Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Type D and Type F activities
Find out more about the Soft Skills courses for Univr students provided by the University's Teaching and Learning Centre:
The Contamination Lab Verona (CLab Verona) is an experiential course with modules on innovation and enterprise culture that offers the opportunity to work in teams with students from all areas to solve challenges set by companies and organisations.
Upon completion of a CLab, students will be entitled to receive 6 CFU (D- or F-type credits).
Find out more:
PLEASE NOTE: In order to be admitted to any teaching activities, including those of your choice, you must be enrolled in the academic year in which the activities in question are offered. Students who are about to graduate in the December and April sessions are therefore advised NOT to undertake extracurricular activities in the new academic year in which they are not enrolled, as these graduation sessions are valid for students enrolled in the previous academic year. Therefore, students who undertake an activity in an academic year in which they are not enrolled will not be granted CFU credits.
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
1° 2° 3° | Ciclo tematico di conferenze: “Conflitti. Riconoscere, prevenire, gestire” - 2022/2023 | D |
Riccardo Stacchezzini
1° 2° 3° | Securitisation transactions - Focus on securitisations of OF NPL / NPE /UTP | D |
Michele De Mari
1° 2° 3° | The Fashion Lab - 2022/23 | D |
Caterina Fratea
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
1° 2° 3° | Economic Thinking and Thesis Writing | D |
Marco Minozzo
1° 2° 3° | English for Business and Economics - Bachelor's Degrees | D |
Marco Minozzo
1° 2° 3° | Data Analysis Laboratory with R (Verona) | D |
Marco Minozzo
1° 2° 3° | Data Visualization Laboratory | D |
Marco Minozzo
1° 2° 3° | Python Laboratory | D |
Marco Minozzo
1° 2° 3° | Data Science Laboratory with SAP | D |
Marco Minozzo
1° 2° 3° | Advanced Excel Laboratory (Verona) | D |
Marco Minozzo
1° 2° 3° | Excel Laboratory (Verona) | D |
Marco Minozzo
1° 2° 3° | Piano di marketing 2022/23 | D |
Fabio Cassia
1° 2° 3° | Programming in Mathlab | D |
Marco Minozzo
1° 2° 3° | Programming in SAS | D |
Marco Minozzo
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
1° 2° 3° | Business & predictive analytics for International Firms (with Excel Applications) - 2022/23 | D |
Angelo Zago
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
1° 2° 3° | The Chartered Accountant as a business consultant | D |
Riccardo Stacchezzini
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
1° 2° 3° | Project "B-EDUCATION: ideas that count" - 1 cfu | D |
Roberto Bottiglia
1° 2° 3° | Project "B-EDUCATION: ideas that count" - 2 cfu | D |
Roberto Bottiglia
English for Business and Economics - Bachelor's Degrees (2022/2023)
Teaching code
Also offered in courses:
- English for Business and Economics - Bachelor's Degrees of the course Bachelors' degree in Business Administration and Management
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
NN - -
Periodo generico dal Oct 1, 2022 al May 31, 2023.
Learning objectives
The course is aimed at facilitating students’ oral and written communication within a business context. Students will be provided with a selection of texts taken from the coursebook (Market Leader, Upper Intermediate). Students are expected to contribute actively to the course, in particular though group discussions and brainstorming sessions (in presence and/or online) and via written assignments. They are also asked to deliver speaking tasks throughout the course.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
- describe different kinds of graphs, charts, infographics using appropriate vocabulary and collocations;
- read and understand texts taken from major business media and infer meaning from context;
- use search operators, online concordances and collocation dictionaries to look up unknown words and phrases;
- recognize collocations recurring in business texts and newspapers;
- present (pitch) a new business idea, plan or product;
- recognize and understand formal business register, write a business letter.
Course content
lexis and grammar in business texts and contexts
reading comprehension strategies (skimming, scanning, summarizing, synthesizing)
business communication and business texts
lexis and grammar for describing graphs, charts, infographics
lexis and grammar for presenting a business idea, plan or product
Coursebook (recommended not mandatory)
David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent (2016). Market Leader: Upper Intermediate Business English Course Book (B2-C1), terza edizione. Pearson-Longman, ISBN 978-1292134819
Dott. Massimo Marzio (, Lecturer, Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo, Università di Verona
Organization of the course
Students can self-enroll on the following Moodle page:
First lessons starts on Friday the 7th of October 2022 (14:00-16:30) in Santa Marta, classroom SMT.11 (only in person, not online).
Lessons are every Friday from the 7th of October till the 9th of December.
Didactic methods
Lessons will be in person, not online.
Learning assessment procedures
Si ricorda che i laureandi di dicembre 2022/aprile 2023 non possono partecipare e richiedere l'accreditamento di cfu per la presente attività, in quanto si tratta di un'erogazione 2022/2023, mentre le sessioni di laurea si riferiscono all'a.a. 2021/2022.
Gli studenti regolarmente iscritti all'a.a. 2022/2023 sono tenuti a inserire l'attività a libretto.
Students who have reached at least 75% of live attendance will be assessed by means of a written and an speaking exam:
- Written assessment (70 minutes)
Part 1 - Graph/Chart description
Part 2 - Business article Reading comprehension with focus on specific vocabulary/ lexis
- Speaking assessment (only for those who pass the written exam of about 15 minutes in pairs):
Students are asked to talk about a given business topic.
Exam language