How to enrol

How to enroll

Has been published the new admission news for the academic year 2024/2025 containing all the information necessary for enrollment.
The merit list for admission has been published.

Type of Access
The Study Course in Master's degree in Psychology for Training and Professional Development  is a limited-entry degree programme with admissions based on the applicant’s qualifications (i.e. without the applicant needing to take an admissions test).At the end of the selection process, the details of which are set out in the relevant Call for applications, a list of eligible applicants (‘graduatoria’) will be published. Applicants will be selected and admitted based on their position on the list.
Read the admission requirements

Part-time membership
The Course also offers the possibility of part-time enrollment. For more information on the required requirements and the benefits provided, see the service page.

Admitted to PA project 110 cum laude
The course adheres to the PA 110 cum laude project. For more info on the requirements and facilities available see the service page.

Available positions
  • cittadini comunitari e non comunitari legalmente soggiornanti in Italia: 97
  • cittadini non comunitari non compresi nella Legge 30 luglio 2002, n. 189, art. 26: 3

Taxes and Facilitation
1° Installment: 352 euro 2° e 3° Installment: Variable To calculate the second and third instalments, please see the student Fees Guide at University contributions.
Tax simulator: The simulator allows the calculation of university fees and contributions based on the ISEEU/ISEE equalized for the academic year 2022/2023 end no credentials are required for its use.
The result of the simulator is absolutely indicative and unofficial.
Tax simulator

How to enroll

Step 1 – Apply
1. Read the Call for applications carefully. Please note: this summary does not replace the original Call for applications, which candidates are expected to fully know at the time of their registration for the Call.
2. Register on ESSE3.
3. Register for selections on ESSE3 and upload the documents required in the Call for applications, necessary to enable the University to carry out the Eligibility Check and calculate your average mark. Attention: at the end of the enrollment procedure, the receipt containing the pre-enrollment number can be viewed, which must be kept by the candidates as it is essential to view their position in the ranking. 
4. From the ‘payment’ dashboard on ESSE3 make the payment of your registration fee via PagoPA.
Step 2 - Eligibility Check
5. Once the check of your documents and entry requirements by the relevant Teaching and Student Services Unit is in progress, your status will appear as ‘IN VALUTAZIONE’ (In progress). Once the check procedure has been completed, you will receive an email with the results of the Eligibility Check.
6. If you meet the entry requirements, the Selection Committee will calculate your average mark according to the criteria set out in the Call, and will prepare the list of students eligible for admission (graduatoria).
7. Check the ‘graduatoria’, or list of students eligible for admission. You status will appear as one of the following:

  • Ammessa/o (vincitrice/vincitore) - Eligible and admitted: you have been included among the admitted applicants, and therefore can submit your application for enrolment by the deadline and in the ways set out in the Call for applications, or in the subsequent selection notices.
  • Non ammessa/o ma idonea/o - Eligible but not admitted: you have not been admitted, nor rejected. This means that, despite not being selected in the first round, there are still places available, and you might still be selected at a later stage of the selection process, in accordance with the procedures set out in the Call for applications. Please check the relevant updates and selection notices and, if admitted, you will be able to submit your application by the deadline and in the ways set out in the selection notice.
  • Respinta/o - Rejected: you have not reached the minimum score set out in the Call for applications, therefore you will not be able to enrol in the degree programme.

Step 3 – Enrol
8. If you are on the list of eligible students (graduatoria), or if you have been selected at a later stage of the selection process, enrol on ESSE3 by the deadline set out in the Call for applications, or in the notice of selection. To complete your enrolment you will need to scan and upload a passport photo. Should you need help, please see 'How to add your photo'.
9. On your ‘Payment dashboard’ on ESSE3 pay the first instalment of your student fees via PagoPA, by the deadline set out in the Call for applications or in the selection notice.
10. Wait for confirmation email. Please note: you will not receive the confirmation email immediately, since the Enrolment Office will need to process and check your documents and qualifications before confirming your enrolment.
Enrolment conditional on the student obtaining the Bachelor’s degree
Students who are about to complete their Bachelor’s degree and graduate can enrol in the academic year 2024/2025 and pay the first instalment of their tuition fees by the deadline set out in the Academic Calendar, provided they obtain their Bachelor’s degree by 31 December 2024.
Please note that you may be contacted by email if you submitted your application despite not having already gained your degree: in this case, you will be ‘conditionally enrolled’, and your enrolment will be conditional on you obtaining the required degree by the deadlines set.
Failing to pay the first instalment of your tuition fees will result in your enrolment being cancelled.
- students who are about to complete their Bachelor’s degree at the University of Verona and ‘conditionally enrolled’ in this Master’s degree programme, will be automatically confirmed as enrolled students as soon as they graduate;
- students who graduate at another University must necessarily inform the University via help-desk, by 31 December 2024, that they have obtained their Bachelor’s degree.

Non-EU students residing in non-EU countries

Non-EU students residing abroad must follow the instructions published on the page dedicated to international students: International students.

Laurea magistrale in Psicologia per la formazione

HELP center iscrizioni

Il numero unico immatricolazioni, attivo nel periodo estivo, rappresenta un riferimento univoco riguardo alle iscrizioni ai corsi, alle scadenze da rispettare e alle procedure da seguire. Un team di studentesse e studenti tutor specializzati è a disposizione per rispondere alle domande delle future matricole.


FAQ - domande sull'iscrizione

Consulta le domande ricorrenti per trovare una risposta ai tuoi dubbi sulle procedure di immatricolazione e le modalit� d'accesso ai vari corsi di primo e secondo livello, ad accesso libero e programmato, dell'Universit� di Verona.


Title required for matriculation

Il possesso di un diploma di laurea triennale o di altro titolo di studio equipollente, conseguito o da conseguire, anche all'estero, entro il 31 dicembre 2024 e riconosciuto idoneo.

Admission requirements

È necessario possedere degli specifici requisiti curriculari e un’adeguata preparazione personale, in difetto dei quali non è possibile procedere all’iscrizione.

Curricular requirements

L'ammissione al corso di studio è vincolata al possesso dei seguenti requisiti curricolari: 

  • il conseguimento, nei percorsi universitari (DM 270/04 come lauree, lauree magistrali, diplomi di specializzazione, dottorati di ricerca, master ed altri percorsi equipollenti secondo la normativa vigente), di almeno 80 crediti formativi universitari (CFU) nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare qualificante M-PSI, e di ulteriori 10 crediti formativi universitari (CFU) in almeno uno dei seguenti Settori Scientifici Disciplinari qualificanti: M-PSI, M-PED, M-FIL, SPS; 
  • la conoscenza di almeno una lingua straniera certificata mediante un esame nei settori scientifici disciplinari L-LIN o con un attestato di livello di competenza linguistica B1 o superiore.

Le eventuali carenze di tali requisiti devono essere state già colmate al momento della presentazione della domanda di valutazione dei requisiti di accesso alla laurea Magistrale.

Personal preparation

L’inserimento in graduatoria costituisce la verifica dell’accertamento di adeguata personale preparazione.

Methods and dates of verification

Per le modalità di ammissione consultare il bando di concorso nella sezione dedicata.

How to prepare

La selezione avviene per titoli. Non c’è un test di accesso.

International students

Scholarships and Grants

Abbreviazione carriera

Hai una carriera universitaria ancora attiva? Leggi le informazioni per fare un trasferimento da altro Ateneo o un passaggio di corso interno a UNIVR.

Se hai una carriera conclusa per conseguimento titolo o corsi singoli, per rinuncia agli studi o per decadenza dagli studi, consulta la procedura di richiesta dell'abbreviazione di carriera.