Studying at the University of Verona
Study Plan
Your Study Plan includes all the learning activities you will undertake during your time at the University, such as modules, lab activities and practicals, seminars, project work, internships, as well as educational off-site visits, conferences and the final examination, or graduation.
Biblioterapia, biblioterapia applicata e ricerca sulla biblioterapia 9 Credits
Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08
Detail of the ModuleFilosofia della narrazione 4 Credits
Coordinator: Massimo Natale SSD:L-FIL-LET/10
Detail of the ModulePoesia terapia e letteura espressiva poetica 6 Credits
Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08
Detail of the ModuleLetteratura per l'infanzia e l'adolescenza 5 Credits
Coordinator: Massimo Natale SSD:L-FIL-LET/10
Detail of the ModuleLettura e apprendimento linguistico 3 Credits
Coordinator: Serena Dal Maso SSD:L-LIN/02
Detail of the ModulePsicologia generale e dinamiche di gruppo 4 Credits
Coordinator: Roberto Burro SSD:M-PSI/01
Detail of the ModuleElementi di marketing per la biblioterapia 3 Credits
Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08
Detail of the ModuleLa lettura in bambini e adulti con dsa 3 Credits
Coordinator: Chiara Melloni SSD:L-LIN/01
Detail of the ModuleRole playing ed esercitazioni 7 Credits
Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08
Detail of the ModuleLaboratori di biblioterapia per la conoscenza di sé 3 Credits
Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08
Detail of the ModuleLettura espressiva a voce alta in prosa 3 Credits
Coordinator: Federica Formiga SSD:M-STO/08
Detail of the ModuleGeneral psychology and group dynamics (2021/2022)
Teaching code
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
Learning outcomes
General aims: 1. knowing and understanding the psychological theories that can explain the fundamental processes for individuals to function in, and adaptat to, their material and social environments; 2. knowing and understanding the pedagogical theories subsumed to learning processes and techniques for the training and development of individuals and of different working communities, and which take into account also to the processes of social and cultural inclusion; 3. applying pedagogical methodologies and techniques to the analysis of learning processes in vocational training and in the development of communities of practices; 4. choosing among, and applying, teaching methods and strategies that are suitable to response to personal and social needs, in diverse and complex training contexts. 5. Using legal, sociological, ethical and anthropological knowledge to the reading and understanding of diversity and migratory phenomena in order to favor and support processes of social and cultural inclusion. SPECIFIC TRAINING OBJECTIVES Starting from the analysis of the historical path done by Psychology to define itself as an experimental discipline, the most important topics dealing with cognitive processes will be discussed. The first one will deal with methodological and epistemological aspects, in order to understand the relationship between psychology as an experimental discipline and the other humanistic disciplines contributing to the study of human thought. The other topics which will be discussed will be the classical ones dealing with the study of perceptual experience, psychophysics, the theories, models and research about consciousness, attention, memory, thinking, intelligence, learning, motivation, emotions, communication. Such topics as the nature and the treatment of mental desease, the development of personality in the lifetime and the biology of beahaviour will be also touched, as they contribute to the organization of the cognitive architecture of people.
1) The Sensation
The sensory processes
The vision
The taste
The bodily senses
2) The Perception
Brain mechanisms of visual perception
The perception of objects
Perception of Space and Motion
3) Learning and Behaviour
Procedures for the study of the basic processes of learning
Conditions necessary for learning
Results of learning
The cellular mechanisms of reinforcement
The behavior of subjects who have had multiple experiences of learning
4) Memory
Sensory memory
The short-term memory or working memory
Learning and coding in long-term memory
The organization of long-term memory
5) The Conscience
Consciousness as a social phenomenon
Selective attention
The consciousness and the brain
6) The Language
The comprehension and production of language
The reading
The acquisition of language in children
7) The Social Psychology
The social cognition
Attitudes: their training and their change
Stereotypes and prejudices
Social influences and behaviors of group
The interpersonal attraction and love
8) The Nature and Causes of Mental Disorders
The classification and diagnosis of mental disorders
The anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders and dissociative disorders
Personality disorders
Disorders related substances
Mood disorders
Examination Methods
As a result of the health emergency due to Covid-19, the usual examination modalities might be modified, in accordance with the University indications. Updates will be posted on the course moodle e-learning page.
The exam taken during an official call will consist of a written test with 30 multiple choice questions to be held in half hour (3 alternatives for which only one answer is correct.) For the final judgment expressed in thirtieths, a correct answer has a value equal to 1 points, an incorrect answer has a value equal to 0 points, an answer not given has a value equal to 0 points).
The course has a total duration of years: 1 and will be held in the period from March 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023.When and where
From March 2022 to May 2023.
Teaching mode
‘Blended’ teaching mode (in-person lectures and Distance Learning via Zoom).
Project work, interim assessments and final examination
The programme includes the following activities:
- bibliotherapy workshops in which students will participate as users;
- simulation sessions of bibliotherapy workshops in simple and complex settings;
- organisation of bibliotherapy workshops in associations and libraries;
The tests will be carried out at the discretion of the individual lecturers. The final examination will be the writing and presentation of a dissertation.