Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Type D and Type F activities
Le attività formative di tipologia D sono a scelta dello studente, quelle di tipologia F sono ulteriori conoscenze utili all’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro (tirocini, competenze trasversali, project works, ecc.). In base al Regolamento Didattico del Corso, alcune attività possono essere scelte e inserite autonomamente a libretto, altre devono essere approvate da apposita commissione per verificarne la coerenza con il piano di studio. Le attività formative di tipologia D o F possono essere ricoperte dalle seguenti attività.
1. Insegnamenti impartiti presso l'Università di Verona
Comprendono gli insegnamenti sotto riportati e/o nel Catalogo degli insegnamenti (che può essere filtrato anche per lingua di erogazione tramite la Ricerca avanzata).
Modalità di inserimento a libretto: se l'insegnamento è compreso tra quelli sottoelencati, lo studente può inserirlo autonomamente durante il periodo in cui il piano di studi è aperto; in caso contrario, lo studente deve fare richiesta alla Segreteria, inviando a il modulo nel periodo indicato.
2. Attestato o equipollenza linguistica CLA
Oltre a quelle richieste dal piano di studi, per gli immatricolati dall'A.A. 2021/2022 vengono riconosciute:
- Lingua inglese: vengono riconosciuti 3 CFU per ogni livello di competenza superiore a quello richiesto dal corso di studio (se non già riconosciuto nel ciclo di studi precedente).
- Altre lingue e italiano per stranieri: vengono riconosciuti 3 CFU per ogni livello di competenza a partire da A2 (se non già riconosciuto nel ciclo di studi precedente).
Tali cfu saranno riconosciuti, fino ad un massimo di 6 cfu complessivi, di tipologia F se il piano didattico lo consente, oppure di tipologia D. Ulteriori crediti a scelta per conoscenze linguistiche potranno essere riconosciuti solo se coerenti con il progetto formativo dello studente e se adeguatamente motivati.
Gli immatricolati fino all'A.A. 2020/2021 devono consultare le informazioni che si trovano qui.
Modalità di inserimento a libretto: richiedere l’attestato o l'equipollenza al CLA e inviarlo alla Segreteria Studenti - Carriere per l’inserimento dell’esame in carriera, tramite mail:
3. Competenze trasversali
Scopri i percorsi formativi promossi dal TALC - Teaching and learning center dell'Ateneo, destinati agli studenti regolarmente iscritti all'anno accademico di erogazione del corso
Modalità di inserimento a libretto: non è previsto l'inserimento dell'insegnamento nel piano di studi. Solo in seguito all'ottenimento dell'Open Badge verranno automaticamente convalidati i CFU a libretto. La registrazione dei CFU in carriera non è istantanea, ma ci saranno da attendere dei tempi tecnici.
4. Periodo di stage/tirocinio
Oltre ai CFU previsti dal piano di studi (verificare attentamente quanto indicato sul Regolamento Didattico): qui informazioni su come attivare lo stage.
Insegnamenti e altre attività che si possono inserire autonomamente a libretto
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
1° 2° | History and Didactics of Geology | D |
Guido Gonzato
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
1° 2° | Python programming language | D |
Giulio Mazzi
Phytopathological biotechnology (2021/2022)
Teaching code
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
The teaching is organized as follows:
Learning outcomes
With the course of Phytopathological Biotechnologies, the student will acquire the following competences:
1. Describe the main phytopathogenic microorganisms
2. Define the concepts of infection, disease, resistance, pathogenicity, virulence and related arguments
3. Deep knowledge regarding the plant-pathogen interaction:
3a. Molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity and virulence
3b. Physiopathological alterations associated with the infectious process, focusing on signals and mechanisms of plant resistance against phytopathogens.
4. Define the concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) with the description of the main methods employed in plant protection.
5. Recognize the main symptoms of some plant diseases presented during the course and their associated microorganisms.
6. Define and apply biotechnological approaches for the improvement of plant resistance against phytopathogens.
MM: teoria
The course will deal with the following themes: 1. General concepts on plant disease 2. Description of the main pathogen agents (fungi, bacteria, phytoplasms, viruses and viroids) with symptom analysis and description: - phytopathogenic fungi and pseudo-fungi: detailed cycle of Plasmopara viticola, Erysiphe necator, Botrytis cinerea, Puccinia graminis. - phytopathogenic bacteria: detailed cycle of Erwinia amylovora, Pseudomonas syringae e Agrobacterium tumefaciens. - phytopathogenic viruses: basic knowledge of the replication process, gene expression, assembly, movement of viral particles in infected plants. Detailed examples: Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), Potato Virus Y (PVY). Viral transmission through vectors. Virus satellite and RNA satellites. The use of viruses as expression vectors. - phytoplasms: basic knowledge and virulence factors. 3. Molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity and virulence of phytopathogenic microorganisms: - pathogenicity factors: description, function, regulation - virulence factors: description, function, regulation - function of Hrp and Avr genes. 4. Plant-pathogen interaction -molecular bases of host specificity: non-host resistance and race-specific resistance -plant-pathogen recognition: the elicitor-receptor model, the guard model, the decoy model 5. Plant resistance against diseases -structure, function and evolution of resistance genes in plants -defense signal transduction in plant resistance -mechanisms of resistance expression and regulation -the defense responses: morpho-structural mechanisms, antimicrobial compound synthesis, the hypersensitive cell death (HR) - post-transcriptional gene silencing as resistance mechanism against viral pathogens - the systemic resistances: signals and molecular mechanisms governing the systemic acquired resistance (SAR), the induced systemic resistance (ISR) and the systemic response to wounding. 6. Biotechnological applications for resistant plant production: transgenic expression of genes from other plants, other organisms or pathogenic agents (pathogen-derived resistance). Practical courses Advanced diagnostic tests applied to phytopathology Production of a hypersensitive reaction Evaluation of bacterial virulence with the use of genetically modified microorganisms Methods for the evaluation and characterization of plant resistance Reference texts -Plant Pathology, Agrios -Fondamenti di Patologia Vegetale, edizione 2017, Pàtron Editore -Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants, Buchanan -Elementi di virologia vegetale, Piccin -Plant Pathology and Plant Diseases, CABI Additional teaching material -Slides of the course (provided later at the end of the lecture) -Scientific articles (references cited during the lectures)
MM: laboratorio
Practical courses: Advanced diagnostic tests applied to phytopathology Production of a hypersensitive reaction Evaluation of bacterial virulence with the use of genetically modified microorganisms Methods for the evaluation and characterization of plant resistance
Examination Methods
MM: teoria
The exam will include two parts: 1. Oral presentation of a scientific article in front of the class. The article is chosen by the students among a list proposed by the teacher or autonomously (approved by the teacher). The articles deal with arguments related to phytopathology themes addressed during the course. Evaluation criteria include the general understanding of the paper, the argument deepening for a proper description of the concept of the presented work (correlated bibliographic research), language skills and capacity to discuss in a critical manner. 2. Written exam with open questions. The aim of this exam is to ascertain that formative objectives described above have been reached. In particular, the following points will be taken into consideration: -the degree of knowledge on the subject; -the language skills related to the subject. The final vote will be attributed considering one third for the article presentation and two thirds for the written exam. Each student will receive a unique final vote including the result of both exam parts. The exam will be the same for all students, independently of their presence to the course.
MM: laboratorio
unique exam (cf theory)