Master - 2023/2024

Professional Master's programme in Immunologic lung diseases: from mechanism to treatment (2° Livello)

Duration : years 1  (marzo 2024 - marzo 2025)
CFU : 60
Class attendance requirements : obbligatoria 70%
Location: verona
Language : Italian
Mode of teaching : Blended mode
Type of Access : admission test, limited-entry degree

How to apply

Admission requirements :

- Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Medicina e chirurgia;
- laurea magistrale in Biologia;
- laurea magistrale in Scienze infermieristiche.

Evaluation criteria for admission :

Valutazione del curriculum vitae e titoli:
- curriculum vitae: 30 punti;
- titoli: 70 punti.
Totale: 100 punti.

Benefit and incentives

A series of benefits and incentives are made available to students enrolling at the University in the academic year 2023/2024. To find out more, see the relevant Call for applications, and the relevant web page section.

How to Apply
Available positions :

Minimo 12
Massimo 20
Uditori no

Tuition fee: 2,516€ Taxes and Contributions
Application deadline: September 5, 2023

Study plan

Discover all the learning activities available to you during your time at the University in the academic year 2023/2024.

Credits 4.0
Comorbidita' distrettuali e sistematiche
Credits 6.0
Immunologia del polmone
Credits 4.0
Modelli organizzativi nella patologia immunologica respiratoria
Credits 6.0
Patologia delle vie aeree superiori
Credits 6.0
Patologie ostruttive
Credits 6.0
Patologie polmonari interstiziali