Studying at the University of Verona

Study Plan

Your Study Plan includes all the learning activities you will undertake during your time at the University, such as modules, lab activities and practicals, seminars, project work, internships, as well as educational off-site visits, conferences and the final examination, or graduation.

Introduzione alla comunicazione empatica per insegnanti di scuola dell'infanzia e primaria - 16 ore 0 Credits


Detail of the Module+

Teaching code







The course has a total duration of hours: 16 and will be held in the period from March 3, 2022 to April 7, 2022.

Lecture timetable

Date: 03/03, 10/03, 17/03, 24/03, 31/03, 07/04. Orario: 16:30 - 19:10

Project work, verifiche periodiche, prova finale

Non previste.

Modalità di erogazione della didattica

A distanza tramite piattaforma Zoom (modalità sincrona).