Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

Academic calendar

The academic calendar shows the deadlines and scheduled events that are relevant to students, teaching and technical-administrative staff of the University. Public holidays and University closures are also indicated. The academic year normally begins on 1 October each year and ends on 30 September of the following year.

Academic calendar

Course calendar

The Academic Calendar sets out the degree programme lecture and exam timetables, as well as the relevant university closure dates..

Definition of lesson periods
Period From To
1° periodo lezioni (1A) Sep 18, 2023 Oct 28, 2023
1° periodo lezioni (1B) Nov 6, 2023 Dec 15, 2023
2° periodo lezioni (2A) Feb 12, 2024 Mar 22, 2024
2° periodo lezioni (2B) Apr 3, 2024 May 23, 2024
Exam sessions
Session From To
Prove parziali 9/12 CFU - Prove finali 6 CFU del periodo 1A Oct 30, 2023 Nov 4, 2023
1° appello invernale - dicembre 2023 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 22, 2023
Sessione invernale - 2 appelli Jan 9, 2024 Feb 10, 2024
Prove parziali 9/12 CFU - Prove finali 6 CFU del periodo 2A Mar 23, 2024 Mar 28, 2024
Appello riservato a studenti fuori corso Mar 23, 2024 Mar 28, 2024
Sessione estiva - 3 appelli May 24, 2024 Jul 26, 2024
Sessione autunnale - 1 appello Aug 22, 2024 Sep 14, 2024
Degree sessions
Session From To
Sessione autunnale - ottobre 2023 Oct 19, 2023 Oct 21, 2023
Sessione invernale - febbraio 2024 Feb 9, 2024 Feb 9, 2024
Sessione invernale - aprile 2024 Apr 22, 2024 Apr 24, 2024
Sessione estiva - luglio 2024 Jul 11, 2024 Jul 13, 2024
Period From To
Festa di Ognissanti Nov 1, 2023 Nov 1, 2023
Festa dell'Immacolata Dec 8, 2023 Dec 8, 2023
Vacanze di Natale Dec 23, 2023 Jan 7, 2024
Vacanze di Pasqua Mar 29, 2024 Apr 2, 2024
Festa della Liberazione Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024
Festa del Lavoro May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024
Festa del Santo Patrono May 21, 2024 May 21, 2024
Festa della Repubblica Jun 2, 2024 Jun 2, 2024

Exam calendar

Exam dates and rounds are managed by the relevant Law Teaching and Student Services Unit.
To view all the exam sessions available, please use the Exam dashboard on ESSE3.
If you forgot your login details or have problems logging in, please contact the relevant IT HelpDesk, or check the login details recovery web page.

Exam calendar

Should you have any doubts or questions, please check the Enrollment FAQs

Academic staff


Brondino Margherita

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8549

Calabrese Bernardo

symbol email

Campedelli Bettina

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 8416

Caprara Andrea

symbol email symbol phone-number 39 045 8425319

Carlotto Ilaria

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 8264

Ciampi Annalisa

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 8061

Dalla Preda Mila

symbol email

Danieli Diletta

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 842 5335

Ferrari Fabio

symbol email symbol phone-number 045-8425359

Flor Roberto

symbol email

Frison Nicola

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 7857

Gatti Stefano

symbol email

Ligugnana Giovanna

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 8425392

Messina Sebastiano Maurizio

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 8052

Molesini Barbara

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 7550

Nicodemo Catia

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 8028340

Nicolini Matteo

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 8425393

Ortino Matteo

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 8425330

Ortoleva Maria Grazia

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 8052

Pasquariello Federica

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 8233

Pastorino Leonardo Fabio

symbol email symbol phone-number +390458425313

Pelloso Carlo

symbol email symbol phone-number +390458425326

Peruzzi Marco

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 8425338

Protopapa Venera

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458425383

Salvadori Ivan

symbol email symbol phone-number Skype: ivansalvadori1

Scola Sara

symbol email symbol phone-number (+39) 045 8425322

Tincani Chiara

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 8425396

Torsello Marco

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 8425381

Troiano Stefano

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 8425317

Study Plan

The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.


1° Year 

IUS/01 ,IUS/08
One module between the following

2° Year   It will be activated in the A.Y. 2024/2025

Final exam
IUS/01 ,IUS/08
One module between the following
Modules Credits TAF SSD
Between the years: 1°- 2°
Between the years: 1°- 2°
Legal English (B2)

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.

S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Type D and Type F activities

1° periodo lezioni (1A) From 9/18/23 To 10/28/23
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° Lab.: Italian mediation competition - preparation (2 cfu) F Alberto Maria Tedoldi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Lab.: Italian mediation competition - preparation (2 cfu) F Alberto Maria Tedoldi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Lab.: Laboratorio di tecnica di redazione dei contratti F Andrea Caprara (Coordinator)
1° 2° The fashion lab (1 ECTS) F Diletta Danieli (Coordinator)
1° 2° ON FEMALE LEADERSHIP: data, reflections and experiences D Giovanna Ligugnana (Coordinator)
1° 2° ON FEMALE LEADERSHIP: data, reflections and experiences D Giovanna Ligugnana (Coordinator)
1° periodo lezioni - GEM From 10/2/23 To 12/22/23
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° Infrastrutture, logistica e industria: strategie ed azioni nella nuova globalizzazione D Giovanna Ligugnana (Coordinator)
1° 2° Università e DSA – Metodi e strategie per affrontare lo studio ed il percorso universitario (Edizione 2023) D Fabio Ferrari (Coordinator)
1° periodo lezioni (1B) From 11/6/23 To 12/15/23
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° Lab.: Italian mediation competition - preparation (2 cfu) F Alberto Maria Tedoldi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Lab.: Italian mediation competition - preparation (2 cfu) F Alberto Maria Tedoldi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Lab.: Laboratorio di tecnica di redazione dei contratti F Andrea Caprara (Coordinator)
1° 2° The fashion lab (1 ECTS) F Diletta Danieli (Coordinator)
1° 2° ON FEMALE LEADERSHIP: data, reflections and experiences D Giovanna Ligugnana (Coordinator)
1° 2° ON FEMALE LEADERSHIP: data, reflections and experiences D Giovanna Ligugnana (Coordinator)
2° periodo lezioni (2A) From 2/12/24 To 3/22/24
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° Lab.: Italian mediation competition - preparation (2 cfu) F Alberto Maria Tedoldi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Lab.: Italian mediation competition - preparation (2 cfu) F Alberto Maria Tedoldi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Lab.: Laboratorio di tecnica di redazione dei contratti F Andrea Caprara (Coordinator)
1° 2° The fashion lab (1 ECTS) F Diletta Danieli (Coordinator)
2° periodo lezioni (2B) From 4/3/24 To 5/23/24
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° Lab.: Italian mediation competition - preparation (2 cfu) F Alberto Maria Tedoldi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Lab.: Italian mediation competition - preparation (2 cfu) F Alberto Maria Tedoldi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Lab.: Laboratorio di tecnica di redazione dei contratti F Andrea Caprara (Coordinator)
1° 2° The fashion lab (1 ECTS) F Diletta Danieli (Coordinator)
List of courses with unassigned period
years Modules TAF Teacher
Legal English B2 F Marco Torsello (Coordinator)

Teaching code



Annalisa Ciampi




English en

Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)



1° periodo lezioni (1B) dal Nov 7, 2024 al Dec 17, 2024.

Courses Single


Learning objectives

The course is included in the learning area on Internationalization of the markets. The course aims to provide students with the legal framework relating to the international trade and investment law in the context of the globalized world economy (World Trade Organization, bilateral investment treaties, and free trade agreements).
At the end of the course, students will be able to identify, outline and explain the basic principles that apply in international trade matters. They will be able also to identify, evaluate and compare standards and investment protection procedures in different countries.
Students will also acquire the ability to face and solve practical problems typical of the professional context in which they will operate, thus orienting their competence to the goal of contractual compliance and to the prevention of the judicial conflicts. Students will also be able to verify the practical and applicative consequences of the theoretical and regulatory framework and to set, in written and oral form (and also through group work, written exercises and the method of Problem Based Solving - PBS), the solution to concrete issues, using the appropriate and specific disciplinary vocabulary, adopting the correct lines of reasoning and argumentation, and formulating autonomous judgments. The teaching method used is functional to the continuous learning and updating of acquired knowledge.

Prerequisites and basic notions



The introductory part of the course is designed to provide students with the conceptual tools to understand the legal foundations of the contemporary world economy. It examines international “subjects” (States, international organizations and private actors) and "sources" (customs, treaties and their implementation in national legal orders).
The first part of the course examines the roles of international economic institutions in the global and regional contexts. Particular emphasis is placed on the WTO and will focus on general issues including: Its foundation (Multilateralism, sectorial approach and regionalism in the governance of the world economy; From GATT 1947 to the WTO: the Uruguay Round Results); European law and the WTO: what protection for private parties; The WTO institutional framework; The Dispute Settlement System; Basic issues under GATT 1994; MFN and national treatment; Dumping, Subsidies, Safeguards; The WTO and the protection of non-trade interests: exceptions, environment, human rights and other public policy concerns; The challenge of economic regionalism to the multilateral system; Trade wars and protectionism in the age of coronavirus.
In the second part, the course covers the fundamental principles of international investment law: substantive standards of protection and the settlement of disputes under existing Investo-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS), the new Investment Court System (ICS) and the proposed Investment Multilateral Court (IMC). In this part, the course will benefit from the participation of an international guest lecturer, with expertise in international investment law.


Visualizza la bibliografia con Leganto, strumento che il Sistema Bibliotecario mette a disposizione per recuperare i testi in programma d'esame in modo semplice e innovativo.

Didactic methods

The teaching method combines lectures with class presentations and class discussion on specific subjects and case studies on the basis of distributed materials posted during the course.

Learning assessment procedures

he examination aims at ascertaining the student's acquired capacity of legal analysis of relevant international treaties and cases. It shall consist of three open questions.
Relevant WTO Agreements and Panels and Appellate Body Reports and other materials will made available on moodle during the course.
As part of their final evaluation, students will be given the opportunity to prepare a class paper based on a case in-class presentation as well as a written essay.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE

Evaluation criteria

We will evaluate:
- understanding and knowledge of the topics covered in class or examined in the textbook
- ability to elaborate and use the acquired knowledge

Criteria for the composition of the final grade

The final grade will consist of an overall evaluation given in thirtieths of the participation and the papers presented during and at the end of the course or the answers in the case of an oral exam

Exam language


Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs

This initiative contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030. More information on sustainability
Partnership per gli obiettivi (GOAL 17)

Career prospects

Module/Programme news

News for students

There you will find information, resources and services useful during your time at the University (Student’s exam record, your study plan on ESSE3, Distance Learning courses, university email account, office forms, administrative procedures, etc.). You can log into MyUnivr with your GIA login details: only in this way will you be able to receive notification of all the notices from your teachers and your secretariat via email and also via the Univr app.


Internships are aimed at enabling students to gain direct knowledge of the world of work and to acquire specific professional skills.

Internships are carried out under the responsibility of an individual lecturer, and can be carried out in professional firms, public administration bodies and companies recognised by the University of Verona.

Any CFU credits gained by doing internships will be recognised and recorded by the University in accordance with the relevant University regulations in force (Regolamento d’Ateneo per il riconoscimento dei crediti maturati negli stage universitari).

For further information on internships, please go to:


Student mentoring

Language skills

Gestione carriere

Student login and resources