How to enrol
How to enroll
- Type of Access
The Study Course in Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene (ROVERETO)
it has scheduled access and requires the passing of a compulsory admission test, defined in the competition announcement. This test gives access to an admission ranking and enrollment in the course is conditioned by the position occupied in the ranking itself.
Read the admission requirements - Part-time membership
- The Course also offers the possibility of part-time enrollment. For more information on the required requirements and the benefits provided, see the service page.
- Available positions
How to enroll
pagina in aggiornamento - In attesa della pubblicazione del Decreto Ministeriale.
Le informazioni sulla procedura di ammissione al corso di studio saranno reperibili nel bando di ammissione di prossima pubblicazione.
Per la registrazione sul Portale di ESSE3 (da utilizzare per l’iscrizione al concorso e l’immatricolazione al corso di studio) è necessario utilizzare lo SPID oppure la CIE.
Laurea in Igiene dentale (Rovereto)
Call for applications documents:

Not yet available
Enrollment HELP center
The dedicated enrollment hotline, available during the summer period, serves as a unique reference for course registrations, deadlines to be met, and procedures to be followed. A team of specialized tutors is available to answer questions from incoming new students.
Contact usFAQ – Questions about enrolment
Consult the frequently asked questions to find answers to your queries regarding the enrolment procedures and access methods (both open and admission-controlled) for the various undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of Verona.
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