Studying at the University of Verona

Free choice courses

1° semestre From 9/30/19 To 1/10/20
years Modules TAF Teacher
Supplementary research and laboratory diagnostic informations on Autoimmunity D Silvia Sartoris (Coordinator)
2° 3° Access to essential medicines in developing countries D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Exercise testing and prescription for health D Federico Schena (Coordinator)
4° 5° Histopathological and molecular features of gastroenteric and bilio-pancreatic tumors D Claudio Luchini (Coordinator)
4° 5° Coagulation disorders. Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects D Francesca Pizzolo (Coordinator)
Oncologic Imaging D Mirko D'Onofrio (Coordinator)
Neurophysiological investigations for studying sleep and sleep-related disorders D Gaetano Cantalupo (Coordinator)
Scheletal deseases in childhood D Franco Antoniazzi (Coordinator)
5° 6° Medical and Surgical Hepatology D Veronica Paon (Coordinator)
5° 6° Research methodology basis and critical reading of a scientific article D Giuseppe Borzellino (Coordinator)
5° 6° Surgical oncology of the gastrointestinal tract D Corrado Pedrazzani (Coordinator)
5° 6° Complications in surgery: management and prevention D Jacopo Weindelmayer (Coordinator)
5° 6° Basic course ECG and interactive interpretation D Vincenzo Marafioti (Coordinator)
5° 6° Nutritional Epigenomics: a bridge between DNA and disease D Simonetta Friso (Coordinator)
5° 6° Training in family pediatrician setting D Giorgio Piacentini (Coordinator)
5° 6° Management of severe visceral trauma D Giuseppe Borzellino (Coordinator)
5° 6° Surgery of the liver: from the preoperative optimization of the liver to the postoperative care D Calogero Iacono (Coordinator)
5° 6° Literature search using PubMed D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
5° 6° Multiple Sclerosis and demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system: from diagnosis to therapy D Massimiliano Calabrese (Coordinator)
5° 6° Uncommon pancreatic neoplasms D Roberto Salvia (Coordinator)
5° 6° Extracorporeal life support D Alessio Rungatscher (Coordinator)
5° 6° Technologies in Surgery D Roberto Salvia (Coordinator)
5° 6° Sport's Traumatology D Eugenio Vecchini (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Clinical cases in endocrinology and metabolism D Enzo Bonora (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Abdominal wall surgery D Antonino Zago (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° “Role of the Medicine student in a cognitive laboratory for Nursing students” D Federica Canzan (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Physiology and pathophysiology of micturition D Maria Angela Cerruto (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Autism Spectrum Disorders: clinic, etiology, research D Leonardo Zoccante (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Evidence-based medicine: clinicals trials, systematic reivews, meta-analyses and guideline development D Corrado Barbui (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Musculoskeletal Assessment D Luca Idolazzi (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Pigmented cutaneous lesions and melanoma: clinical evaluation and differential diagnosis D Paolo Rosina (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Child development: a neurodevelopmental approach D Alessandro Simonati (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Technologies applied to type 1 diabetes mellitus: towards artificial pancreas D Maddalena Trombetta (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Stem cell transplantation: biological and clinical issues D Mauro Krampera (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Tubercolosis: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, therapy and surveillaince D Michela Conti (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Traditional and laser treatment of chronic venous insufficiency D Alberto Scuro (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Immunophenotyping in normal hematopoiesis and in hematological diseases D Mauro Krampera (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice D Gian Luca Salvagno (Coordinator)
2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Alcoholism D Rebecca Casari (Coordinator)
2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Heroin and cocaine. History, epidemiology, new scenarios, clinical approach, complications. Serts. D Rebecca Casari (Coordinator)
2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Medical and social history of drugs D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° The seminars of the School of Medicine and Surgery 2019-2020 D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
2° semestre 1°- 5° anno From 2/17/20 To 5/29/20
years Modules TAF Teacher
Progress/training test second year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
1° 2° Bioinformatics D Maria Romanelli (Coordinator)
Progress/training test third year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
2° 3° Human retroviruses: HIV and AIDS D Donato Zipeto (Coordinator)
2° 3° Emerging Viruses and zonosis D Donato Zipeto (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Psychological aspects of addiction D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Short history of pharmacology D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Dependence on legal drugs (benzodiazepines and pain killers) D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Doping and doping control D Aldo Eliano Polettini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Gambling D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Tabagism D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° role and management of therapeutic groups in medicine D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° History of surgery D Giovanni Paolo Pollini (Coordinator)
Clinical electrocardiography D Daniele Prati (Coordinator)
Progress/training test fourth year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Surgical anatomy of head and neck D Daniele Marchioni (Coordinator)
Clinical approach to cancer patient D Michele Milella (Coordinator)
Diagnosis and therapy of male urinary incontinence D Salvatore Siracusano (Coordinator)
Clinical ultrasound D Mirko D'Onofrio (Coordinator)
Progress/training test fifth year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
4° 5° Pathophysiological, clinical and therapeutics approach to cardiovascular risk D Anna Maria Fratta Pasini (Coordinator)
4° 5° Off-label use of medicines in clinical practice D Laura Cuzzolin (Coordinator)
4° 5° Pancreatic neoplasms: clinic-pathologic features D Giuseppe Zamboni (Coordinator)
4° 5° Nodule of the thyroid: clinicopathologic correlations D Guido Martignoni (Coordinator)
Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice D Gian Luca Salvagno (Coordinator)
Progress/training test sixth year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Multimodal treatment of Upper GastroIntestinal Maligniancies D Maria Bencivenga (Coordinator)
5° 6° Advanced life support D Katia Donadello (Coordinator)
5° 6° Surgery of pancreas and peryampullary area D Calogero Iacono (Coordinator)
5° 6° Neonatal surgery D Francesco Saverio Camoglio (Coordinator)
5° 6° Clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of retroperitoneal tumors and GIST D Calogero Iacono (Coordinator)
5° 6° Diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant diseases of biliary tree D Andrea Ruzzenente (Coordinator)
5° 6° Emergencies in the extra-hospital environment D Enrico Polati (Coordinator)
5° 6° Management of pain in reumathologic diseases D Davide Gatti (Coordinator)
5° 6° Pancreatic dilemma between inflammation and neoplasia D Antonio Amodio (Coordinator)
5° 6° Introduction to Robotic Surgery D Paolo Fiorini (Coordinator)
5° 6° Literature search using PubMed D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
5° 6° Infection in ICU D Anna Maria Azzini (Coordinator)
5° 6° Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders D Stefano Tamburin (Coordinator)
5° 6° Allergic and immunomediated diseases D Claudio Lunardi (Coordinator)
5° 6° Physicians: their history, their stories D Luca Idolazzi (Coordinator)
5° 6° Experimental microsurgery D Alessio Rungatscher (Coordinator)
5° 6° PAEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS D Elena Manuela Samaila (Coordinator)
5° 6° How to prescribe appropriate antibiotic therapy D Evelina Tacconelli (Coordinator)
5° 6° Neurosurgical emergencies D Alberto Feletti (Coordinator)
5° 6° Clinical senology D Giovanni Paolo Pollini (Coordinator)
5° 6° Minimally invasive (laparoscopic and robot-assisted) surgery in abdominal diseases (videos and dry-lab) D Corrado Pedrazzani (Coordinator)
5° 6° Intra-articular onjection in Rheumatology D Elena Fracassi (Coordinator)
5° 6° Clinical toxicology in the Emergency Department and CBRN events D Giorgio Ricci (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Colordroppler ultrasound of carotid arteries, lower limbs and abdominal vessels D Sergio De Marchi (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Health inequalities and barriers experienced by LGBTI people in accessing health care D Francesco Amaddeo (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Diagnosis in pediatric allergy D Giorgio Piacentini (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Gynecological endocrinology D Paolo Moghetti (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Training to medical humanities D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Tumor immunology and immunomodulation D Stefano Ugel (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery D Francesco Sala (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Mental health in humanitarian settings and in low- and middle-income countries D Corrado Barbui (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Therapy with biologic agents in rheumatic diseases D Ombretta Viapiana (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Tropical Medicine D Zeno Bisoffi (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation D Nicola Smania (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Humanitarian Medicine and Surgery D Roberto Salvia (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Non-pharmacological treatment of pain in surgery: music therapy D Giovanni Paolo Pollini (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Multimodal treatment of pancreatic neoplasms D Giuseppe Malleo (Coordinator)
2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Practical issues in genetic counseling D Alberto Turco (Coordinator)
2° 3° 4° 5° 6° From Darwin to molecular genomics D Alberto Turco (Coordinator)
2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Ethical dilemmas in medical genetics D Alberto Turco (Coordinator)
2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Improving adherence in medicine: the motivational interviewing D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Medical Deontology D Federica Bortolotti (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Women and health D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° The seminars of the School of Medicine and Surgery 2019-2020 D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Medical and antropological emergencies in third world countries D Mariarita Bertoldi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Stress reduction D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
List of courses with unassigned period
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Univero’ 2019 D Not yet assigned

Teaching code





Pietro Minuz



The teaching is organized as follows:





2° semestre 6° anno



Academic staff

Luisa Saiani





See the unit page



Academic staff

See the unit page

Learning outcomes

The teaching program aims to deepen physiopathology, clinical and health care priority issues selected for epidemiological relevance and exemplarity. The main clinical syndromes and organ diseases presenting are considered, both through the presentation of examples as clinical cases and through that rational analysis of problems and therapy modalities. Concerning geriatric syndromes are considered in particular the problems related to clinical instability, especially in chronic illness/disability, and clinical alterations resulting from the aging population and the rise of chronic problems degenerative diseases. The overall approach focuses on the recognition and management of current and potential problems within a framework of continuity in different contexts and on the promotion and development of self-care skills and abilities. At the end of the course the student should reach adequate competence concerning the pathophysiology and treatment of geriatric syndromes, the major organ disease conditions and have a rational approach to medical therapy and the use of medications.
Professional objectives: to be able to interpret symptoms, clinical signs, structural and functional alterations for a global evaluation of personal health condition. To express differential diagnostic hypotheses. To analyze and solve clinical problems of internal medicine with a methodology taking in to account risk-benefits ratio and cost-benefits ratio. To be able of formulate a rational therapeutic programme based on pathophysiological and pharmacological knowledge. To behave kindly and to communicate correctly with patients and their relatives, with colleagues and other sanitary operators on the basis of professional code of conduct and respecting mutual functions.


Teaching programme:

Heart failure in the elderly with comorbidities,

Aatrial fibrillation clinic and therapy

Obesity and its management

Disorders of alimentary habits, diagnosis and treatment focuses on anorexia

Falls and hypotension in the elderly



Thyroid dysfunctions-

Deficiency anemias


Autoimmune hemolytic anemias

Microangiopathic anemia

Treatment monitoring

Prescription error

Treatment with oral direct anticoagulants
Resistant/secondary or otherwise problematic arterial hypertension
Hyponatremia and hypo/hyperkalemia
Peripheral ischaemia (bowel or lower limbs)
TAeatment of following diseases:
Arterial hypertension,
Heart failure,
Ischemic heart disease,
Cerebral vascular disease,
Venous thromboembolism
Peptic disease,
Chronic pancreatitis,
Peripheral artery disease,
Diabetes mellitus,
Bronchial Asthma.
COPD and respiratory infections
Antibiotics against the main infections of other districts,
Rheumatoid arthritis,
Thyroid dysfunctions,
Chrnic and acute pain,
Renal failure,


Reference texts
Author Title Publishing house Year ISBN Notes
Kasper Gl, et al. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 19th Edition, Mc Graw Hill, 2018
Ottavio Bosello, Mauro Zamboni Manuale di Gerontologia e Geriatria (Edizione 1) 978-88-299-2094-5 2011
Alan J. Sinclair - John E. Morley and Bruno Vellas PATHY'S PRINCIPLES AND PRATICE OF GERIATRIC MEDICINE (Edizione 1) Wiley-Blackwell 2012
Corazza Gino Roberto, Perticone Francesco, Violi Francesco SIMI Handbook Terapia Medica (Edizione 1) EDRA 2017
Tammaro A., Manuale di geriatria e gerontologia Ed. McGraw Hill, Milano, ultima edizione.  
Senin Paziente anziano e paziente geriatrico EdiSes, Napoli, ultima ed.  
Reeves S, Pelone F, Harrison R, Goldman J, Zwarenstein M . Interprofessional collaboration to improve professional practice and healthcare outcomes Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2017

Examination Methods

The exam consists of a-multiple choice written test on topics of medical treatment described during the cycle of lectures followed by an oral examination focused on: 1) critical evaluation of the results of the written test; 2) discussion of a clinical case chosen from several structured clinical cases available to teachers.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE