Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.


1° Year 


2° Year   activated in the A.Y. 2018/2019

activated in the A.Y. 2018/2019
Modules Credits TAF SSD
Between the years: 1°- 2°- 3°

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.

S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Teaching code



Gianluca Riolfo





Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)



Semester 1  dal Oct 2, 2017 al Jan 20, 2018.

Learning outcomes

The course deals with the teaching of the legal lexicon and the basic concepts of civil law, to the extent necessary for the first correct framing of the various institutes of commercial law, and the foundations of the disciplines of the individual and collective enterprise. This last part will be devoted mainly to attention. The aim is to provide the minimum and indispensable legal knowledge for incorporating administrative and entrepreneurial structures, including tourism. During lessons, divided into several sections, special attention will be given to reading and illustrating the provisions of the Italian Civil Code and commercial laws, as well as to the understanding of the logic and standards interpretation mechanisms. At the end of the course, the student must have acquired and will be able to demonstrate adequate knowledge and awareness of the essential rules of operation of undertakings and companies and of the interests they intend to safeguard.


Part 1
- The notion of law: the legal rule. The sources of law and the interpretation of the law.
- People.
- Property and possession (hints).
- The sources of the obligation; the torts.
- The fulfillment and default of the obligation.
- The contract: elements and conclusion.
- Contract: validity and invalidity. Resolution. Efficiency and ineffectiveness. Effects of the contract.
- Representation.
- Prescription and decay.

Part 2
- The concept of entrepreneur. The small one. Agricultural and Commercial Entrepreneur.
- The firm and its transfer.
- The concept of comapny; partenrships end corporations.
- Società semplice: administration and relationships with third parties.
- Società semplice: relationships between members.
- The società in nome collettivo.
- The società in accomandita semplice (limited partnership).

Part 3
- The joint stock company. Notion. Constitution.
- The company's financial structure: shares and financial instruments
- Social bodies: assembly, boarod of directors, collegio sindacale.
- Financial auditing.
- Alternative corporate governance models: one-tier board model and two-tier board model.
- Budget: drafting, approval, profit, dividend.
- Amendments to the Act of incorporation and of the Bylaws.
- The dissolution of the joint stock company.
- Limited liability company.
- The società in accomandita per azioni.
- Cooperative companies.

Didactic methods
Frontal lessons aim at transmitting the basics and illustrating the underlying logic, as well as identifying protected interests. The recourse to the case law and the examination of previous jurisprudence will frequently be made in order to facilitate the identification of the operational implications of the rules studied.

Reference texts
Author Title Publishing house Year ISBN Notes
G. Meruzzi Complemento di diritto commerciale Egea 2016 Da studiare gli argomenti trattati nei capp. 2-8, 9 (par. 9.1), 13,15-20
F. Galgano Istituzioni di diritto privato CEDAM 2013 Da studiare gli argomenti trattati nei capp. I, II (par. 1,2,3), III (da par. 1 a par. 5), IV (par. 1,2,3), V (par. 1,2), VI (par.1,4,5), IX, X, XI, XII, XIII (par.1,2), XIV, XV, XVI (par.1,2,3), XIX (par.1,4), XXI (da par. 1 a par. 4), XXIII
M. Campobasso Manuale di diritto commerciale UTET 2015 Da studiare gli argomenti trattati nei capp. I-V, VI (par. 1,2,9), X-XII

Examination Methods

The exam is oral, it focuses on the whole program and involves the discussion of three or four topics to ensure mastery of the notions and technical language. The final evaluation is expressed in thirty.

For programme Part 1:
F. Galgano, Istituzioni di diritto privato, Padova, CEDAM, ultima edizione: capp. I, II (par. 1,2,3), III (from par. 1 to par. 5), IV (par. 1,2,3), V (par. 1,2), VI (par.1,4,5), IX, X, XI, XII, XIII (par.1,2), XIV, XV, XVI (par.1,2,3), XIX (par.1,4), XXI (from par. 1 to par. 4), XXIII.

For programme Part 2:
M. Campobasso, Manuale di diritto commerciale, Torino, UTET, ultima edizione: capp. I-V, VI (par. 1,2,9), X-XII
or, as alternative:
G. Meruzzi, Complemento di diritto commerciale, Egea, 2016: capp. 2-8, 9 (par. 9.1), 13,15-20

For programme Part 3:
M. Campobasso, Manuale di diritto commerciale, Torino, UTET, ultima edizione: capp. XIII,XIV, XVI, XVII (from par. 1 to par. 24), XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV (from par. 1 to par. 14).

The preparation of the exam presupposes an accurate study of the norms of the Civil Code and the special laws referred to in the text from time to time. G. De Nova, Civil Code and Related Law, Bologna, Zanichelli, last ed.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE