Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

Type D and Type F activities


Find out more about the Soft Skills courses for Univr students provided by the University's Teaching and Learning Centre: 



The Contamination Lab Verona (CLab Verona) is an experiential course with modules on innovation and enterprise culture that offers the opportunity to work in teams with students from all areas to solve challenges set by companies and organisations.  

Upon completion of a CLab, students will be entitled to receive 6 CFU (D- or F-type credits).  

Find out more: 


PLEASE NOTE: In order to be admitted to any teaching activities, including those of your choice, you must be enrolled in the academic year in which the activities in question are offered. Students who are about to graduate in the December and April sessions are therefore advised NOT to undertake extracurricular activities in the new academic year in which they are not enrolled, as these graduation sessions are valid for students enrolled in the previous academic year. Therefore, students who undertake an activity in an academic year in which they are not enrolled will not be granted CFU credits.  

CuCi 1 A From 9/25/23 To 11/4/23
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° 3° FAI Activities F Edoardo Bianchi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Series of conferences Don Nicola Mazza University College F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Science communication F Luca Ciancio (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Course of history and art of the C.T.G. F Marco Stoffella (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Intercomprehension laboratory between the Romance languages F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Laboratory to introduce the study of Ancient Greek F Dino Piovan (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Books and writings of the Greek world F Paolo Scattolin (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° San Giorgio di Valpolicella. New studies on the pieve F Fabio Coden (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° C.R.E.S. Seminars F Fabio Forner (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° University and DSA - Methods and strategies for tackling study and university studies F Chiara Melloni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Webinars on history of linguistics and semiotics F Paola Cotticelli (Coordinator)
CuCi 1 B From 11/13/23 To 12/22/23
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° 3° Art, memory and terrorism: the duty to protect our cultural heritage F Olivia Guaraldo (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° FAI Activities F Edoardo Bianchi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Series of conferences Don Nicola Mazza University College F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Series of lectures: Maria Callas: musica, media, moda, arte F Vincenzo Borghetti (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Science communication F Luca Ciancio (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Conference The management of local authority museums: critical issues, innovative models, development prospects F Dario Donetti (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Course of history and art of the C.T.G. F Marco Stoffella (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° From the fieldwork to the lab: study, cataloguing, database collection of protohistoric archaeological artefacts F Mara Gioia Migliavacca (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° DIALOGOI. IV Inter-university Seminar of Readings on Classical Texts F Gherardo Ugolini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° The worlds of Italo Calvino F Giuseppe Sandrini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Intercomprehension laboratory between the Romance languages F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Laboratory to introduce the study of Ancient Greek F Dino Piovan (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Books and writings of the Greek world F Paolo Scattolin (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Nietzsche, Tragedy, the Tragic F Gherardo Ugolini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° San Giorgio di Valpolicella. New studies on the pieve F Fabio Coden (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° C.R.E.S. Seminars F Fabio Forner (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° University and DSA - Methods and strategies for tackling study and university studies F Chiara Melloni (Coordinator)
CuCi 2 A From 2/19/24 To 3/29/24
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° 3° FAI Activities F Edoardo Bianchi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Course of history and art of the C.T.G. F Marco Stoffella (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° DIALOGOI. IV Inter-university Seminar of Readings on Classical Texts F Gherardo Ugolini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Study day on the history of the De Stefani family F Renato Camurri (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Day of remembrance and Day of memory F Renato Camurri (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Native-american glottology. Classes and seminars F Alfredo Rizza (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Historical investigation of Jesus of Nazareth F Mariaclara Rossi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Gnoseology and Metaphysics Workshop F Davide Poggi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Intercomprehension laboratory between the Romance languages F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Workshop Introduction to the Christian writers of the early centuries F Tiziana Franco (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Laboratory to introduce the study of Ancient Greek F Dino Piovan (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Workshop on reading and editing medieval documents F Mariaclara Rossi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Reading the Middle Ages. Authors, Meetings, Debates F Marco Stoffella (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Nietzsche, Tragedy, the Tragic F Gherardo Ugolini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° San Giorgio di Valpolicella. New studies on the pieve F Fabio Coden (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° C.R.E.S. Seminars F Fabio Forner (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° University and DSA - Methods and strategies for tackling study and university studies F Chiara Melloni (Coordinator)
CuCi 2 B From 4/9/24 To 5/31/24
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° 3° FAI Activities F Edoardo Bianchi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Conference Inner Islands. For a storytelling of loneliness in Italian Literature F Anna Maria Salvade' (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Course of history and art of the C.T.G. F Marco Stoffella (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Two lectures by the President of the “Accademia della Crusca”, Prof. Paolo D'Achille F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Day of remembrance and Day of memory F Renato Camurri (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Native-american glottology. Classes and seminars F Alfredo Rizza (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Historical investigation of Jesus of Nazareth F Mariaclara Rossi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Gnoseology and Metaphysics Workshop F Davide Poggi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Intercomprehension laboratory between the Romance languages F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Workshop Introduction to the Christian writers of the early centuries F Tiziana Franco (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Laboratory to introduce the study of Ancient Greek F Dino Piovan (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Workshop on reading and editing medieval documents F Mariaclara Rossi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Social theater workshop organized by the Compagnia Teatro Babilonia F Nicola Pasqualicchio (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Reading the Middle Ages. Authors, Meetings, Debates F Marco Stoffella (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Preparation and participation in the Youth Jury of the Totola Prize F Nicola Pasqualicchio (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° San Giorgio di Valpolicella. New studies on the pieve F Fabio Coden (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° C.R.E.S. Seminars F Fabio Forner (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° University and DSA - Methods and strategies for tackling study and university studies F Chiara Melloni (Coordinator)
List of courses with unassigned period
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° 3° Bridge film festival (XI Edition) F Alberto Scandola (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Cycle of Lectures by Associazione Universitaria Francofona F Laura Maria Colombo (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Venantius Fortunatus between the Piave and the Loire F Edoardo Ferrarini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° International Conference: F Silvia Baroni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° International Conference “Rudolf Nureyev and Literature: Dance, Choreography, and Reception” F Laura Maria Colombo (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Archaeological fieldwork - Valli del Leno (TN) F Mara Gioia Migliavacca (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Archaeological excavations at Nicopolis ad Istrum F Diana Sergeeva Dobreva (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Archaeological excavation in Aquileia (UD) F Patrizia Basso (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Archaeological excavation in Montebaranzone castle (MO) F Nicola Mancassola (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Archaeological excavation in Castelvecchio, Verona F Fabio Saggioro (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Archaeological excavation in Morfasso (PC) F Nicola Mancassola (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Archaeological fieldwork - Monte Palazzo di S. Tomio di Malo (Vicenza) F Mara Gioia Migliavacca (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Archaeological excavation in Toano (RE) F Nicola Mancassola (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Archaeological fieldwork - Terranegra (Legnago) F Mara Gioia Migliavacca (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Look Beyond the walls.Film Days of the city of Verona F Alberto Scandola (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Transforming the world into a hermitage? Romuald’s hermitic ideal to the test of history and contemporaneity F Edoardo Ferrarini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Verona in Storia Cycle of public lectures F Giovanni Bernardini (Coordinator)

Teaching code




The course is given by  Archaeological excavations at Nicopolis ad Istrum (2023/2024) - Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Heritage