The programme
This section provides a comprehensive overview of the degree programme, including details on its structure, regulations, and additional resources. It also introduces the University’s Quality Assurance system and outlines the Student Orientation services available to prospective students, aimed at guiding them in selecting the most suitable course.
The newly updated Student Orientation Office website is designed to provide a more comprehensive and user-friendly service. The primary users are secondary school students exploring the University for the first time, along wiht0 high schools’ University Orientation Services which organise activities to assist graduating students in their post-diploma decisions. The orientation process helps prospective students plan and select the best options that align with their expectations, preferences, and aspirations.
More details: (italian page)
Telephone number 0458028000 (tasto 1)
Sportello telefonico 0458028000 (tasto 1) : dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle ore 9:00 alle 13:00.
Find out moreCourse of study in brief
The Master’s degree in Economics and Data Analysis, entirely taught in English, provides students with the main theoretical and empirical tools for economic and data analysis, necessary in an ever-changing and openly international economic environment. The programme trains graduates to be able to critically interpret economic phenomena at local and international level, and use the main modern empirical techniques for business and market analysis.
Students will be able to develop such skills upon completion of an interdisciplinary programme which includes, in the first year, core modules on microeconomic theory and its applications, mathematical and computational tools, public economics and international economic regulation, as well as on advanced data analysis and management, and econometrics.
In the second year, the following subject areas will be covered: macroeconomic and financial analysis, risk and investment management, international business management practices, procedures and models useful in development economics, health and environmental economics, and project evaluation and financing. In addition to the analysis of economic problems, topics in advanced statistical and econometric analysis will be explored, focusing for instance on forecast analysis and economic applications of machine learning methodologies.
The programme also includes modules taught by guest lecturers from international universities, as well as seminars and meetings with guest speakers and professionals of leading institutions and companies. In addition, the programme supports students wishing to enhance their transferable skills in view of their future professional life by granting academic recognition of university credits to those who attend the relevant courses offered by the University or other institutions.
The programme also benefits from the opportunity of a double degree programme with the MSc in International Economic Policy at the University of Wurzburg. Students enrolled in the double degree programme will take the first year at the University of Verona and the second year at the University of Wurzburg.
Core features:
-Two-year MSc programme
-All courses are taught in English
-Interactive learning environment: tutorials, labs, project works, e-learning support
-International lecturers
-Tutorship by academic staff
-Links with international universities with dedicated exchange programmes or double degree.
-Coordination of internships management
For further information on the course programme please contact:
Career opportunities
Thanks to the skills developed during the programme, graduates will be able to hold managerial or research-oriented positions in international companies, consulting firms, public or private institutions. Economic analysis and management specialists and Business and market analysts are the main professional roles for graduates in Economics and Data Analysis. This programme also provides students with the strong economic and quantitative background necessary for graduates who wish to continue their studies in a PhD programme in Economics.
Information for Bachelor’s graduates applying for this programme
SSD (Scientific-disciplinary sectors) requirements:
- 12 CFU (ECTS credits) from Mathematics and Statistics subjects.From the following Scientific-disciplinary sectors: from SECS-S/01 to SECS-S06; from MAT/01 to MAT/09;
- 48 CFU (ECTS credits) mainly from Economics, Management, Law, Mathematics and Statistics subjects also including Physics, Engineering, Informatics subjectsFrom the following Scientific-disciplinary sectors: from SECS-P/01 to SECS-P/13; from SECS-S/01 to SECS-S/06; INF/01; from IUS/01 to IUS/17; IUS/21; from MAT/01 to MAT/09; from FIS/01 to FIS/08; from ING-INF/01 to ING-INF/07; from ING-IND/03 to ING-IND/20; from ING-IND/23 to ING-IND/27; from ING-IND/31 a ING-IND/35; from SPS/01 to SPS/14.
Language requirements: English language certification (or equivalent qualification), minimum B2 level (CEFR - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) or equivalent certifications.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (or equivalent) not lower than a grade equivalent to 22/30 in the Italian grading scale (that considers a minimum pass grade of 18/30 and a maximum grade of 30/30).
Students can undertake a mobility period abroad for study or internship as part of an international mobility programme. During their studies in Verona, students are offered opportunities to interact with professionals and guest speakers, and will be able to take part in seminars, case studies and group work, project work, and professional courses. Tutoring and counselling services are provided, as well as career service initiatives. Assistance for students with disabilities is always available.
Student support benefits, scholarships and reduced tuition fees are available based on merit and financial bases. For more information on the organisational aspects of the programme, please contact the relevant Teaching and Student Services Unit.
For further information on entry requirements please contact:
For information on the assessment of foreign qualifications and admissions procedures please contact:
For Information on tuition fees and general information for international students please refer to:
Students coming from extra-EU countries should refer to the call for application for pre-admission and students support and benefits available at:
- Degree type Corsi di laurea Magistrale
- Duration 2 years
Part-time Study option available
- Admissions Subject to entry requirements
Degree class
Admitted to PA project 110 cum laude
- Administrative headquarters verona
- Locations for lessons and exams Map of the Locations
- Language English
- Double Degree
Un elemento caratterizzante dei laureati nel corso di studi è lutilizzo di strumenti di analisi dei dati per la valutazione di politiche e lanalisi dei mercati.
Grazie alla lingua veicolo e alla qualità della preparazione che si prefigge di soddisfare gli standard internazionali, il laureato magistrale in Economics and Data Analysis sarà in grado di competere per posizioni lavorative di responsabilità anche in ambito europeo.
Il corso si contraddistingue per l'attenzione agli aspetti metodologici e applicativi nell'ambito delle scienze economiche e per lo sviluppo di competenze quantitative e di analisi dei dati. Pertanto, il laureato acquisirà elevata padronanza degli strumenti di teoria economica, di politica economica e di economia pubblica, a cui si assoceranno quelli matematico-statistici, di economia applicata ed in generale di analisi dei dati. Gli strumenti di analisi aziendale e la conoscenza dei principi e istituti del diritto internazionale costituiscono basi complementari.
Il laureato sarà in possesso degli strumenti matematici e statistici necessari per l'uso e l'interpretazione dei dati e avrà conoscenze economiche, teoriche ed applicate, volte alla soluzione dei problemi del territorio e dei mercati e le conoscenze amministrative e aziendali per individuare e comprendere i problemi di gestione del rischio e i temi della governance societaria.
Nel primo anno il percorso formativo spazia dalle discipline microeconomiche con particolare attenzione ai temi di analisi del mercato, ai comportamenti di consumatori e imprese alle recenti teorie comportamentali, all'analisi delle decisioni strategiche, alleconomia pubblica, alla matematica economico-aziendale con approfondimenti relativi all'utilizzo di metodi computazionali, agli strumenti di gestione ed analisi dei dati, all'econometria, senza tralasciare gli aspetti giuridici legati alla legislazione economica internazionale.
Il secondo anno propone approfondimenti di macroeconomia e finanza nonché su alcuni aspetti cruciali di economia aziendale legati all'analisi di business e management internazionale ed alla valutazione e gestione degli investimenti e del rischio aziendale. Inoltre sviluppa analisi di politica economica ed economia pubblica legate allo sviluppo economico, all'economia ambientale e sanitaria ed al finanziamento e valutazione di progetti. Sono sviluppati temi di analisi dei dati attraverso l'analisi delle serie storiche con applicazioni nel campo della finanza, dell'analisi previsionale per le imprese e delle decisioni di politica economica. Sarà possibile inoltre approfondire sia dal punto di vista teorico che applicativo le più recenti tecniche di machine-learning applicate a temi di natura economica.
Funzione in un contesto di lavoro: - Analisi micro e macroeconomica - Analisi economico industriale e dello sviluppo - Analisi politico sociale - Analisi dell'economia del settore pubblico - Analisi dell'economia sanitaria ed ambientale - Valutazione e progettazione del finanziamento di iniziative pubbliche di rilevante interesse - Gestione di aziende e istituzioni ad alto livello di internazionalizzazione
Competenze associate alla funzione: Il corso permette di acquisire competenze, a forte caratterizzazione modellistico quantitativa e di analisi dei dati, che a partire dallo studio avanzato della micro e macro economia consentono l'analisi delle dinamiche economiche dei mercati nel contesto nazionale e internazionale e l'analisi degli interventi pubblici nell'economia. La formazione comprende l'acquisizione di competenze riferite a teorie e a strumenti di analisi economica, di economia industriale e dello sviluppo locale, di economia pubblica, sanitaria ed ambientale e di analisi dei progetti di investimento. Gli strumenti utilizzati coprono l'utilizzo di metodologie computazionali, metodi di gestione ed analisi dei dati, strumenti econometrici e statistici avanzati e metodologie teoriche economiche.
Sbocchi occupazionali: La capacità di studiare in un quadro rigoroso in cui si devono poter individuare e focalizzare, secondo consolidate teorie e modellistiche, gli obiettivi, vincoli e scelte di individui, di imprese, e di istituzioni è un elemento determinante per l'inserimento del laureato magistrale come - consulente economico nelle carriere manageriali in imprese o enti di dimensioni medio/grandi a elevata internazionalizzazione. - analista ed esperto di ricerca economica sia in istituzioni private e pubbliche di ricerca Cultura economico quantitativa, apertura pluridisciplinare, conoscenza della lingua inglese consentiranno ai laureati di affrontare con fiducia i compiti connessi a sbocchi professionali offerti da: - istituzioni nazionali e internazionali interessate all'analisi economico-finanziaria, alle scelte politico-sociali, - imprese nazionali ed internazionali interessate all'analisi economico-finanziaria ed alla valutazione dei vari tipi e livelli di rischio.
Funzione in un contesto di lavoro: - Analisi di mercato - Attività di consulenza in ambito economico-finanziario e statistico per imprese o società di consulenza - Analisi degli investimenti - Valutazione e progettazione del finanziamento di iniziative private di rilevante interesse
Competenze associate alla funzione: Il corso permette di acquisire competenze, a forte caratterizzazione modellistico quantitativa e di analisi dei dati, che permettono di padroneggiare l'analisi dei mercati, delle performance d'impresa e le valutazioni di investimenti privati sia nel contesto nazionale che internazionale. Gli strumenti utilizzati coprono l'utilizzo di metodologie computazionali, metodi di gestione ed analisi dei dati, strumenti econometrici e statistici avanzati per l'analisi economica delle performance di impresa e l'analisi dei mercati, metodologie di classificazione dei dati e di reporting.
Sbocchi occupazionali: Le competenze sviluppate nel campo dell'analisi dei dati permetteranno di operare nel contesto di: - società di consulenza private per l'analisi dei dati aziendali, in posizioni quali per esempio di business analyst o risk analyst.
Governing bodies
Quality Assurance
The quality of a degree programme is the extent to which it achieves its educational objectives and meets the quality requirements of the educational activities offered, which are determined in line with the needs and expectations of students and representatives of the world of work.
- periodic consultations with representatives of the world of work to assess the adequacy of the cultural and professional profiles offered in their courses;
- design of educational contents and planning of resources;
- organisation of educational activities and teaching services;
- monitoring the effectiveness of teaching and planning measures to improve teaching and services;
- provision of complete and up-to-date information on its website, relating to the programme (professional roles, expected learning outcomes, learning activities).
In a Quality Assurance system, students play a fundamental role: each student can play their part by participating in the Quality Assurance groups of their degree programme and in the Faculty-Student Joint Committees or, more simply, by taking part in the Student Survey on teaching, or questionnaires. It’s in this context that specific workshops for student representatives (‘Laboratori di rappresentanza attiva’) are periodically made available to students by the University and the University’s Quality Assurance Board. To find out more, please see the relevant section.
Il sistema di valutazione universitario e il ruolo dello studente
by Prof. Graziano Pravadelli: a lecture recorded on the occasion of the January 2021 workshop for student representatives.
QA bodies
QA in degree programmes
QA activities
Degree Programme description and regulations
Not yet available
The Degree programme teaching regulations, published on june/july set out the organisational aspects of the degree programme, in line with the University’s teaching regulations. It includes general information about the programme, links to the relevant module web pages and specifies the administrative aspects.
Other Rules
The Italian University system
First-cycle degrees: Bachelor’s degree programme
First-cycle degrees are aimed at enabling students to achieve a command of general scientific methods and content, and to acquire specific professional knowledge.Admission requirements: secondary school diploma after completing 13 years of study in total and passing the relevant State examination, or equivalent foreign qualification; admission may be subject to further assessment.
Duration: three years.
Graduation: in order to obtain the degree, it is necessary to gain at least 180 CFU; doing an internship and preparing a dissertation/thesis may also be required. Upon completion of a Bachelor’s degree, graduates may continue their studies by enrolling in a Master’s degree or other second-cycle degree programmes and courses.
Academic title: upon completion of a Bachelor’s degree (Laurea), graduates are awarded the title of “Dottore”.
Second-cycle degrees: Master’s degree
Second-cycle degrees aim to provide students with an advanced training and knowledge to take on highly-skilled roles.Admission requirements: applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree, or a foreign equivalent qualification; curricular admission requirements for each course may vary depending on each University.
Duration: two years.
Graduation: in order to obtain the degree, it is necessary to gain at least 120 CFU, as well as preparing and presenting a dissertation/thesis.
Academic title: upon completion of a Master’s degree (Laurea Magistrale), graduates are awarded the title of “Dottore magistrale”. Single cycle/Combined Bachelor+Master’s degrees
Some courses (Medicine and Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy, Architecture and Building Engineering-Architecture, Law, Primary Education) are offered as Single cycle/Combined Bachelor+Master’s degrees (Corsi di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico).
Admission requirements: applicants must hold a secondary school diploma or equivalent foreign qualification; admission is subject to passing an admission test.
Duration: five years (six years and 360 CFU for Medicine and Surgery, and Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics).
Graduation: in order to obtain the degree, it is necessary to gain at least 300 CFU, as well as preparing and presenting a dissertation/thesis. Upon completion of a Single-cycle degree, graduates may continue their studies by applying for a PhD programme (Dottorato di Ricerca) or other third-cycle courses.
Academic title: upon completion of a Master’s degree (Laurea Magistrale), graduates are awarded the title of “Dottore magistrale”.
Third-cycle degrees
PhD programmes: these courses enable students to gain reliable methodologies for advanced scientific research through innovative methodologies and new technologies, and generally include internships abroad and lab activities at research laboratories. Graduates wishing to apply for a PhD programme must have a Master’s degree (or a foreign equivalent qualification) and pass an open competition; PhD programmes have a minimum duration of three years. In order to complete the programme, students must produce a research thesis/dissertation and present it at a final examination.Academic title: upon completion of a PhD programme, students are awarded the title of “Dottore di ricerca”, or “PhD”.
Postgraduate specialisation courses: these are third-cycle courses aimed at enabling students to develop advanced knowledge and highly-specialised skills, such as in the medical, clinical and surgical fields. To be admitted to these courses, applicants must have a Master’s degree (or a foreign equivalent qualification) and pass an open competition. Postgraduate specialisation courses may last from two (120 CFU) to 6 years (360 CFU) depending on the type. Academic title: upon completion of this programme, graduates are awarded a “Diploma di Specializzazione”.
Professional Master’s programme
1st-level Professional Master’s programmes: these courses enable students to further enhance their scientific knowledge and professional skills. In order to apply, applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree, or foreign equivalent qualification. The minimum duration is one year (60 CFU). Please note that completing this course will not provide you with direct access to a PhD programme (Dottorato di Ricerca), or other third-cycle courses, as these courses are run and managed by each University at the local level. Upon completion of this programme, students are awarded a “Master universitario di primo livello”.2nd-level Professional Master’s programmes: these courses enable students to further enhance their scientific knowledge and professional skills. In order to apply, applicants must have a Master’s degree, or foreign equivalent qualification. The minimum duration is one year (60 CFU). Please note that completing this course will not provide you with direct access to a PhD programme (Dottorato di Ricerca), or other third-cycle courses, as these courses are run and managed by each University at the local level. Upon completion of this programme, students are awarded a “Master universitario di secondo livello”.
Other useful things
Crediti Formativi Universitari (CFU/ECTS credits): Italian university courses are based on the CFU system. 1 CFU is equal to 25 hours of study. The average annual academic workload for a full-time student is generally assumed to be 60 CFU. CFU and ECTS credits serve the same purpose and generally have the same value.Degree class: Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes that have the same learning objectives and activities are grouped into “degree classes". The educational content of each programme is set autonomously by each university; however, universities are required to include certain educational activities (and the corresponding number of CFU credits) set at the national level. These requirements are established in relation to each degree class. Degrees in the same class have the same legal value.
Double/Joint degrees: the Italian universities may establish degree programmes in partnership with other Italian or foreign universities. Upon completion of these courses, graduates are awarded a joint or double/multiple degree, one from each Partner University.