How to enrol

How to enroll

Has been published the new admission news for the academic year 2023/2024 containing all the information necessary for enrollment.
The merit list for admission has been published.

Type of Access
This is a limited-entry programme. See admission requirements.
Read the admission requirements

Available positions

Minimo 15
Massimo non previsto
Uditori no

Taxes and Contributions

Quota iscrizione al Corso: € 400,00 + € 16,00 di marca da bollo
€ 416,00 all’atto dell’immatricolazione.

Benefit and incentives available

Attendance Requirements
obbligatoria 70%

Post Graduate Enrollment Service
Servizio Master e Corsi di Perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale

AVVISO: Si comunica che è disponibile la locandina del Corso.

How to enroll

Those interested in enrolling will need to complete the relevant form and send it by e-mail together with a scanned copy of their ID to the Secretariat of the Labour Consultants Association of Verona (, if already members of such association. If not, their application form shall be sent to the Postgraduate Study Office ( by 30.09.2023.

The application form can be found on the web page of the course, in the ‘How to enrol’ section (Post laurea, corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale a.a. 2023/2024).
After the enrolment deadline, the University will announce, through a specific notice, the start of the course and how to complete your enrolment procedure.
Please remember to keep you GIA login details on hand to log into ESSE3, if you have them, or to register on the University’s website ( using your SPID login details.
If your GIA login details have expired and/or forgotten you should request the recovery of your login details following the instructions at:

If you already have a profile in the system as a teaching staff/external user (company), you will need to create a student profile. Please note that you’ll have to re-register in the system if your tax ID number (codice fiscale) is not associated with your existing profile. If your tax ID no. has already been associated with your existing profile, please contact the Postgraduate Study Office.

Forms required for registration in the admission

Corso di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale in Consulenza del lavoro - indirizzo diritto del lavoro (Sede di Verona)

Admission requirements

Per accedere ai Corsi di perfezionamento occorre essere in possesso di:
a) laurea triennale conseguita ai sensi del Decreto Ministeriale n. 270 del 2004 o del Decreto Ministeriale n. 509 del 1999;
b) titolo di studio universitario di durata almeno triennale, secondo gli ordinamenti previgenti;
c) titolo rilasciato all’estero, riconosciuto idoneo in base alla normativa vigente.
Ambito: economico, giuridico.

Per accedere al Corso di aggiornamento professionale occorre essere in possesso di Diploma di scuola superiore con significativa esperienza maturata in ambito professionale.

Evaluation criteria for admission

Non è prevista la selezione dei candidati.

Benefit and incentives

Convenzione prevista con gli ordini Provinciali dei Consulenti del lavoro di Verona, Vicenza e Mantova che prevede per i loro iscritti uno sconto di € 100,00.