Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Type D and Type F activities
Le attività che consentono l’acquisizione dei crediti riservati alle attività formative a libera scelta dello studente (TAF D) sono le seguenti:
• Un insegnamento previsto nell’elenco delle attività formative (TAF D) allegato al piano didattico del corso di laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza;
• Un insegnamento attivato nei Corsi di studi afferenti al Collegio di Giurisprudenza;
• Un laboratorio didattico attivato nei Corsi di studi afferenti al Collegio di Giurisprudenza;
• Un laboratorio didattico attivato nei Corsi di studi afferenti al Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche;
• Un insegnamento previsto dall’Offerta Formativa di Ateneo, non impartito nell’ambito dei corsi di studi afferenti al Collegio di Giurisprudenza: il riconoscimento dei crediti acquisiti sarà subordinato alla preventiva presentazione di coerenti programmi formativi valutati dalla Commissione istruttoria per la didattica e approvati dal Collegio didattico.
• Attività formative organizzate dai singoli docenti del Collegio di Giurisprudenza o del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche: previa approvazione del Collegio ad esse verrà attribuito, dopo un’apposita verifica, un credito per ogni 6 ore di frequenza obbligatoria;
• Attività formative che implicano la partecipazione a convegni o seminari organizzati sotto il “logo” del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche o dell’Ateneo: devono essere preventivamente approvate dal Collegio di Giurisprudenza indicando un docente di riferimento del Collegio di Giurisprudenza ovvero del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche. Un credito per ogni giornata di convegno o di seminario si acquisisce dopo apposita verifica che dimostri l’avvenuta fruizione culturale del tema del convegno o del seminario.
Le attività che consentono l’acquisizione dei crediti riservati alle ulteriori attività formative (TAF F) sono le seguenti:
• Informatica (3 cfu)
• Stage;
• Un laboratorio didattico attivato nei Corsi di studi afferenti al Collegio di Giurisprudenza;
• Un laboratorio didattico attivato nei Corsi di studi afferenti al Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche.
Al link la modulistica per l'inserimento di attività non selezionabili in autonomia dallo studente in sede di compilazione del piano degli studi.
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
4° 5° | The fashion lab (1 ECTS) | D |
Caterina Fratea
4° 5° | The fashion lab (2 ECTS) | D |
Caterina Fratea
4° 5° | The fashion lab (3 ECTS) | D |
Caterina Fratea
4° 5° | Paradigm Shifts Beyond COVID-19: Individual v. Society and Private v. Public? | D | Not yet assigned |
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
4° 5° | Economics, financial statement and control of Italian healthcare and social care organizations | D |
Paolo Roffia
4° 5° | The fashion lab (1 ECTS) | D |
Caterina Fratea
4° 5° | The fashion lab (2 ECTS) | D |
Caterina Fratea
4° 5° | The fashion lab (3 ECTS) | D |
Caterina Fratea
4° 5° | Paradigm Shifts Beyond COVID-19: Individual v. Society and Private v. Public? | D | Not yet assigned |
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
4° 5° | Banking law | D |
Giovanni Meruzzi
Valentina Baroncini
4° 5° | Roman Law and Civil Law Tradition - Training | D |
Marta Beghini
4° 5° | Roman Law and Civil Law Tradition - Trainingand Moot Court Competition | D |
Carlo Pelloso
4° 5° | Law of the digital economy | D |
Matteo Ortino
4° 5° | Safety and social security | D |
Sylvain Giovanni Nadalet
4° 5° | Sociology of law | D |
Carlo Lottieri
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
4° 5° | Safe and security law | D |
Marco Peruzzi
4° 5° | Roman Law and Civil Law Tradition - Training | D |
Marta Beghini
4° 5° | Roman Law and Civil Law Tradition - Trainingand Moot Court Competition | D |
Carlo Pelloso
4° 5° | Legal Medicine | D |
Domenico De Leo
The fashion lab (3 ECTS) (2021/2022)
Teaching code
Also offered in courses:
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Law
- The fashion lab (2 ECTS) of the course Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Law
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Bioinformatics
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Computer Science
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Master's degree in Medical Bioinformatics
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Marketing and Corporate Communication
- The fashion lab (2 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Marketing and Corporate Communication
- The fashion lab (3 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Marketing and Corporate Communication
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Banking and Finance
- The fashion lab (2 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Banking and Finance
- The fashion lab (3 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Banking and Finance
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Management and business strategy
- The fashion lab (2 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Management and business strategy
- The fashion lab (3 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Management and business strategy
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Economics and Data Analysis
- The fashion lab (2 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Economics and Data Analysis
- The fashion lab (3 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Economics and Data Analysis
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in International Economics and Business
- The fashion lab (2 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in International Economics and Business
- The fashion lab (3 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in International Economics and Business
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Master's degree in Corporate governance and business administration
- The fashion lab (2 ECTS) of the course Master's degree in Corporate governance and business administration
- The fashion lab (3 ECTS) of the course Master's degree in Corporate governance and business administration
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Business Administration and Corporate Law
- The fashion lab (2 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Business Administration and Corporate Law
- The fashion lab (3 ECTS) of the course Master’s degree in Business Administration and Corporate Law
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Verona)
- The fashion lab (2 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Verona)
- The fashion lab (3 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Verona)
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Vicenza)
- The fashion lab (2 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Vicenza)
- The fashion lab (3 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Vicenza)
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business (Verona)
- The fashion lab (2 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business (Verona)
- The fashion lab (3 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business (Verona)
- The fashion lab (1 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business (Vicenza)
- The fashion lab (2 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business (Vicenza)
- The fashion lab (3 ECTS) of the course Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business (Vicenza)
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
NN - -
1° periodo lezioni (1A), 1° periodo lezioni (1B)