Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Type D and Type F activities
Type D and Type F Credits (CFUs D and F)
As part of the academic plans for each degree program, students must earn a specified number of credits from the Type D and F (CFUs D and F) categories.
CFUs D (student's choice activities)
CFUs D can be earned through various activities, including:
- Elective courses: non-mandatory courses within your plan of study, subject to the approval of the Chair of the Teaching Committee the course cannot be selected independently.
- Accredited activities: activities accredited by the Teaching Committee
- Language Proficiency: acquiring proficiency in languages different from or additional to the required ones.
- Internships or apprenticeships: practical work experience in relevant fields
- TALCs (Transversal Skills): skills gained through specific university programs.
The total number of CFUs D is calculated over the entire degree period (two or three years) and is not tied to a single academic year.
Transversal skills
Explore the learning pathways promoted by the University's Teaching and Learning Center for currently enrolled students that aim to develop transversal skills
Please note: TALC courses are only recognized as CFUs D.
Contamination Lab
The Contamination Lab Verona (CLab Verona) is an experiential learning program focused on innovation and business culture. It offers students the opportunity to collaborate in teams across different programmes and disciplines to solve challenges posed private companies and institutions. Completing this pathway earns students 6 CFUs D. Learn more about the CLab challenges here.
Important Notes:
- To be eligible for any credit-bearing learning activities, including electives, students must be enrolled in the academic year during which the activities are offered.
- GRADUATING SENIORS: Students who plan to graduate in the November or March/April sessions are advised NOT to undertake extracurricular activities in a new academic year (in which they are not enrolled), as these graduation sessions correspond to the previous academic year. Activities completed during an academic year in which students is not enrolled will not be credited with CFUs.
CFUs F (other training activities)
CFUs F typically relate to skills in computing and languages, internships and apprenticeships, and other educational activities accredited by the Teaching Committee.
The degree program in Languages and Cultures for Tourism and International Commerce recognizes the following:
- 3 CFUs for a third language (B1 level)
- 3 CFUs for computer skills
- 6 CFUs for a mandatory internship.
Computer skills can be acquired by:
- Passing the test in the University's computer labs.
- Attending and passing the final exams for courses offered by schools and centres accredited by AICA (Italian Association for Computer Science and Automatic Computing) or courses recognized by the Province and Region. Applications for the recognition of previously acquired computer skills are reviewed by the Commission for the Recognition of Computer Skills.
Internship are designed to provide students with direct, practical knowledge and experience relevant to their field of study, helping them acquire specific professional skills.
To discover all the teaching activities accredited by the foreign teaching college click here
Chinese language 3 (2024/2025)
Teaching code
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
Erasmus students
Not available
Courses Single
Not Authorized
The teaching is organized as follows:
Esercitazioni linguistiche
Learning objectives
At the end of the course students should demonstrate that they possess a deep knowledge of modern Chinese language, particularly of modern Chinese lexicon concerning tourism and international commerce, enough for them to speak and write independently on topics regarding the specialized language of their major. At the end of the course students will reach a level of linguistic knowledge and a vocabulary required for an HSK4 certificate, corresponding to a B2 level in the international language standards.
Prerequisites and basic notions
Skills covered in Chinese Language 2.
The course focuses on the study of Mandarin Chinese as used for tourism and business purposes. Special attention will be devoted to the terms, wordings and phrasings used in these fields. Exercitations focus on communication skills. Students’ participation to classes does not affect the focus of the course.
Didactic methods
Classes are taught in person, unless otherwise stipulated. We will use PPTs and other teaching material that will be uploaded to Moodle or otherwise pointed to the students. Attendance is strongly recommended: any missed classes can be made up using the teaching materials provided for this course. Specific questions concerning the content of the class one may have missed may be asked to the teacher during his office hour.
Learning assessment procedures
The final examination consists of two tests. The written test focusses on theoretical-practical skills (grammar, translation, general knowledge of Chinese linguistics, etc.) as well as other communication skills such as writing and listening. The oral test focuses on speaking skills. The written test has an approximate duration of max. 120 minutes. The oral test has an approximate duration of max. 30 minutes.
Evaluation criteria
Theoretical and practical skills.
Criteria for the composition of the final grade
Arithmetic mean between the Chinese Language 3 tests administered at the Department and the language proficiency score (CLA) converted as appropriate. Final mark is out of thirty. Passing score: 18/30.
综合分数为外国语言文学系举办的中文三考试成绩与语言水平考试(CLA)三十分制成绩之间的算术平均值。综合分数满分:30 分。及格分数:18/30。
Exam language
cinese, italiano