Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.


Deadlines and administrative fulfilments

For deadlines, administrative fulfilments and notices on graduation sessions, please refer to the Graduation Sessions - Science and Engineering service.

Need to activate a thesis internship

For thesis-related internships, it is not always necessary to activate an internship through the Internship Office. For further information, please consult the dedicated document, which can be found in the 'Documents' section of the Internships and work orientation - Science e Engineering service.

Final examination regulations

Upon completion of the Master’s degree dissertation students are awarded 32 CFU. The final examination consists of a written dissertation on a specific topic agreed with a supervising professor and presented to a commission (Dissertation Committee).

The dissertation can be high-level theoretical or experimental (in the latter case, it may focus on either basic or applied research), it can deal with a theoretical topic or propose the resolution of a specific problem, or description of a work project, and may be carried out at universities, research institutions, schools, laboratories and companies in the framework of internships, traineeships, study stays in Italy and abroad. The dissertation must be original and written by the student under the guidance of a Supervisor. At the request of the student, the dissertation may be written and presented in Italian.

Professors belonging to the Mathematics Teaching Committee, the Department of Computer Science, and any associated departments may be appointed as Supervisors, as well as any professors from the University of Verona whose area of interest (SSD - Scientific-disciplinary Sector) is included in the teaching regulations of the degree programme.

Students may take the final exam only if meeting all requirements set by the School of Sciences and Engineering.

The Master's degree in Mathematics is obtained by successfully passing the final examination and thus earning the 120 CFU included in the study plan.

The material submitted by the student for the final examination will be examined by the Dissertation Committee, which comprises three professors, possibly including the Supervisor, and appointed by the President of the Teaching Committee. The final examination will be assessed based on the following criteria: the student’s performance during the entire study programme, the knowledge acquired during the dissertation work, their understanding of the topic and autonomy of judgment, their ability to apply such knowledge, and communicate effectively and fully all the outcomes of the work and the main results obtained.

The final examination and the degree ceremony will be carried out, in one of the four graduation sessions throughout the academic year, by the Final Examination Committee appointed by the President of the Teaching Committee, and made up of a president and at least four members chosen from among the professors of the University.

For further information, please refer to the Final examination regulations.


Title Info File
File pdf 1. Come scrivere una tesi pdf, it, 31 KB, 11/2/22
File pdf 2. How to write a thesis pdf, en, 31 KB, 11/2/22
File pdf 5. Regolamento tesi pdf, it, 171 KB, 3/20/24

List of thesis proposals

theses proposals Research area
Controllo di sistemi multiagente Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization - Hamilton-Jacobi theories, including dynamic programming
Controllo di sistemi multiagente Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization - Manifolds
Controllo di sistemi multiagente Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization - Optimality conditions
Formule di rappresentazione per gradienti generalizzati Mathematics - Analysis
Formule di rappresentazione per gradienti generalizzati Mathematics - Mathematics
Mathematics Bachelor and Master thesis titles Various topics