Studying at the University of Verona
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German language 2 [CInt] (2021/2022)
Teaching code
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
II semestre (Lingue e letterature straniere) dal Feb 14, 2022 al May 28, 2022.
Learning outcomes
The main aim of this course is to introduce students to the analysis of the German morphological system. On successful completion of this course students are able to: - describe the basic categories of German morphology; - characterize and explain the main morphological processes of German; - describe the most important differences between the main morphological processes of German and Italian; - apply the acquired knowledge to specific examples of the common language and of the language for specific purposes; - provide evidence that they have acquired advanced language skills corresponding to the fourth level (B2) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
"German morphological system. An introduction to morphological analysis"
The course does not require specific pre-knowledge in the linguistics field. It introduces the main concepts of morphology, such as morpheme, morph, allomorph and morphological productivity. Topics of discussion include the morphological system of Standard German, in particular word-formation processes such as derivation, conversion, composition, the inflectional system and non-concatenative morphology (ablaut, umlaut, truncation). The morphological structures of German will be compared to the Italian structures. Part of the programme are practical exercises in morphological analysis.
Note: the course is taught in German.
The "studenti non frequentanti" are kindly requested to take contact with the teacher of the course for the discussion of different learning material.
Teaching methods: frontal and interactive lessons
Examination Methods
Written examination, which contains theoretical questions as well as exercises to solve. The language of the exam is German.
The exam can be taken only after receiving the certification of the B2 language skills (CEFR).
The final grade is the mean of the grade of the examination of this theoretic module and of the grade of the language certificate (B2).