Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Study Plan
The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.
1° Year
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
To be chosen between
2 courses to be chosen between
2° Year activated in the A.Y. 2018/2019
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
University of Augsburg
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
To be chosen between
2 courses to be chosen between
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
University of Augsburg
Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)
TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.
General Linguistics (M) (2017/2018)
Teaching code
Also offered in courses:
- General Linguistics [Sede VR] of the course Master’s degree in Historical Studies (interuniversity)
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
First half of Semester 2 dal Feb 26, 2018 al Apr 21, 2018.
Learning outcomes
The course in General Linguistics, offered for the Master Degree in Tradition and Interpretation of Literary Texts, is designed to:
• Target "consolidation". Strengthen the understanding of the foundations of linguistics, for the professional and cultural training of the figure of the teacher;
• Target "glottological reflection". Synthesize the role of the reflection on language in the history of culture and the contribution to contemporary cultural dynamics from the discipline of language study, its methods, its results, and its new perspectives;
• Target "textus". Introducing text syntax results and methods, starting from the "linguistic" concept of text to concentrate on formal and functional aspects of textuality
The course aims to give the student the ability of a critical use of the concepts and fundamental methods of linguistics for the cultural and professional enrichment of the figure of the intellectual of literary-historical formation.
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• recognize linguistic methods in the analysis of literary and cultural phenomena in general;
• illustrate the basics of languistics;
• know how to apply the acquired knowledge in the course of her/his studying career and in the future.
A knowledge of synchronic and diachronic linguistics at the introductory level is assumed.
It is advisable for those who have never undertaken any linguistic examination to consult the teacher and to use introductory handbooks.
1. Natural language, languages, formal and functional characteristics (natural and internal principles, inter-subjective, social and communicative applications).
2. The structure of the text according to the formal and functional characteristics of language and languages.
(1) Lectures dedicated to the subjects of the course, encouraging active participation of the students with questions and discussions, and providing students interested with readings to be presented to the colleagues during class.
(2) Online tests (e-learning platform) mainly for the target "consolidation".
(3) Non-attending students. Non-attending students are encouraged to contact as soon as possible the teacher who is available to arrange a program as consistent as possible with the targets and ambitions for the attendants and to support the reading and understanding of the material during the preparation.
(4) Attending and non-attending students are encouraged to prepare an individual reading among a choice of “standards of linguistics” for the preparation of the exam. The following list, (entire volumes or only sections), is purely indicative. The teacher is available to agree a reading according to the interests of individual students.
- Boas, F., Introduzione alle lingue degli indiani d'America
- Sapir, E., Il linguaggio. Introduzione alla linguistica
- Morris, C.W., Lineamenti di una teoria dei segni
- Benveniste, É., Problemi di linguistica generale (brani da concordare)
- Chomsky, N., La scienza del linguaggio (brani da concordare)
- Chomsky, N. — Berwick, RC, Perché solo noi. Linguaggio ed evoluzione
- Jakobson, R., Saggi di linguistica generale
- Saussure, F. de, Corso di linguistica generale (brani da concordare)
- Hallyday, M.A.K., Sistema e funzione del linguaggio (brani da concordare)
- Bloomfield, L., Il linguaggio (brani da concordare)
- Graffi, G., Due secoli di pensiero linguistico (brani da concordare)
- Robins, ., Storia della linguistica (brani da concordare)
- Duranti, A., Etnograifa del parlare quotidiano
- Duranti, A., Linguistic Anthropology (brani da concordare)
- Dixon, RMW, Basic Linguistic Theory (brani da concordare)
- Eco, U., Semiotica e filosofia del linguaggio
- Eco, U., Trattato di semiotica generale
- Sbisà, M. (a c. di), Gli atti lingusitici.
- ...
In the section "reference books" you will find resources and titles *useful* for class and exam.
- Rizza, Alfredo. Appunti e materiali di linguistica generale forniti a lezione
- Cecilia Andorno. Linguistica testuale. Un'introduzione. Carocci (CHAP. 1-3)
- a reading of your choice (in Italian, in the original language or in your home language translation) from the "STANDARDS" above
USEFUL BOOK * for refreshing your knowledge *
In Italian: Graffi, Giorgio e Sergio Scalise. Le lingue e il linguaggio. Introduzione alla linguistica. Il Mulino; but you can use any introductory handbook, in your home language as well.
- Cecilia Andorno. Linguistica testuale. Un'introduzione. Carocci
- Colombo, Adriano e Giorgio Graffi. Capire la grammatica. Il contributo della linguistica. Carocci
- a reading of your choice (in Italian, in the original language or in your home language translation) from the "STANDARDS" above
Author | Title | Publishing house | Year | ISBN | Notes |
Rizza, Alfredo e aa.vv. | Appunti e materiali di glottologia generale forniti a lezione o disponibili sul moodle dell'insegnamento | 2017 | |||
Colombo, Adriano e Giorgio Graffi | Capire la grammatica. Il contributo della linguistica | Carocci | 2017 | 9788843088904 | |
Graffi, Giorgio; Scalise, Sergio | Le lingue e il linguaggio. Introduzione alla linguistica (Edizione 3) | Il Mulino, Bologna | 2013 | 9788815241795 | |
Cecilia Andorno | Linguistica testuale. Un'introduzione (Edizione 7) | Carocci | 2015 | 9788843027484 |
Examination Methods
For all students (attending or not attending) the assessment of learning outcomes provides:
• "Tests and assignments in itinere" related to the "consolidation" objectives (very short online test on the e-learning platform) and "glottological reflection" (a short written report on the e-learning platform)
• "Final oral exam" on all subjects of the course, but with particular reference to the objective "textus" and the individual reading of your choice.
• check the status of course learning;
• verify the ability to re-elaborate and deepen.
The exam covers all the topics of the program and is divided into "written tests" and "final oral exam", as indicated above.
The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths, based on the knowledge, the effectiveness and readiness of the answers, the language property.
For Erasmus students, the teacher is available to clarify the how to prepare the exam.