Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Type D and Type F activities
Type D and Type F Credits (CFUs D and F)
As part of the academic plans for each degree program, students must earn a specified number of credits from the Type D and F (CFUs D and F) categories.
CFUs D (student's choice activities)
CFUs D can be earned through various activities, including:
- Elective courses: non-mandatory courses within your plan of study, subject to the approval of the Chair of the Teaching Committee the course cannot be selected independently.
- Accredited activities: activities accredited by the Teaching Committee
- Language Proficiency: acquiring proficiency in languages different from or additional to the required ones.
- Internships or apprenticeships: practical work experience in relevant fields
- TALCs (Transversal Skills): skills gained through specific university programs.
The total number of CFUs D is calculated over the entire degree period (two or three years) and is not tied to a single academic year.
Transversal skills
Explore the learning pathways promoted by the University's Teaching and Learning Center for currently enrolled students that aim to develop transversal skills
Please note: TALC courses are only recognized as CFUs D.
Contamination Lab
The Contamination Lab Verona (CLab Verona) is an experiential learning program focused on innovation and business culture. It offers students the opportunity to collaborate in teams across different programmes and disciplines to solve challenges posed private companies and institutions. Completing this pathway earns students 6 CFUs D. Learn more about the CLab challenges here.
Important Notes:
- To be eligible for any credit-bearing learning activities, including electives, students must be enrolled in the academic year during which the activities are offered.
- GRADUATING SENIORS: Students who plan to graduate in the November or March/April sessions are advised NOT to undertake extracurricular activities in a new academic year (in which they are not enrolled), as these graduation sessions correspond to the previous academic year. Activities completed during an academic year in which students is not enrolled will not be credited with CFUs.
CFUs F (other training activities)
CFUs F typically relate to skills in computing and languages, internships and apprenticeships, and other educational activities accredited by the Teaching Committee.
The degree program in Languages and Cultures for Tourism and International Commerce recognizes the following:
- 3 CFUs for a third language (B1 level)
- 3 CFUs for computer skills
- 6 CFUs for a mandatory internship.
Computer skills can be acquired by:
- Passing the test in the University's computer labs.
- Attending and passing the final exams for courses offered by schools and centres accredited by AICA (Italian Association for Computer Science and Automatic Computing) or courses recognized by the Province and Region. Applications for the recognition of previously acquired computer skills are reviewed by the Commission for the Recognition of Computer Skills.
Internship are designed to provide students with direct, practical knowledge and experience relevant to their field of study, helping them acquire specific professional skills.
To discover all the teaching activities accredited by the foreign teaching college click here
Basis of Business Law [Cognomi A-E] (2024/2025)
Teaching code
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
I semestre (Area Lingue e letterature straniere) dal Sep 23, 2024 al Dec 21, 2024.
Courses Single
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the participants with the knowledge of juridical vocabulary, of the fundamental basis of private law, that are necessary to properly understand commercial law, and of the main aspects of company and commercial law. The goal is to provide the juridical knowledges that are essential to be able to work in companies, also in tourism field. During the course, particular attention will be paid to reading and examining the Civil Code and to learning how to interpret laws. At the end of the course, students shall have acquired adequate awareness of the fundamental rules governing companies and enterprises as well as of the interests protected by such rules.
Prerequisites and basic notions
No prerequisites are required. To support the verification, the study of the materials indicated is enought.
Part 1
- The notion of law: the legal rule. The sources of law and the interpretation of the law.
- People.
- Property and possession (hints).
- The sources of the obligation; the torts.
- The fulfillment and default of the obligation.
- The contract: elements and conclusion.
- Contract: validity and invalidity. Resolution. Efficiency and ineffectiveness. Effects of the contract.
- Representation.
- Prescription and decay.
Part 2
- The concept of entrepreneur. The small one. Agricultural and Commercial Entrepreneur.
- The firm and its transfer.
- The concept of comapny; partenrships end corporations.
- Società semplice: administration and relationships with third parties.
- Società semplice: relationships between members.
- The società in nome collettivo.
- The società in accomandita semplice (limited partnership).
Part 3
- The joint stock company. Notion. Constitution.
- The company's financial structure: shares and financial instruments
- Social bodies: assembly, boarod of directors, collegio sindacale.
- Financial auditing.
- Alternative corporate governance models: one-tier board model and two-tier board model.
- Budget: drafting, approval, profit, dividend.
- Amendments to the Act of incorporation and of the Bylaws.
- The dissolution of the joint stock company.
- Limited liability company.
- The società in accomandita per azioni.
- Cooperative companies.
Didactic methods
Frontal lessons aim at transmitting the basics and illustrating the underlying logic, as well as identifying protected interests. The recourse to the case law and the examination of previous jurisprudence will frequently be made in order to facilitate the identification of the operational implications of the rules studied.
Didactic methods
The course takes place through lectures in which the fundamental notions of private law and commercial law are explained. On some specific issues, some significant jurisprudential cases for understanding the institutions may be discussed in the classroom. There are no program changes for attending and non-attending students. There are no supplementary teaching materials or teaching support materials. If there are any, they will be uploaded to the teaching Moodle platform. Male and female students are however invited to contact the teacher via email or during office hours. Likewise, those who find themselves in the position of having to make up lessons will have to contact the teacher.
Learning assessment procedures
The exam is written, focuses on the entire program and provides for the written discussion of the topics of the program, in order to ascertain the mastery of the legal notions dealt with and the related technical language. The written test is a quiz, with crosses; the time available to answer the 10 questions is 20 minutes. The final evaluation is expressed out of thirty.
Bibliography For part 1:
F. Galgano, Institutions of private law, Padua, CEDAM, latest edition: chap. I, II (par. 1,2,3), III (from par. 1 to par. 5), IV (par. 1,2,3), V (par. 1,2), VI (par.1 , 4,5), IX, X, XI, XII, XIII (par.1,2), XIV, XV, XVI (par.1,2,3), XIX (par.1,4), XXI (from par. 1 to par. 4), XXIII. Alternatively, M. NUZZO, Introduction to legal sciences. Standards - Subjects - Activities, Giappichelli, Turin, latest ed .: Chapter 1 (section I), 2, 3, 4, 5 (section I, II, III), 6 (section IV) For part 2 : M. Cian, Manual of commercial law, Turin, Giappichelli, ult. ed .: paragraphs from 1 to 9 inclusive and from paragraph 35 to paragraph 41 inclusive or, alternatively: G. Meruzzi, Complement of commercial law, Egea, 2016: chap. 2-8, 9 (par. 9.1), 13.15-20
For part 3: M. Cian, Manual of commercial law, Turin, Giappichelli, ult. ed .: from paragraph 42 to paragraph 56 inclusive, from paragraph 58 to 63 inclusive, and from paragraph 66 to 70 inclusive; or alternatively: G. Meruzzi, Complement of commercial law 2, Egea, 2018: chap. 2-4, 7-18 (from par. 18.1 to par. 18.5) Warnings Preparation for the exam presupposes a careful study of the provisions of the Civil Code and of the special laws referred to from time to time in the text. For this purpose, we recommend G. De Nova, Civil Code and related laws, Bologna, Zanichelli, latest edition.
Evaluation criteria
The evaluation of the acquired knowledge is based, on the one hand, on the ability to understand and express legal language; on the other hand on the understanding of the institutes present in the indicated program.
Criteria for the composition of the final grade
no indication
Exam language