Training and Research
PhD Programme Courses/classes - 2022/2023
Lezioni Dottorandi (2022/2023)
Academic staff
Patrizia Basso, Edoardo Bianchi, Luca Ciancio, Fabio Coden, Enrico Dal Pozzolo, Giorgio Fossaluzza, Tiziana Franco, Marina Garbellotti, Federico Giusfredi, Mara Gioia Migliavacca, Monica Molteni, Simonetta Ponchia, Luisa Prandi, Gian Paolo Romagnani, Mariaclara Rossi, Valerio Terraroli, Luigi Turri
Class attendance
Free Choice
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding of critical, artistic, historical phenomena.
Prerequisites and basic notions
There are no prerequisites for attending the course.
Requirements: basic knowledge of history at a school level.
The course is aimed at improving the knowledge of military events and political and cultural transformations that allowed the creation of the Roman Italy. The study will take into account texts and documents concerning the political international framework, the institutional means to allow the integration of different peoples into a new system having Rome at its head. Particular focus will be on cultural and religious issues which allowed integration among peoples, languages, and partially distant traditions.
The knowledge of political and institutional transformations in the 3rd and 2nd cent. BC will be dealt with. The course will take into account texts and documents concerning the integration of Greek cities into the Roman system. Students will improve their skill of understanding and distinguishing the specific features of different kinds of documentation and to compare them to each other. Students will be able to identify the principals which the social co-existence of the Romans was based on, the attitude of Romans towards other Italic societies, and the Roman skill in integrating other cultures.
Lectures will be held and all the texts will be provided directly and on the E-Learning site, concerning authors, ancient inscriptions, and images. Texts and images dealt with will be at students disposal in the E-Learning site. Students who cannot attend all the classes can prepare the exam by using the items in E-Learning.
When and where
L’esame è orale. Le domande che verranno poste saranno volte a verificare il livello di apprendimento e verranno eventualmente chiesti approfondimenti con riferimento a testi e documentazione archeologica discussi durante il corso.
Obiettivi del corso che saranno accertati con l’esame finale sono:
-Gli studenti dovranno acquisire la capacità di valutare autonomamente le testimonianze della storia romana attraverso l’uso al confronto fra più autori o fra autori e differenti tipi di documentazione
- Gli studenti dovranno essere in grado di dimostrare di avere compreso le problematiche fondamentali trattate nel corso, di sapere analizzare in modo critico sia le fonti che le immagini e altri tipi di documentazione storica prese in esame, esponendo le loro argomentazioni in modo articolato, chiaro e basato sulla documentazione fondamentale.
Learning assessment procedures
The exam is oral. Questions will verify the learning level and, in case, in deep questions will be proposed on texts and documents discussed during the classes.
Students should acquire the ability to independently evaluate the testimonies of Roman history through the use of comparison between multiple authors or between authors and different types of documentation. Students should be able to demonstrate that they have understood the fundamental problems dealt with in the course, to critically analyze both the sources and the images and other types of historical documentation taken into consideration, presenting their arguments in an articulated, clear, and based on the fundamental documentation.
PhD school courses/classes - 2022/2023
Bassetti Massimiliano 045802 8376Mastrocinque Attilio +39 045802 8386PhD students
No people are present. 40° Ciclo not started.
Guidelines for PhD students
Below you will find the files that contain the Guidelines for PhD students and rules for the acquisition of ECTS credits (in Italian: "CFU") for the Academic Year 2023/2024.