Studying at the University of Verona

Study Plan

Your Study Plan includes all the learning activities you will undertake during your time at the University, such as modules, lab activities and practicals, seminars, project work, internships, as well as educational off-site visits, conferences and the final examination, or graduation.

Biblioterapia, biblioterapia applicata e ricerca sulla biblioterapia 9 Credits

Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08

Detail of the Module+
Letterature applicabili 5 Credits

Coordinator: Massimo Natale SSD:L-FIL-LET/10

Detail of the Module+
Filosofia della narrazione 4 Credits

Coordinator: Massimo Natale SSD:L-FIL-LET/10

Detail of the Module+
Poesia terapia e letteura espressiva poetica 6 Credits

Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08

Detail of the Module+
Medicina narrativa 2 Credits

Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08

Detail of the Module+
Letteratura per l'infanzia e l'adolescenza 5 Credits

Coordinator: Massimo Natale SSD:L-FIL-LET/10

Detail of the Module+
Lettura e apprendimento linguistico 3 Credits

Coordinator: Serena Dal Maso SSD:L-LIN/02

Detail of the Module+
Psicologia generale e dinamiche di gruppo 4 Credits

Coordinator: Roberto Burro SSD:M-PSI/01

Detail of the Module+
Elementi di marketing per la biblioterapia 3 Credits

Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08

Detail of the Module+
La lettura in bambini e adulti con dsa 3 Credits

Coordinator: Chiara Melloni SSD:L-LIN/01

Detail of the Module+
Scuola di pécs 3 Credits

Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08

Detail of the Module+
Role playing ed esercitazioni 7 Credits

Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08

Detail of the Module+
Laboratori di biblioterapia per la conoscenza di sé 3 Credits

Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08

Detail of the Module+
Lettura espressiva a voce alta in prosa 3 Credits

Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08

Detail of the Module+
Project work 3 Credits


Detail of the Module+
Prova finale 3 Credits


Detail of the Module+

Teaching code






Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)



The course has a total duration of years: 1 and will be held in the period from March 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023.

When and where

From March 2022 to May 2023.

Teaching mode

‘Blended’ teaching mode (in-person lectures and Distance Learning via Zoom).

Project work, interim assessments and final examination

The programme includes the following activities:

- bibliotherapy workshops in which students will participate as users;

- simulation sessions of bibliotherapy workshops in simple and complex settings;

- organisation of bibliotherapy workshops in associations and libraries;

The tests will be carried out at the discretion of the individual lecturers. The final examination will be the writing and presentation of a dissertation.