Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Study Plan
The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.
1° Year
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Professional Laboratories (1st year)
2° Year activated in the A.Y. 2022/2023
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Professional Laboratories (2nd year)
3° Year activated in the A.Y. 2023/2024
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Professional Laboratories (3rd year)
Basic Life Support and defibrillation course
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Professional Laboratories (1st year)
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Professional Laboratories (2nd year)
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Professional Laboratories (3rd year)
Basic Life Support and defibrillation course
Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)
TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.
Clinical nursing care in medical area (2022/2023)
The teaching is organized as follows:
Learning objectives
The course focuses on care about patients with chronic medical problems during stability and instability spans (heart failure, IMA and angina, COPD and asthma). The approach considers the contents and the care ways to activate specific self-help behaviors considering that most of the patients with chronic illness live at home and the hospitalization time is very short. Patient problems will be addressed by considering their evolution, the evaluation of the patient and the choice of care interventions based on the evidence, appropriateness and patient’s needs. The instability/worsening will be approached with an assistance protocol. The disease impact and experience on patient’s and family life will be considered and the rehabilitative and palliative aspects will be explored considering the symptoms in the advanced stage (eg dyspnoea). CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES: To provide the basis of the principal cardiovascular diseases, their clinical presentation and diagnostic methods. CLINICAL MEDICAL NURSING The module focuses on assisting patients with chronic medical problems in the process of stability and instability (heart failure, MI and angina, COPD and asthma). The approach considers the contents and modalities of assistance to activate specific self-care behaviors considering that the majority of patients with chronic disease live at home and the time of hospitalization is very short. The patient's problems will be addressed considering their evolution, the patient's evaluation and the choice of care interventions based on evidence, appropriateness and the patient's needs. Instability / exacerbation will be addressed with a welfare protocol. The impact and experience of the disease on the patient's life and on the family will be considered and the aspects of rehabilitation and palliation with respect to symptoms in the advanced stage (eg dyspnea) will be explored. This teaching is built on the knowledge of the 1st year of nursing (breath assessment, meaning and signs / symptoms of hypoxia, dyspnea, principles of O2 therapy, principles of nursing, vigilance), physiology, physiopathology and general pathology. The contents are connected to the two subsequent modules of therapeutic and nursing education of the community for the trend of early discharge and need for support at the time of discharge PNEUMOLOGY the course aims to provide the student with the knowledge of the major pathologies in the pulmonary field and the diagnostics necessary for a clinical and instrumental framework. Particular attention will be paid to the nursing aspect of the topics covered. INTERNAL MEDICINE - Acquiring the ability to recognize and describe signs and symptoms of the pathologies treated; - Knowing how to identify, in the interview with the patient, the main points that guide the diagnostic process; - Knowing how to set up a correct care plan based on anamnestic and clinical data ONCOLOGY Knowing the principles of Medical Oncology and Palliative Care, the rational bases and the operating methods of screening, diagnosis and staging of the highest incidence tumors. Knowing the goals of the treatments, and the specific strategies (principles of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, molecular target therapies, immunotherapy). Knowing the rational bases and the operational methods of interventions aimed at supporting / supporting the cancer patient (pain therapy, nutritional support, etc.). INFECTIOUS DISEASES The module focuses on assisting patients with acute or chronic infectious problems and on the main prevention measures for infections in hospitals, in particular those in which nurses play an essential role. Particular emphasis is given to the recognition of symptoms, signs and vital signs that can configure an urgency-infectious emergency, to risk factors for the acquisition of nosocomial infections and to procedures to help prevent its onset. A global, national epidemiological picture is provided of the treated pathologies and when it is possible regional and local; the essential notions on transmission modalities and pathophysiology are provided; the main symptoms and clinical signs, some laboratory tests and their advantages and limitations, and some hints of therapy are indicated The specific role and contribution of the nursing profession in terms of care, prevention and education is highlighted, especially with regard to high-risk patients.
Prerequisites and basic notions
The course aims to address the variability of the disease trajectory, complexity of patient and family problems along a continuum of the following health problems: heart failure, AMI, angina, COPD and asthma. The development of health problems in the phases of stability/instability up to the advanced phase of the disease allows us to: a) focus on the relevance and need for healthcare, educational and rehabilitative interventions - with an integrated and interdisciplinary approach - towards the patient and family; b) reflect on the contribution of expert family patients to the care and assistance; c) develop a territorial vision of home care resources and opportunities; d) analyze the palliative and end-of-life approach, even for non-cancer patients, for the management of symptoms and support for the family in difficult choices. Instability/flare-up will be addressed with a care protocol. This teaching is built on the knowledge of the 1st year of "General Nursing and Applied Methodology" and "Physiopathology applied to nursing" (breathing assessment, meaning and signs/symptoms of hypoxia, dyspnoea, principles of oxygen therapy; principles of caring and supervision). The contents are linked to the "Therapeutic Education" and "Community Nursing" modules for the trend of early discharge and the need for support at the time of discharge. The teaching is also integrated with the professional laboratories scheduled for the 2nd year of the course: making decisions for the management of patients with heart failure in the stabilized phase and in the advanced phase; develop self-care skills in a person with COPD
Criteria for the composition of the final grade
Written exam with closed questions with multiple choice answers and/or open questions with short answers, semi-structured questions (e.g. completing a paragraph, building a therapeutic scheme, ...). The exam may include an oral interview to supplement the written test.