Studying at the University of Verona

Free choice courses

Corsi elettivi 1° semestre From 10/10/16 To 12/22/16
years Modules TAF Teacher
Autoimmunity in Diagnostics and research D Silvia Sartoris (Coordinator)
2° 3° Access to essential medicines in developing countries D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
2° 3° Medical and social history of drugs D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
4° 5° Coagulation disorders. Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects D Domenico Girelli (Coordinator)
Basic course ECG and interactive interpretation D Vincenzo Marafioti (Coordinator)
Neurophysiological investigations for studying sleep and sleep-related disorders D Gaetano Cantalupo (Coordinator)
5° 6° Topics of hepatology from medical and surgical point of view D Franco Capra (Coordinator)
5° 6° Mass casuality incidents - Disaster Medicine D Enrico Polati (Coordinator)
5° 6° Pathophysiology of congenital heart disease D Giovanni Battista Luciani (Coordinator)
5° 6° Surgery of the liver: from the preoperative optimization of the liver to the postoperative care D Calogero Iacono (Coordinator)
5° 6° Multiple Sclerosis and demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system: from diagnosis to therapy D Massimiliano Calabrese (Coordinator)
5° 6° Hematological microscopy D Achille Ambrosetti (Coordinator)
5° 6° Uncommon pancreatic neoplasms D Roberto Salvia (Coordinator)
5° 6° Extracorporeal life support D Alessio Rungatscher (Coordinator)
5° 6° Sicurezza del paziente e gestione del rischio clinico D Gabriele Romano (Coordinator)
5° 6° Technologies in Surgery D Roberto Salvia (Coordinator)
5° 6° Sport's Traumatology D Eugenio Vecchini (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Clinical cases in endocrinology and metabolism D Enzo Bonora (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Abdominal wall surgery D Antonino Zago (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Physiology and pathophysiology of micturition D Maria Angela Cerruto (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Physiopathology of low back pain and degenerative spondiloarthritis D Bruno Magnan (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Pulmonary infections D Angelo Antonio Cazzadori (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Musculoskeletal Assessment D Luca Idolazzi (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Pigmented cutaneous lesions and melanoma: clinical evaluation and differential diagnosis D Paolo Rosina (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Child development: a neurodevelopmental approach D Alessandro Simonati (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Technologies applied to type 1 diabetes mellitus: towards artificial pancreas D Maddalena Trombetta (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Stem cell transplantation: biological and clinical issues D Mauro Krampera (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Tubercolosis: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, therapy and surveillaince D Michela Conti (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Traditional and laser treatment of chronic venous insufficiency D Alberto Scuro (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Immunophenotyping in normal hematopoiesis and in hematological diseases D Mauro Krampera (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice D Gian Luca Salvagno (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° New trends in carotid surgery: traditional surgery, endovascular approach, protection device: when and how to use it D Alberto Scuro (Coordinator)
Progress test 2016 From 11/16/16 To 11/16/16
years Modules TAF Teacher
Progress Test 1st year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Progress Test 2nd year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Progress Test 3rd year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Progress Test 4th year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Progress Test 5th year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Progress Test 6th year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Corsi elettivi 2° semestre From 2/20/17 To 5/26/17
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° Bioinformatics D Maria Romanelli (Coordinator)
2° 3° Molecular biology of emerging viruses D Donato Zipeto (Coordinator)
2° 3° Human retroviruses: HIV and AIDS D Donato Zipeto (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Psychological aspects of addiction D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Short history of pharmacology D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Motivational interviewing D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Dependence on legal drugs (benzodiazepines and pain killers) D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Doping and doping control D Aldo Eliano Polettini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Tabagism D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Medical and antropological emergencies in third world countries D Mariarita Bertoldi (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° History of surgery D Giovanni Paolo Pollini (Coordinator)
Clinical electrocardiography D Daniele Prati (Coordinator)
3° 4° Bacterial persistence in the environment: an issue of medical interest D Maria Del Mar Lleo'Fernandez (Coordinator)
Surgical anatomy of head and neck D Daniele Marchioni (Coordinator)
Clinical approach to cancer patient D Giampaolo Tortora (Coordinator)
Psychosocial rehabilitation D Lorenzo Burti (Coordinator)
4° 5° Off-label use of medicines in clinical practice D Laura Cuzzolin (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° Pancreatic neoplasms: clinic-pathologic features D Giuseppe Zamboni (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° Nodule of the thyroid: clinicopathologic correlations D Guido Martignoni (Coordinator)
5° 6° Advanced life support D Enrico Polati (Coordinator)
5° 6° Clinical arithmology D Luca Tomasi (Coordinator)
5° 6° Surgery of intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tree D Calogero Iacono (Coordinator)
5° 6° Surgery of pancreas and peryampullary area D Calogero Iacono (Coordinator)
5° 6° Neonatal surgery D Francesco Saverio Camoglio (Coordinator)
5° 6° Emergencies in the extra-hospital environment D Enrico Polati (Coordinator)
5° 6° Nutritional Epigenomics: a bridge between DNA and disease D Simonetta Friso (Coordinator)
5° 6° The epilepsies and the epileptic syndromes D Luigi Giuseppe Bongiovanni (Coordinator)
5° 6° Management of pain in reumathologic diseases D Davide Gatti (Coordinator)
5° 6° Pancreatic dilemma between inflammation and neoplasia D Antonio Amodio (Coordinator)
5° 6° Neuropathic pain D Enrico Polati (Coordinator)
5° 6° Postural pain D Luca Giuseppe Dalle Carbonare (Coordinator)
5° 6° Imaging in reumathology D Maurizio Rossini (Coordinator)
5° 6° Introduction to Robotic Surgery D Paolo Fiorini (Coordinator)
5° 6° Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery D Francesco Sala (Coordinator)
5° 6° Literature search using PubMed D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
5° 6° Infection in ICU D Anna Maria Azzini (Coordinator)
5° 6° Therapy with biologic agents in rheumatic diseases D Ombretta Viapiana (Coordinator)
5° 6° Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders D Stefano Tamburin (Coordinator)
5° 6° Scheletal deseases in childhood D Franco Antoniazzi (Coordinator)
5° 6° Psysiopathology of the foot in childhood and in adults D Bruno Magnan (Coordinator)
5° 6° Experimental microsurgery D Alessio Rungatscher (Coordinator)
5° 6° Clinical senology D Giovanni Paolo Pollini (Coordinator)
5° 6° Antibiotic treatment of infectious diseases D Ercole Concia (Coordinator)
5° 6° Intra-articular onjection in Rheumatology D Elena Fracassi (Coordinator)
5° 6° Clinical toxicology in the Emergency Department and CBRN events D Giorgio Ricci (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Aspetti pratici per il controllo delle malattie allergiche e respiratorie in età pediatrica D Attilio Boner (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Colordroppler ultrasound of carotid arteries, lower limbs and abdominal vessels D Sergio De Marchi (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Genetic, biomolecular and histomorphometric diagnosis of skeletal and degenerative diseases. D Luca Giuseppe Dalle Carbonare (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Disorders of iron metabolism. From molecular pathophysiology to the clinic D Domenico Girelli (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Diagnosis in pediatric allergy D Giorgio Piacentini (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Gynecological endocrinology D Paolo Moghetti (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Tumor immunology and immunomodulation D Stefano Ugel (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Tropical Medicine D Michela Conti (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation D Nicola Smania (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Humanitarian Medicine and Surgery D Elda Baggio (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Practical issues in genetic counseling D Alberto Turco (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Women and medicine D Elda Baggio (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice D Gian Luca Salvagno (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Alcoholism D Marco Faccini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Medical Deontology D Federica Bortolotti (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Heroin and cocaine. History, epidemiology, new scenarios, clinical approach, complications. Serts. D Marco Faccini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Introduction to the knowledge of complementary/alternative medicine D Paolo Bellavite (Coordinator)
List of courses with unassigned period
years Modules TAF Teacher
2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Training to medical humanities D Not yet assigned

Teaching code






Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)



Corsi elettivi 2° semestre dal Feb 20, 2017 al May 26, 2017.

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide the knowledge required to describe and identify the pathological pictures of the main diseases of the pancreas, the anatomical and clinical correlations and diagnostic work with particular emphasis on diagnostic techniques cytological, histological and surgical biopsy, immunophenotypic and molecular.
The student will learn the main prognostic and predictive factors of different malignancies and how to correctly interpret the information contained in the histo-cytological report.


1-First meeting: classification of the most important elementary lesions of the esocrine and endocrine pancreas.
2-Second meeting: adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, with illustration of digital slides.
3-Third meeting: cystic neoplasms of the pancreas, focusing in particular on the mucinous cystic neoplasms, with illustration of digital slides.
4-Fourth meeting: endocrine neoplasms of the pancreas, with illustration of digital slides.

Reference texts
Author Title Publishing house Year ISBN Notes
Robbins e Cotran Le basi patologiche delle malattie (due volumi) Elsevier 2010

Examination Methods

Certification on the base rate.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE