How to enrol

How to enroll

Has been published the new admission news for the academic year 2024/2025 containing all the information necessary for enrollment.
The merit list for admission has been published.

Type of Access
This is a limited-entry programme. See admission requirements.
Read the admission requirements

Available positions

Minimo 3
Massimo 6
Uditori no

Taxes and Contributions

Quota iscrizione al Corso: € 4.000,00 + € 16,00 di marca da bollo
€ 2.016,00 all’atto dell’immatricolazione;
€ 2.000,00 seconda rata entro il 30/06/2025.

Benefit and incentives available

Attendance Requirements
obbligatoria 75%

Post Graduate Enrollment Service
Servizio Master e Corsi di Perfezionamento e di aggiornamento professionale


How to enroll

Applicants must apply online as indicated below.
Opening and closing deadlines for applying are indicated in Annex 1.
Please note: the procedure indicated below must not be followed by those applying for the Consulenza del lavoro course, who will have to follow the instructions set out in Art. 7 of this Call.
Application procedure
Step 1. Log into the ESSE3 online platform available at:
If you are applying for the first time, you must first register in the system with your SPID login details. If you already have a student profile, you can use either your SPID or your GIA login details.
If your GIA login details have expired and/or forgotten you should request the recovery of your login details following the instructions at: or logging in with your
SPID login details.
Please note: to complete your registration, you will need to have a scanned copy of your ID card on hand.

If you already have a profile in the system as a teaching staff/external user (company), you will need to create a student profile. Please note that you’ll have to re-register in the system if your tax ID number (codice fiscale) is not associated with your existing profile. If your tax ID no. has already been associated with your existing profile, please contact the Postgraduate Study Office.

Step 2. Once logged in, select “Segreteria > Concorso di ammissione > Iscrizione concorsi di ammissione” from the menu, then the course of your interest to complete the procedure. Then complete all the mandatory fields.
Once the application procedure is complete, the system will issue a registration receipt with a summary of your details, and you will receive an email confirming that your application has been submitted.
Students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities may request auxiliary aids and services if the course they are applying for requires them to pass an admission test2.

For further information and support for completing the online application procedure, please contact the Postgraduate Study Office, i.e. the “U.O. Master e Corsi di Perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale” (Phone: +39 045 8028530– email

Corso di perfezionamento in Odontoiatria integrata nel paziente paradontale

Admission requirements

- LM - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria classe: LM-46;
- laurea specialistica in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria (D.M. 509/1999);- laurea in Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria vecchio ordinamento;
- titolo di laurea conseguito all’estero equipollente a quello italiano e frequenza a un corso post laurea presso un’Università convenzionata con l’Università degli Studi di Verona;
- iscrizione all'ordine dei Medici Chrirurghi e Odontoiatri.

Evaluation criteria for admission

Test e colloquio.
I candidati si sottoporranno ad un esame scritto a domande aperte ed ad un colloquio per un punteggio massimo di 100.
L’esame scritto inciderà per un massimo di 40 punti e il colloquio per 60 punti.

Benefit and incentives

Sulla base dei risultati dell’esame di ammissione, ai candidati con il punteggio più alto verrà riconosciuta la agevolazione totale, fino ad un massimo di sei, sulla quota d’iscrizione (€ 4.000).