How to enrol

How to enroll

Course partially running (all years except the first)

2019/20 International Economics and Business Management


2019/20 International Economics and Business Management
Test di valutazione al CdlM in International Economics and Business Management

  • Date of admission test: September 13, 2019  - hours: 10:30 AM

  • ???OrarioConvocazioneCandidati???:9:00 AM

Enrollment HELP center

The dedicated enrollment hotline, available during the summer period, serves as a unique reference for course registrations, deadlines to be met, and procedures to be followed. A team of specialized tutors is available to answer questions from incoming new students.

Contact us

FAQ – Questions about enrolment

Consult the frequently asked questions to find answers to your queries regarding the enrolment procedures and access methods (both open and admission-controlled) for the various undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of Verona.

Scopri Ora

Course partially running (all years except the first)

International students

Scholarships and Grants

Career abbreviation

Those who already hold a university degree, have taken examinations as single courses or have interrupted a previous career due to resignation or forfeiture can have their career shortened and be admitted to the second year if they reach a minimum number of recognised CFUs.

Admission to a year after the first is possible through a competitive procedure; for further information, it is necessary to carefully consult the specific selection notice which can be found, similarly to that for admission to the first year, in the section Enrolment > How to enrol.