Formazione e ricerca

Attività Formative del Corso di Dottorato - 2023/2024

This page shows the courses and classes of the PhD programme for the academic year 2023/2024. Additional courses and classes will be added during the year. Please check for updates regularly!

Research organisation

Crediti: 6

Lingua di erogazione: Italiano

Docente:  Ivan Russo, Cecilia Rossignoli, Alessandro Zardini, Ilenia Confente

Qualitative research methods

Crediti: 10,5

Lingua di erogazione: Italiano

Docente:  Sara Moggi, Lapo Mola, Alice Francesca Sproviero, Alessandro Lai, Riccardo Stacchezzini

Advanced quantitative research methods

Crediti: 11

Lingua di erogazione: Italiano

Docente:  Elena Claire Ricci, Claudia Bazzani, Alessandro Zardini, Riccardo Scarpa

Trending topics in accounting

Crediti: 2

Lingua di erogazione: Italiano

Docente:  Stefano Landi

Trending topics in supply chain management

Crediti: 2

Lingua di erogazione: Italiano

Docente:  Silvia Blasi, Ilenia Confente, David D'Acunto

Classics in accounting

Crediti: 4

Lingua di erogazione: English

Docente:  Francesca Rossignoli, Alessandro Lai, Riccardo Stacchezzini, Cristina Florio

Classics in finance

Crediti: 3

Lingua di erogazione: Italiano

Docente:  Laura Chiaramonte

Classics in supply chain management

Crediti: 4

Lingua di erogazione: Italiano

Docente:  Ivan Russo, Barbara Gaudenzi

Content analysis and coding

Crediti: 0,8

Lingua di erogazione: Inglese

Docente:  Sara Moggi

Introduction to qualitative methodology, interviews and focus groups

Crediti: 0,8

Lingua di erogazione: Inglese

Docente:  Sara Moggi

Trending topics in consumer market research for developing innovation

Crediti: 2

Lingua di erogazione: Italiano

Docente:  Roberta Capitello, Elena Claire Ricci, Claudia Bazzani

Trending topics in finance

Crediti: 2

Lingua di erogazione: Italiano

Docente:  Laura Chiaramonte

Trending topics in performance management

Crediti: 2

Lingua di erogazione: Italiano

Docente:  Silvia Vernizzi, Silvia Cantele



Lingua di erogazione


Frequenza alle lezioni

Scelta Libera



Obiettivi di apprendimento

This course aims to develop first academic skills to position the research within the classic accounting approaches referring to theories and methods. At the end of the course, the candidates are expected to gain the ability to design a research project consistently embracing the proper theories and methods that inform and are used in accounting research.

Prerequisiti e nozioni di base



The course frames the classic accounting studies in a diachronic perspective, showing the main evolutions that occurred in the critical and interpretative approaches and in the positivist approach. Such approaches are then investigated in detail by relying upon popular settings of investigation in financial accounting (such as earnings and disclosure quality, and capital markets dynamics) as well as sustainability reporting and accounting history. Emerging topics and approaches will be underlined for a comprehensive accounting field of study overview.

Modalità didattiche

Participatory frontal lessons

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

Research project on a key topic discussed in class

Le/gli studentesse/studenti con disabilità o disturbi specifici di apprendimento (DSA), che intendano richiedere l'adattamento della prova d'esame, devono seguire le indicazioni riportate QUI


1. Class participation, contribution, and discussion (40%)
2. Research project on a key topic discussed in class (60%)

Attività Formative della Scuola di Dottorato - 2023/2024

Please note: Additional information will be added during the year. Currently missing information is labelled as “TBD” (i.e. To Be Determined).

1. PhD students must obtain a specified number of CFUs each year by attending teaching activities offered by the PhD School.
First and second year students must obtain 8 CFUs. Teaching activities ex DM 226/2021 provide 5 CFUs; free choice activities provide 3 CFUs.
Third year students must obtain 4 CFUs. Teaching activities ex DM 226/2021 provide 2 CFUs; free choice activities provide 2 CFUs.
More information regarding CFUs is found in the Handbook for PhD Students:

2. Registering for the courses is not required unless explicitly indicated; please consult the course information to verify whether registration is required or not. When registration is actually required, no confirmation e-mail will be sent after signing up. Please do not enquiry: if you entered the requested information, then registration was silently successful.

3. When Zoom links are not explicitly indicated, courses are delivered in presence only.

4. All information we have is published here. Please do not enquiry for missing information or Zoom links: as soon as we get new information, we will promptly publish it on this page.

Teaching Activities ex DM 226/2021: Linguistic Activities

Teaching Activities ex DM 226/2021: Research management and Enhancement

Teaching Activities ex DM 226/2021: Statistics and Computer Sciences

Teaching Activities: Free choice


Dottorandi presenti nel:

Ciroi Alexia

symbol email

Maistri Gianluca

symbol email
Lezioni del Corso
Lezioni della Scuola di Dottorato


Linee guida percorso formativo

Di seguito i file che contengono le Linee guida per il percorso formativo e il regolamento per l'acquisizione dei crediti formativi (CFU) per l'Anno Accademico 2023/2024.