitante a una delle professioni sanitarie ricomprese nella classe SNT/3 o L-SNT/3 o altro titolo equipollente. Per i professionisti in possesso della laurea nella classe SNT/3 o L-SNT/3 non sono previsti debiti formativi.


Curricular requirements

È richiesto il possesso di un’adeguata preparazione delle discipline professionali e di cultura generale, oggetto del test di ammissione. I candidati in possesso del titolo abilitante conseguito con i Diplomi Universitari possono accedere, se nel loro percorso sono stati effettuati: minimo 20 CFU nel SSD MED/50, e 50 CFU in attività di tirocinio. Per i candidati in possesso di altri titoli equipollenti, la Commissione Didattica esaminerà i rispettivi curricula e valuterà la congruità, rispetto all'ordinamento didattico vigente, degli obiettivi didattico - formativi, dei programmi di insegnamento e dei crediti a questi attribuiti presso l'Università di origine

International students

Scholarships and Grants

Trasferimenti e passaggi ad anni successivi al primo