Culture and Civilisation Teaching and Student Services Unit 045 802 8005 numero unicoOrientation Services Unit 045 8028000 (tasto 1)Postgraduate Study Unit Concorsi e immatricolazioni corsi di studio: 045 802 8000 (tasto 2) attivo dal lunedi al venerdi 10-13. Dal 2 al 27/9 anche il lunedi/martedi/mercoledi 14-16Inclusion and Accessibility +39 045 802 8003International Office +39 045 802 8004 (lun, merc, ven dalle 9 alle 13)Information and reports for the student component
If you want to consult the channels and services made available by the University and reserved for students enrolled in any course offered by the University of Verona (courses of study, specialization, doctorate, single courses, advanced courses, master's degrees, etc.) consult the service References for information and reports by the student component available in Myunivr.
Student Survey
During your time at the University you will have the opportunity to give your opinion anonymously, through student questionnaires. Of particular importance is the student questionnaire on teaching, the completion of which is necessary in order to register for exams.
If you have any problems filling in the questionnaire, please write to