How to enrol
Requisiti Richiesti per l'ammissione
Title required for matriculation
Degree or three-year university diploma or other qualification acquired in Italy or abroad and recognised as suitable, obtained or to be obtained by the last session of the academic year 2022/2023.
For information on the evaluation of foreign qualifications:
Admission requirements
It is necessary to have specific curricular requirements and adequate personal preparation, in the absence of which enrolment is not possible.
Curricular requirements
1) Degree in one of the following classes: 9 or 26 (D.M. 509/99), L-8 or L-31 (D.M. 270/04). An English language certification or examination at least level B2 computerised is also required.
---or ---
2) Bachelor's degree or other equivalent university qualification, with at least 60 CFUs in one or more of the following SSDs: INF/01, ING-INF/*, BIO/*, CHIM/* or MED/*, of which at least 12 CFU in: INF/01 or ING-INF/*. Alternatively, at least 12 CFU in the SSDs BIO/*, CHIM/* or MED/* on condition that they have a proven record of the computational training acquired.
An English language level B2 certification or exam (at least computer-based) is also required.
Students who have not obtained at least 24 CFU in the three-year degree in the disciplinary scientific sectors BIO/*, CHIM/* or MED/* must include two specific core subjects totalling 12 CFU in their teaching plan (a prerequisite for its approval).
Personal preparation
An additional assessment of acquired competences is envisaged in the following cases
- graduates in the degree classes under 1) who have obtained a graduation mark of less than 88/110;
- those who graduated in the above-mentioned classes more than 10 years ago;
- all graduates from other classes (who in any case meet the curricular requirements above).
The assessment consists of an analysis of the curriculum (subjects taken and relative marks), followed by an interview if necessary.