Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Type D and Type F activities
Modules not yet included
Programming II and Software Engineering (2018/2019)
The teaching is organized as follows:
See the unit page
Academic staff
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See the unit page
Academic staff
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Learning outcomes
MM: Teoria
The aim of this course is to provide the basic scientific and professional skills relate to software engineering. In particular, the course will focus on the different phases of software development and production: planning, design, modeling and specification, implementation, validation and test, evaluation and maintenance. The lab activities will provide skills required for the development of graphical user interfaces both in Java and Phyton. At the end of the course, the student will have to show: her knowledge about the software development process and the related methodologies and techniques; her ability to apply the acquired knowledge to develop and analyse software systems, even considering graphical user interfaces with Java/Phyton; her skills in communicating and interacting with different stakeholders when designing, implementing, and using a software system in complex organizations; the capability of extending her knowledge and skills for autonomously continuing her studies related to software development techniques, even considering different application domains.
MM: Laboratorio
MM: Teoria
The course will provide the ability to understand, develop and debug software written in an object-oriented programming language. It will also provide the knowledge for building software projects of middle size. At the end, students will have to show their ability to understand software written in an object-oriented programming language, as well as the structure of a complex software project; to apply their knowledge and abilities to the independent development of software in an object-oriented programming language, organised as a middle-size project; to understand, autonomously, the use of tools and techniques for the development of software in various application contexts.
MM: Laboratorio
The course will provide the ability to understand, develop and debug software written in an object-oriented programming language. It will also provide the knowledge for building software projects of middle size. At the end, students will have to show their ability to understand software written in an object-oriented programming language, as well as the structure of a complex software project; to apply their knowledge and abilities to the independent development of software in an object-oriented programming language, organised as a middle-size project; to understand, autonomously, the use of tools and techniques for the development of software in various application contexts.
MM: Teoria
* Introduction to Software Engineering - Definition of Software Engineering - Professional software development - Software engineering ethics
* Software Processes - Software process models - Process activities - Coping with change
* Agile Software Development - Agile methods - Agile development techniques - The SCRUM methodology
* Requirements Engineering - Functional and non-functional requirements - Requirements engineering processes - Requirements Engineering and UML Use Cases
* Architectural Design - Architectural design decisions - Architectural views - Architectural patterns -- MVC -- Repository -- Client server -- Pipe and filter
* OO Design and Implementation - OO basic concepts - The standard language UML 2 for software modeling -- Use Case diagrams -- Class diagrams -- Activity Diagrams -- Sequence diagrams - Design patterns -- Introduction -- Singleton -- Observer -- Template -- Iterator -- Factory -- Abstract factory -- Proxy -- Facade -- Decorator
* Verification and Validation - Introduction - Inspection and test - Testing: unit test, integration test, user acceptance test
* Software evolution and maintenance - Change Management - Legacy Systems - Software maintenance
MM: Laboratorio
- Introduction to Swing library for the development of graphical user interfaces in Java.
- Introduction to TkInter, wxPython, pyGTK/PyGobject, and PyQt/PySide libraries for the development of graphical user interfaces in Python.
- Introduction to Eclipse-Papyrus and StarUML tools for the development of UML projects. Teaching methods
- Lecturing and practicing in computer laboratory. Didactical material (slides) and further exercise texts are available on the eLearning platform. The teacher is available for individual meeting in office hours.
MM: Teoria
Java and bytecode. Structure of classes. Arrays. Inheritance. Methods and late binding. Standard library and its basic classes. Exceptions. Input/output. Interfaces. Collection classes.
MM: Laboratorio
Java and bytecode. Structure of classes. Arrays. Inheritance. Methods and late binding. Standard library and its basic classes. Exceptions. Input/output. Interfaces. Collection classes.
Author | Title | Publishing house | Year | ISBN | Notes |
Docente del corso | Copia gratuita delle slides proiettate durante le lezioni. | ||||
Ian Sommerville | Ingegneria del software - 10/Ed. (Edizione 10) | Pearson | 2017 | 9788891902245 | |
Martin Fowler | UML Distilled (Edizione 4) | Pearson - Addison Wesley | 2010 | 9788871925981 | |
Docente del corso | Materiale didattico: Lezioni del docente,lucidi e fotocopie | ||||
Claudio De Sio Cesari | Manuale di Java 8. Programmazione orientata agli oggetti con Java standard edition 8 (Edizione 1) | Hoepli | 2014 | 8820362910 |
Examination Methods
MM: Teoria
The examination, for students both attending and not attending classes, consists of a project related to lab activities and of an oral examination. Such exam will allow one to show both his communication skills and his knowledge about Software Engineering. Student will also demonstrate their skills in applying their knowledge in "practical" software engineering tasks.
MM: Laboratorio
The examination consists of a project related to lab activities. The project has to be presented and discussed during the oral exam.
MM: Teoria
Computerized exam on the full programme.
MM: Laboratorio
See the theory part of the course.