Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Type D and Type F activities
Training offer to be defined
Linguistic theories, texts, and contexts (2024/2025)
Teaching code
Also offered in courses:
- General Linguistics of the course Master’s degree in Historical Studies (interuniversity)
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
CuCi 1 A, CuCi 1 B
Courses Single
Learning objectives
The main aim is to introduce the themes of textual syntax from the point of view of theoretical linguistics and pragmatics (cohesion and coherence of the text, anaphora, deixis, information structure). We start from more general considerations on the concept of language and on the centrality that the reflection on language has being having - and continues to have - in the contemporary cultural debate. Through online tests appropriately distributed and corrected during class some linguistic themes useful for the training of the teacher's cultural and professional figure will be reinforced. EXPECTED FORMATIVE RESULTS The course aims to provide students with a critical thinking about the fundamental concepts and methods of linguistics for the cultural and professional enrichment of the humanistic intellectual. At the end of the course the student must be able to: • describe the basics of language study; • recognize the fundamentals of the syntax of the text and of the information structure • know how to apply the acquired knowledge in the future study career.
Prerequisites and basic notions
Fundamentals of glottology and linguistics.
Students without prior coursework in glottology or linguistics may arrange an alternative program. Regular attendance is strongly encouraged, even if the material initially seems complex.
1. History and current state of the science of language (outlines with anthology of texts).
2. Text linguistics and grammar (lectures commenting on and supplementing the reference texts given in the bibliography).
3. Ideas for research and insights and collaborative workshops
(e.g. lexicon, onomastics, textualization and technology).
4. Individual Reading. For the exam, you are required to read a classic of linguistics to be agreed upon with the professor based on a list provided in the Moodle course or another suitable text of your proposal.
## Historical Sciences: the program can be modified by agreement with the teacher. A possible alternative scheme includes:
1. History of linguistic thought (historical periods of your choice).
2. Language, languages, and ideologies.
3. Onomastics.
(Contributes to objectives 4,7 and 4.c of the 2030 agenda)
Didactic methods
Course activities: Lectures, group readings, online and in-class exercises, seminars.
Missed lessons can be recovered in cooperation with the teacher and fellow students.
Non-attendance: Students who cannot attend regularly should meet with the instructor to arrange an alternative plan.
Learning assessment procedures
- Final interview.
- In-class assignments (absolved during the class period, not to be submitted for the final exam).
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N.B.: § All students, unless they have a justified reason and have consulted with the instructor, are required to prepare for the final interview.
§ All assigned and agreed-upon readings must be thoroughly prepared. All students, including non-attending ones, are required to bring an additional reading of their choice, to be agreed upon with the instructor.
§ For better preparation.
Consider the exam as a whole structured into four blocks:
J- Individual study of the indicated textbook
IJ- Lecture study (notes and moodle materials)
IIJ - Classroom assignments. Students who actively participated are exempt from this part of the final exam. Those who wish to include everything in the exam must discuss the study plan with the lecturer.
IV- Reading. Agreed with the lecturer, it should be given at the exam in 8 min. maximum (strict limit), with or without a projectable aid.
Evaluation criteria
The exam tests and evaluates:
1- knowledge of the content presented and deepened during the lectures and with the prescribed bibliography;;
2- the ability to apply the knowledge learned;
3- the maturity in connecting the proposed topics, in arguing one's answers, and in reflecting critically on them;
4- the property of expression: relevance, promptness, conciseness, accuracy;
5- the degree of independence achieved in finding and comparing the indicated sources and any additional sources for study.
# While considering the complexity of the subject, each of the points will be equally relevant to the final assessment.
Criteria for the composition of the final grade
The final grade depends entirely on the final interview. The ongoing work completes the applicative part of the class and does not affect the final grade.
Exam language