Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

Academic calendar

The academic calendar shows the deadlines and scheduled events that are relevant to students, teaching and technical-administrative staff of the University. Public holidays and University closures are also indicated. The academic year normally begins on 1 October each year and ends on 30 September of the following year.

Academic calendar

Course calendar

The Academic Calendar sets out the degree programme lecture and exam timetables, as well as the relevant university closure dates..

Definition of lesson periods
Period From To
Sem. 1A Sep 25, 2023 Nov 4, 2023
Sem. 1B Nov 13, 2023 Dec 22, 2023
Sem. 2A Feb 19, 2024 Mar 29, 2024
Sem. 2B Apr 9, 2024 May 31, 2024
Exam sessions
Session From To
Sessione d'esame invernale Jan 8, 2024 Feb 17, 2024
Sessione d'esame estiva Jun 3, 2024 Jul 27, 2024
Sessione d'esame autunnale Aug 26, 2024 Sep 21, 2024
Sessione d'esame invernale - straordinaria Jan 7, 2025 Feb 15, 2025
Degree sessions
Session From To
Sessione estiva Jul 8, 2024 Jul 13, 2024
Sessione autunnale Nov 4, 2024 Nov 9, 2024
Sessione invernale Mar 31, 2025 Apr 5, 2025
Period From To
Festa di Ognissanti Nov 1, 2023 Nov 1, 2023
Festa dell'Immacolata Dec 8, 2023 Dec 8, 2023
Vacanze di Natale Dec 23, 2023 Jan 6, 2024
Vacanze di Pasqua Mar 30, 2024 Apr 1, 2024
Festa della Liberazione Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024
Festa del Lavoro May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024
Festa del Patrono S. Zeno May 21, 2024 May 21, 2024
Festa della Repubblica Jun 2, 2024 Jun 2, 2024
Vacanze estive Aug 12, 2024 Aug 17, 2024

Exam calendar

Exam dates and rounds are managed by the relevant Humanistic Studies Teaching and Student Services Unit.
To view all the exam sessions available, please use the Exam dashboard on ESSE3.
If you forgot your login details or have problems logging in, please contact the relevant IT HelpDesk, or check the login details recovery web page.

Exam calendar

Should you have any doubts or questions, please check the Enrollment FAQs

Academic staff


Bastianello Tamara

symbol email

Bertazzoni Cristina

symbol email

Bevilacqua Alessia Maria Aurora

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 8028383

Bombieri Rosi

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802-8183

Bonazzi Matteo

symbol email symbol phone-number 3356852559

Cima Rosanna

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458028046

Cordiano Alessandra

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 8425341

Cusinato Guido

symbol email symbol phone-number 045-802-8150

Dal Toso Paola

symbol email symbol phone-number 045/8028281

De Vita Antonietta

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 8653

Dusi Paola

symbol email symbol phone-number 045/8028616

Girelli Claudio

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 8028628

Guaraldo Olivia

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8066

Lascioli Angelo

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8156

Loro Daniele

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8041

Majorano Marinella

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458028372

Meneghini Anna Maria

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8602

Milani Marta

symbol email symbol phone-number + 39 045 8028332

Mortari Luigina

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 8652

Pontrandolfo Stefania

symbol email

Prearo Massimo

symbol email symbol phone-number 0039 0458028555

Scandola Michele

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8407

Seppi Roberta

symbol email symbol phone-number 3926010298

Solla Gianluca

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458028667

Stavru Alessandro

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 8028143

Tomba Barbara

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458425210

Trifiletti Elena

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 8028428

Ubbiali Marco

symbol email

Valbusa Federica

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 8035

Viviani Debora

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458028470

Study Plan

The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.

Modules Credits TAF SSD
Between the years: 1°- 2°

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.

S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Teaching code






Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)



Sem. 1A, Sem. 1B

Courses Single


Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding
1. Experience, understand and interpret educational situations from a gender perspective, particularly as regards the signifiers: “difference” and “differences”.
2. Be familiar with the principal theories underpinning the feminist cause and the field of gender studies, and the core themes in the area of gender education.
3. Explore the application of the acquired learning in real education/pedagogical projects in different contexts.

Applying knowledge and understanding
1. Explore the application of the acquired learning in real education/pedagogical projects.
2. Apply the different educational requirements and situations through the different theoretical perspectives.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of how the question of gender pertains to different education/pedagogical objectives.

Prerequisites and basic notions

No prerequisites are required.


The course intends to address the main contributions of women's paths and the elaborations of feminisms in the construction of knowledge and in particular pedagogical knowledge. Educational practice, although it is a traditionally feminine and feminized territory, requires a continuous reworking of the epistemological premises on which it is based. In fact, cultural, linguistic and symbolic systems are still affected by their historical construction marked by a neutral-male universal. Over the last fifty years, intense work inaugurated by feminist movements in various parts of the world has attempted to unveil this false neutrality and to overcome ancient dichotomies such as nature/culture, public/private, production/reproduction, reason/emotion, objective/subjective. In this perspective, much knowledge has been created and a symbol capable of expressing female difference and the differences brought by all subjectivities, beyond discrimination, as the ability to bring out self-determination and knowledge freer from sexism. The objective of the course is to increase pedagogical skills in relation to the following themes: Feminist epistemologies: the main theoretical contributions Naming the feminine world: self-awareness and starting from oneself Language is never neutral: knowledge and language are sexual gender education: between stereotypes and free subjectivities Pedagogical knowledge and female knowledge The paths of the masculine in education The dark side of female relationships: bullying between girls Feminist dystopias and utopias: conflict between the sexes and civilized relationships. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. A. Cavarero, F. Restaino, Le philosophi feministe, B. Mondadori 2002. 2. bell hooks, Teaching to transgress, Meltemi 2020. 3. Irene Biemmi, Barbara Mapelli, Gender Pedagogy, Mondadori 2023. A quarter book chosen from: B. Bianchi, Ecopedagogia, Marotta&Cafiero 2021; bell hooks, In Praise of the Margin, Tamu Editions 2020; The Care Collective, Care Manifesto, Alegre 2021; Vera Gheno, Women's singles, Effequ 2020; Irene Biemmi, Sexist education, Rosenberg&Sellier 2017; Giuseppe Burgio et al., Masculinity and care work, Ets 2023. NB For attending students, Cavarero and Restaino's text Le Filosofie feministe is considered already evaluated.


Visualizza la bibliografia con Leganto, strumento che il Sistema Bibliotecario mette a disposizione per recuperare i testi in programma d'esame in modo semplice e innovativo.

Didactic methods

The course will be divided into lectures, moments of discussion, seminars with guests, group work. Interaction and active participation will be encouraged.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam is structured as an oral interview.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE

Evaluation criteria

In the oral interview the following will be assessed: the complete knowledge of the texts present in the bibliography, the critical and personal elaboration of the topics covered during the course.

Criteria for the composition of the final grade

Knowledge of texts and vocabulary: 60% of the mark. Critical and personal elaboration: 40% of the mark.

Exam language


Type D and Type F activities


Find out more about the Soft Skills courses for Univr students provided by the University's Teaching and Learning Centre: 


The Contamination Lab Verona (CLab Verona) is an experiential course with modules on innovation and enterprise culture that offers the opportunity to work in teams with students from all areas to solve challenges set by companies and organisations.  

Upon completion of a CLab, students will be entitled to receive 6 CFU (D- or F-type credits).  

Find out more: 

PLEASE NOTE: In order to be admitted to any teaching activities, including those of your choice, you must be enrolled in the academic year in which the activities in question are offered. Students who are about to graduate in the December and April sessions are therefore advised NOT to undertake extracurricular activities in the new academic year in which they are not enrolled, as these graduation sessions are valid for students enrolled in the previous academic year. Therefore, students who undertake an activity in an academic year in which they are not enrolled will not be granted CFU credits.  

Prima parte del primo semestre From 9/25/23 To 11/4/23
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° Ciclo tematico di conferenze – sulla "leadership femminile": dati, riflessioni ed esperienze D Paola Dal Toso (Coordinator)
1° 2° Invisible plots in contemporary reality D Rosanna Cima (Coordinator)
1° 2° University and DSA - Methods and strategies for tackling study and university studies D Gianluca Solla (Coordinator)
Seconda parte del primo semestre From 11/13/23 To 12/22/23
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° Art, memory and terrorism: the duty to protect our cultural heritage D Olivia Guaraldo (Coordinator)
1° 2° Ciclo tematico di conferenze – sulla "leadership femminile": dati, riflessioni ed esperienze D Paola Dal Toso (Coordinator)
1° 2° Laboratory of behavioral observation techniques D Marinella Majorano (Coordinator)
1° 2° Invisible plots in contemporary reality D Rosanna Cima (Coordinator)
1° 2° University and DSA - Methods and strategies for tackling study and university studies D Gianluca Solla (Coordinator)
Prima parte del secondo semestre From 2/19/24 To 3/29/24
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° Cities and Freedom D Giacomo Mormino (Coordinator)
1° 2° Education and affectivity - 200 years after Christian education by Antonio Rosmini D Fernando Bellelli (Coordinator)
1° 2° Body and Disability – Laboratory D Michele Scandola (Coordinator)
1° 2° Group Psychology and evaluation of educational intervention D Anna Maria Meneghini (Coordinator)
Seconda parte del secondo semestre From 4/9/24 To 5/31/24
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° Cities and Freedom D Giacomo Mormino (Coordinator)
1° 2° Legal clinics D Alessia Maria Aurora Bevilacqua (Coordinator)
1° 2° Philosophy and politics of care D Alessia Maria Aurora Bevilacqua (Coordinator)
1° 2° Tai-Ti aiuto io D Alessandra Cordiano (Coordinator)
1° 2° Verso le elezioni europee 2024 D Massimo Prearo (Coordinator)
List of courses with unassigned period
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° RAP, to change the world D Paola Dusi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Poetic bodies. Laboratory on the plurality of languages D Rosanna Cima (Coordinator)
1° 2° The oppresso theater D Paola Dusi (Coordinator)
1° 2° The 16 attitudes for a happy life D Paola Dusi

Career prospects

Module/Programme news

News for students

There you will find information, resources and services useful during your time at the University (Student’s exam record, your study plan on ESSE3, Distance Learning courses, university email account, office forms, administrative procedures, etc.). You can log into MyUnivr with your GIA login details: only in this way will you be able to receive notification of all the notices from your teachers and your secretariat via email and also via the Univr app.

Student mentoring



List of thesis proposals

theses proposals Research area
Psicoanalisi Psychology - Psychology, Psychoanalysis

Gestione carriere

Linguistic training CLA

Practical information for students


Title Info File
File pdf 1 - Guida per lo studente - AGGIORNAMENTO 2022 pdf, it, 325 KB, 16/07/24
File pdf 2 - Guida per lo studente - AGGIORNAMENTO 2020 pdf, it, 212 KB, 02/05/23
File pdf 3 - Guida per lo studente - AGGIORNAMENTO 2013 pdf, it, 131 KB, 02/05/23

Stage e Tirocini

Per le altre attività formative (crediti F) sono previsti 9 cfu (pari a 225 ore) da acquisire solamente attraverso l’attività di tirocinio obbligatoria, a sua volta suddivisa in:

  • tirocinio indiretto (1 cfu: 25 ore di frequenza obbligatoria in università per il 75%) in preparazione dell’attività formativa sul campo;
  • tirocinio diretto (8 cfu), da svolgersi presso enti convenzionati.

L’ordinamento didattico della LM in Scienze pedagogiche prevede che il tirocinio indiretto a frequenza obbligatoria si svolga in università per il 75% nel secondo anno (1 CFU: 25 ore).
Il tirocinio indiretto consiste in un accompagnamento iniziale delle/degli studenti da parte dei tutor attraverso un percorso di formazione della durata di 25 ore.
La finalità di questo percorso è quella di preparare le/gli studenti alla particolare forma di apprendimento costituita dal tirocinio, dotandoli di conoscenze e strumenti adeguati a osservare, comprendere e rielaborare criticamente l’esperienza di tirocinio nei servizi educativi e ad affrontare il tirocinio negli enti con metodo e consapevolezza.
Il percorso, da attuare in gruppi da 20-25 persone sotto la supervisione di un tutor proveniente dal mondo professionale di educatori e pedagogisti, risponde alle esigenze costantemente espresse sia dalle/dagli studenti stessi sia dalle parti sociali che dai referenti degli enti convenzionati.

Nuove Linee Guida per il tirocinio di Scienze pedagogiche.

Student login and resources

Modalità e sedi di frequenza

La frequenza non è obbligatoria.

Maggiori dettagli in merito all'obbligo di frequenza vengono riportati nel Regolamento del corso di studio disponibile alla voce Regolamenti nel menu Il Corso. Anche se il regolamento non prevede un obbligo specifico, verifica le indicazioni previste dal singolo docente per ciascun insegnamento o per eventuali laboratori e/o tirocinio.

È consentita l'iscrizione a tempo parziale. Per saperne di più consulta la pagina Possibilità di iscrizione Part time.

Le sedi di svolgimento delle lezioni e degli esami sono le seguenti