Studying at the University of Verona

Study Plan

Your Study Plan includes all the learning activities you will undertake during your time at the University, such as modules, lab activities and practicals, seminars, project work, internships, as well as educational off-site visits, conferences and the final examination, or graduation.

Training offer to be defined

Teaching code




Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)


Educational offer 2024/2025

ATTENTION: The details of the course (teacher, program, exam methods, etc.) will be published in the academic year in which it will be activated.
You can see the information sheet of this course delivered in a past academic year by clicking on one of the links below:


The course has a total duration of years: 1 and will be held in the period from February 14, 2022 to November 25, 2022.

Lecture timetable

L'organizzazione didattica prevede 7 settimane di lezione dal lunedì al venerdì orario 9.00-13.00 e 14.00-18.00.

Modalità di erogazione della didattica

A.A. 2023/2024 - A.A. 2024/2025
Le lezioni si svolgono in presenza.


Informazioni sullo stage

Frequenza presso strutture sanitarie accreditate per un periodo di 3 settimane (125 ore).

Project work, verifiche periodiche, prova finale

Verifiche periodiche: verifiche individuali e di gruppo con valutazione dell'acquisizione di competenze ed abilità tecniche e non tecniche.
Prova finale: elaborazione di tesi e discussione della prova finale.