Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Academic calendar
The academic calendar shows the deadlines and scheduled events that are relevant to students, teaching and technical-administrative staff of the University. Public holidays and University closures are also indicated. The academic year normally begins on 1 October each year and ends on 30 September of the following year.
Course calendar
The Academic Calendar sets out the degree programme lecture and exam timetables, as well as the relevant university closure dates..
Period | From | To |
Sem. 1A | Sep 26, 2022 | Nov 5, 2022 |
Sem. 1B | Nov 14, 2022 | Dec 23, 2022 |
Sem. 2A | Feb 13, 2023 | Mar 30, 2023 |
Sem. 2B | Apr 11, 2023 | May 27, 2023 |
Session | From | To |
Sessione Invernale | Jan 9, 2023 | Feb 11, 2023 |
Sessione Estiva | Jun 5, 2023 | Jul 22, 2023 |
Sessione Autunnale | Aug 28, 2023 | Nov 23, 2023 |
Sessione straordinaria invernale | Jan 8, 2024 | Feb 17, 2024 |
Session | From | To |
Sessione Estiva | Jul 10, 2023 | Jul 15, 2023 |
Sessione Autunnale | Nov 6, 2023 | Nov 11, 2023 |
Sessione invernale | Apr 2, 2024 | Apr 8, 2024 |
Period | From | To |
Festa di Ognissanti | Nov 1, 2022 | Nov 1, 2022 |
Festività Della Immacolata Concezione | Dec 8, 2022 | Dec 8, 2022 |
Vacanze natalizie | Dec 24, 2022 | Jan 8, 2023 |
Vacanze di Pasqua | Apr 7, 2023 | Apr 10, 2023 |
Festa della Liberazione | Apr 25, 2023 | Apr 25, 2023 |
Festa del lavoro | May 1, 2023 | May 1, 2023 |
Festa del Santo Patrono | May 21, 2023 | May 21, 2023 |
Festa della Repubblica | Jun 2, 2023 | Jun 2, 2023 |
Chiusura estiva | Aug 14, 2023 | Aug 19, 2023 |
Exam calendar
Exam dates and rounds are managed by the relevant Humanistic Studies Teaching and Student Services Unit.
To view all the exam sessions available, please use the Exam dashboard on ESSE3.
If you forgot your login details or have problems logging in, please contact the relevant IT HelpDesk, or check the login details recovery web page.
Academic staff
Study Plan
The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.
1° Year
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
2° Year activated in the A.Y. 2023/2024
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)
TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.
Type D and Type F activities
I 9 crediti liberi a scelta dello studente (ambito “D”) hanno lo scopo di offrire allo studente la possibilità di personalizzare il proprio percorso formativo permettendo di approfondire uno o più argomenti di particolare interesse legati al proprio percorso accademico.
Per garantire questo fine, si invitano gli studenti a rispettare le seguenti indicazioni per il completamento di tale ambito:
- almeno un’attività formativa erogata come esame universitario (con relativo voto in trentesimi) selezionato tra le attività del proprio piano non seguite in precedenza o fra gli insegnamenti dei CdLM del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane;
- massimo 6 cfu relativi a competenze linguistiche (oltre a quelli previsti dal PdS);
- massimo 6 cfu relativi a competenze informatiche (oltre a quelli previsti dal PdS);
- massimo 4 cfu di tirocinio, (oltre a quelli previsti dal PdS);
- massimo 6 cfu di attività laboratoriale/esercitazioni (compresi quelli previsti nei PdS per l’ambito) di regola viene riconosciuto 1 cfu ogni 25 ore di attività;
- massimo 6 cfu di attività seminariale/convegni/cicli di incontri/formative in genere (sia accreditata dal Dipartimento di Scienze Umane che extrauniversitaria) – di regola viene riconosciuto 1 cfu ogni 8 ore di partecipazione e/o 2 giornate salvo diversamente deliberato;
- non vengono valutate attività svolte in Erasmus non inserite nei Learning Agreement.
Altre informazioni sono reperibili nella Guida per i crediti liberi che è possibile trovare quì.
Scopri i percorsi formativi promossi dal Teaching and learning centre dell'Ateneo, destinati agli studenti iscritti ai corsi di laurea, volti alla promozione delle competenze trasversali:
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
1° 2° | Learning and communication in educational settings: planning of interventions | D |
Daniela Raccanello
1° 2° | EXPOSED BODIES - Diotima seminar | D |
Rosanna Cima
1° 2° | Human Resources Functions (2022/2023) | D |
Andrea Ceschi
1° 2° | Interventi di comunita': tecniche per la risoluzione relazionale dei conflitti | D |
Anna Maria Meneghini
1° 2° | Neuropsychology Laboratory | D |
Valentina Moro
1° 2° | The individual and organizational assessment : a guide to the main psychological tests | D |
Barbara Giacominelli Gasbarro
1° 2° | Being and well-being in the workplace: promoting organizational well-being starting from the prevention of psychosocial risks. | D |
Riccardo Sartori
1° 2° | Summer school: human sciences and society - (HSAS) – 2022/2023 | D |
Federica De Cordova
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
1° 2° | Business English for everybody | D |
Manuel Boschiero
1° 2° | Russian for everybody | D |
Maria Gabriella Landuzzi
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
1° 2° | APsyM workshop on quantitative data analysis | D |
Margherita Brondino
1° 2° | Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) focus groups | D |
Riccardo Sartori
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
1° 2° | Interventi e tecniche per lo sviluppo di comunita' | D |
Anna Maria Meneghini
1° 2° | APsyM workshop on quantitative data analysis | D |
Margherita Brondino
1° 2° | Mindfulness and nature. Feeling better at work. Nature-based mindfulness practices for coping with stress in the workplace | D |
Margherita Pasini
1° 2° | University and DSA: Methods and strategies for studying and studying at university | D |
Ivan Traina
1° 2° | Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) focus groups | D |
Riccardo Sartori
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
1° 2° | Ethics in psychology | D |
Elena Trifiletti
1° 2° | The Talks of EThoS Research Centre | D |
Carlo Chiurco
Thinking and Reasoning (2023/2024)
Teaching code
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
Sem. 2A dal Feb 19, 2024 al Mar 29, 2024.
Courses Single
Learning objectives
- Understand the known principles underlying the processes of thinking, reasoning, problem solving and decision making that guide the behavior of individuals and groups.
- Apply the known principles underlying the processes of thinking, reasoning, problem solving and decision making that guide the behavior of individuals and groups.
The course will consider the main theories of thinking and reasoning, including logical, probabilistic, and analogical reasoning. A significant part of the course will be dedicated to the study of research related to cognitive biases and decision making, referring to theories and models on the automatic vs reflective functions of thinking activity. The teaching has the following specific training objectives:
- understand the known principles underlying the processes of thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making that guide the behavior of individuals and groups;
- apply the known principles underlying the processes of thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making that guide the behavior of individuals and groups;
- analyze the differences between human thinking and algorithmic processes.
Prerequisites and basic notions
No prior knowledge is required
- Automatic mind vs serial mind
- System 1 vs System 2
- Interactions between system 1 and system 2
- Interactions: seeing vs knowing
- Interactions: the search for a compromise
- Cognitive effort and mental laziness
- Cognitive effort and mydriasis
- More on cognitive effort
- Optimal cognitive effort
- Cognitive effort and self-control
- The depletion of the self
- Depletion of the ego and blood glucose
- The lazy system 2
- Relationship between intelligence, control and rationality
- The associative mechanism (of system 1)
- The priming effect
- The ideomotor priming effect
- The reversed ideomotor priming effect
- Priming and stimuli
- The Lady Macbeth effect
- Cognitive fluency
- Cognitive fluidity, memory illusions and déjà vu
- Illusions of truth
- How to be persuasive
- Tension and cognitive effort
- The pleasure of cognitive fluency
- The exposure effect
- Creativity, fluency, mood and intuition
- Surprise and normality
- Communication and normality
- Causality and intention
- Jump to intuitive conclusions and mistakes
- Jump to conclusions, context and recency
- Belief bias
- Confirmation bias
- Bias "halo effect"
- WYSIATI: What You See Is All There Is
- WYSIATI and judgment and choice bias
- How are judgments formed?
- Basic evaluations (series and prototypes)
- Intensity matching
- The "mental smack"
- Heuristic substitution of questions
- 3D heuristics
- Heuristics of mood and happiness
- Heuristics of affection
- The difficult relationship between the mind and statistics
- Variability
- The law of small numbers
- The bias of certainty with respect to doubt
- Cause and case
- Cause, case and cognitive illusions
- Anchoring effect
- Anchoring effect as adjustment and as priming
- The anchor index
- Reasonableness / randomness of the anchor
- Anchoring and arbitrary rationing
- Anchoring and threats
- Estimate the frequency of a category
- Availability heuristics
- Availability heuristics, emotion and risk
- Audience vs experts
- Cascade of availability
- The risk assessment
- The evaluation of probability
- A priori probability and heuristics of representativeness
- The ambiguities of the heuristic of representativeness
- Representativeness heuristics and system 2
- Disciplining intuition to Bayesian logic
- Heuristics vs logic: less is more
- Fallacy of the conjunction
- Persuasive vs probable
- Single evaluation vs joint evaluation
- Probability, money and joint evaluation
- Probability vs frequency
- The causes beat the statistics
- Random stereotypes
- Statistical and random a priori probabilities
- Do you teach more "from general to particular" or "from particular to general"?
- Regression towards the average
- Understanding regression
- Regressive considerations
- Correct intuitive predictions
- Non-regressive intuitions
- A test for the correction of intuitive predictions
- Excessive security: the illusion of understanding
- The hindsight and past states of knowledge
- The hindsight bias and the result bias
- The recipes of success and halo effect
- The illusion of validity
- The illusion of skill
- The illusion of the gurus
- Insights against formulas
- Multiple vs unweighted regression
- Hostility (of clinicians) towards algorithms
- The man-machine moral issue
- How to make good predictions: build a simple algorithm
- Expert intuition, intuition as recognition
- Acquire competence
- Doubts about expert intuition
- Expert intuition vs algorithms
- Regularities easily or hardly discovered: the role of feedback
- Evaluate the validity of an intuition
- Internal vs external vision
- The fallacy of planning
- The optimistic bias
- Excessive security
- The positivity of optimism
- The "pre-mortem" method
- Choices and theories
- The theory of utility learned
- The position of Bernoulli
- The theory of the prospect
- Bernoulli's mistake
- Aversion to loss
- The blind spots of prospect theory
- The reference point
- Dotation effect
- Negative events
- The asymmetric intensity of the motivations
- Subjective reference and aversion to loss
- Weights and probabilities
- Change the odds
- Possibility effect and certainty effect
- We are willing to pay for uncertainty
- Decision-making weights
- The 4-cell scheme
- Rare events
- Overestimation and overweight
- Vibrance of representation
- Carelessness for the denominator
- The power of the format
- Framing
- The tilt effect
- Inclination and fallacy effect of sunk costs
- The regret
- Blame
- Emotions, regret and guilt
- The importance of contrasting alternatives
- The inversions of preference
- Categories of judgment and intensity matching
- Framing effect
- Good and bad frames
- Experience and memory
- Happy ending and coincidences
- Well-being
Didactic methods
Frontal teaching. Video recordings of the lectures will be made available in the Panopto box in the elearning/moodle section of the course.
Learning assessment procedures
The examination taken during an official call will consist of a written test with thirty multiple-choice questions to be taken in 30 minutes (3 answer alternatives of which only one is correct).
Evaluation criteria
For the purposes of the final grade expressed in thirtieths, a correct answer has a value of 1 point, an incorrect answer has a value of 0 points, an answer not given has a value of 0 points.
Criteria for the composition of the final grade
For the purposes of the final grade expressed in thirtieths, a correct answer has a value of 1 point, an incorrect answer has a value of 0 points, an answer not given has a value of 0 points.
Exam language
Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs
This initiative contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030. More information on sustainabilityCareer prospects
Module/Programme news
News for students
There you will find information, resources and services useful during your time at the University (Student’s exam record, your study plan on ESSE3, Distance Learning courses, university email account, office forms, administrative procedures, etc.). You can log into MyUnivr with your GIA login details: only in this way will you be able to receive notification of all the notices from your teachers and your secretariat via email and also via the Univr app.
Modalità e sedi di frequenza
La frequenza non è obbligatoria.
Maggiori dettagli in merito all'obbligo di frequenza vengono riportati nel Regolamento del corso di studio disponibile alla voce Regolamenti nel menu Il Corso. Anche se il regolamento non prevede un obbligo specifico, verifica le indicazioni previste dal singolo docente per ciascun insegnamento o per eventuali laboratori e/o tirocinio.
È consentita l'iscrizione a tempo parziale. Per saperne di più consulta la pagina Possibilità di iscrizione Part time.
Le sedi di svolgimento delle lezioni e degli esami sono le seguenti
- Polo Zanotto (vicino si trova il Palazzo di Lettere)
- Palazzo ex Economia
- Polo Santa Marta
- Istituto ex Orsoline
- Palazzo Zorzi (Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 17 - 37129 Verona)
- Chiostro Santa Maria delle Vittorie, Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 41
Title | Info File |
Adempimenti amministrativi domanda di laurea Marzo/Aprile 2025 a.a.2023/2024 | pdf, it, 109 KB, 12/07/24 |
Adempimenti amministrativi domanda di laurea Novembre 2024 - a.a. 2023/2024 | pdf, it, 112 KB, 14/05/24 |
List of thesis proposals
Student mentoring
Gestione carriere
Linguistic training CLA
Practical information for students
Title | Info File |
1 - Guida per lo studente - AGGIORNAMENTO 2022 | pdf, it, 325 KB, 16/07/24 |
2 - Guida per lo studente - AGGIORNAMENTO 2020 | pdf, it, 212 KB, 02/05/23 |
3 - Guida per lo studente - AGGIORNAMENTO 2013 | pdf, it, 131 KB, 02/05/23 |
Stage e Tirocini
Lo/a studente/essa tirocinante curricolare sarà chiamato/a svolgere, presso gli Enti che lo ospitano, attività che prevedono competenze associate alla figura professionale dello Psicologo, in particolare lo Psicologo per la formazione, e nello specifico:
- attività di progettazione, realizzazione e valutazione dell’efficacia di interventi di percorsi formativi, nonché attività volte alla facilitazione dell'apprendimento nel ciclo di vita, in particolare in contesti organizzativi;
- attività che prevedano l’analisi delle relazioni interpersonali, dei contesti organizzativi e delle pratiche lavorative;
- attività che prevedano la gestione di processi organizzativi complessi, per lo sviluppo e la valorizzazione delle persone all'interno delle organizzazioni;
- attività di progettazione, realizzazione e valutazione di interventi psicologici volti all’orientamento scolastico e professionale;
- attività che prevedono l’uso di tecniche e strumenti di analisi delle situazioni e dei contesti, di raccolta di informazioni, e di interpretazione dei risultati, principalmente in relazione ai contesti organizzativi.
Tali attività si svolgono in Aziende ed Enti accreditati presso l’Ateneo. Lo/la studente/essa sarà seguito da un tutor accademico e da un tutor aziendale. Alle attività di tirocinio sono attribuiti n. 9 CFU (pari a 225 ore).
Linee Guida per lo Svolgimento dei Tirocini Curriculari
- Tutte le informazioni in merito agli stage per futuri studenti sono disponibili alla pagina Stage e tirocini.
- Tutte le informazioni in merito agli stage per studenti iscritti sono pubblicate in MyUnivr - come fare per - stage e tirocini.
- Tutte le informazioni in merito agli stage per le aziende sono disponili alla pagina Stage e tirocini per azienze.