How to enrol

How to enroll

Has been published the new admission news for the academic year 2022/2023 containing all the information necessary for enrollment.

Type of Access
This is a limited-entry programme. See admission requirements.
Read the admission requirements

Available positions

Minimo 10
Massimo 20
Uditori no

Taxes and Contributions

Quota iscrizione al Corso: € 200,00 + € 16,00 di marca da bollo
€ 216,00 all’atto dell’immatricolazione.

Attendance Requirements
obbligatoria 80%

Post Graduate Enrollment Service
Servizio Master e Corsi di Perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale

AVVISO: il corso non è attivato

How to enroll

Before applying, please make sure you have carefully read the Call for applications (Bando di ammissione).

1. If you are a new user, follow the Registration procedure. Please note that only users with SPID login details are allowed to register.
If you have already registered, you can log in using your SPID or GIA login details. If you forgot your login details, please go to: Please note that in order to complete the registration, you will need to upload a scanned copy of your ID – identity document.
2. Register on ESSE3.
3. Take the admission test (if applicable).
4. Check the ‘graduatoria’, or list of students eligible for admission and, if you are among the eligible applicants, enrol on ESSE3 (log into your personal account, click on ‘Segreteria’ > ‘Immatricolazione’) by the deadline set out in the notice attached to the ‘graduatoria’. Please note that in order to complete your enrolment, you will need to scan and upload a passport photo that complies with the requirements set out in: Istruzioni acquisizione foto.
5. Pay the first instalment of your tuition fees. This can be done:
- in person: by printing the PagoPA payment form available on ESSE3 and then paying offline at a bank or one of the designated payment points;
- online: by clicking on ‘Paga on line con PagoPA’.
For further information, please go to:
6. Wait for confirmation email from Segreteria Master e Corsi di Perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale.

Corso di formazione continua in Lingua francese per la comunicazione professionale


  • Periodo di iscrizioni: dal 07/11/2022 al 31/01/2023
    Le iscrizioni sono prorogate fino al 07/02/2023

Other documents (calendar, ranking list, etc.)

None Published classification yet

Admission requirements

Diploma di scuola secondaria superiore.

Evaluation criteria for admission

La selezione è prevista solo al superamento del numero massimo.
La selezione verrà€ svolta soltanto al superamento del numero massimo di iscritti e prevede un breve colloquio conoscitivomotivazionale via Zoom.