Studying at the University of Verona

Free choice courses

Corsi elettivi 1° semestre From 10/12/15 To 12/18/15
years Modules TAF Teacher
Progress Test 1st year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Progress Test 2nd year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Progress Test 3rd year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Progress Test 4th year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Progress Test 5th year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
Progress Test 6th year D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
2° 3° 4° 5° Access to essential medicines in developing countries D Anita Conforti (Coordinator)
5° 6° Alimentation and fluid intake in sports medicine D Marcello Ferrari (Coordinator)
5° 6° Topics of hepatology from medical and surgical point of view D Franco Capra (Coordinator)
5° 6° Vascular surgery D Giovanni Lipari (Coordinator)
5° 6° Coagulation disorders. Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects D Domenico Girelli (Coordinator)
5° 6° Sleep disordered breathing D Marcello Ferrari (Coordinator)
5° 6° Mass casuality incidents - Disaster Medicine D Enrico Polati (Coordinator)
5° 6° Pathophysiology of congenital heart disease D Giovanni Battista Luciani (Coordinator)
5° 6° Neurophysiological investigations for studying sleep and sleep-related disorders D Gaetano Cantalupo (Coordinator)
5° 6° Surgery of the liver: from the preoperative optimization of the liver to the postoperative care D Calogero Iacono (Coordinator)
5° 6° Psysiopathology of the foot in childhood and in adults D Bruno Magnan (Coordinator)
5° 6° Metabolism and nutrition from infancy to adolescence D Claudio Maffeis (Coordinator)
5° 6° Hematological microscopy D Achille Ambrosetti (Coordinator)
5° 6° Uncommon pancreatic neoplasms D Roberto Salvia (Coordinator)
5° 6° New trends in carotid surgery: traditional surgery, endovascular approach, protection device: when and how to use it D Alberto Scuro (Coordinator)
5° 6° Extracorporeal life support D Alessio Rungatscher (Coordinator)
5° 6° Technologies in Surgery D Roberto Salvia (Coordinator)
5° 6° Sport's Traumatology D Eugenio Vecchini (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Clinical and laboratoristic evaluation of dermatological patient D Micol Del Giglio (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Clinical cases in endocrinology and metabolism D Enzo Bonora (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Abdominal wall surgery D Antonino Zago (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Physiology and pathophysiology of micturition D Maria Angela Cerruto (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Physiopathology of low back pain and degenerative spondiloarthritis D Bruno Magnan (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° The treatment of lower limb D Paola Candiani (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Traditional and laser treatment of chronic venous insufficiency D Alberto Scuro (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Pulmonary infections D Angelo Antonio Cazzadori (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Traditional and endovascular surgery of abdominal aortic aneurisms D Paola Candiani (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Musculoskeletal Assessment D Luca Idolazzi (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Pigmented cutaneous lesions and melanoma: clinical evaluation and differential diagnosis D Paolo Rosina (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Child development: a neurodevelopmental approach D Alessandro Simonati (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Technologies applied to type 1 diabetes mellitus: towards artificial pancreas D Maddalena Trombetta (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Stem cell transplantation: biological and clinical issues D Mauro Krampera (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Tubercolosis: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, therapy and surveillaince D Michela Conti (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Autoimmunity in Diagnostics and research D Silvia Sartoris (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Immunophenotyping in normal hematopoiesis and in hematological diseases D Mauro Krampera (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice D Gian Luca Salvagno (Coordinator)
2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Medical and social history of drugs D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
Corsi elettivi 2° semestre From 2/22/16 To 5/27/16
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° Bioinformatics D Maria Romanelli (Coordinator)
1° 2° History of Medicine D Andrea Sbarbati (Coordinator)
2° 3° Molecular biology of emerging viruses D Donato Zipeto (Coordinator)
2° 3° Bacterial persistence in the environment: an issue of medical interest D Maria Del Mar Lleo'Fernandez (Coordinator)
2° 3° Human retroviruses: HIV and AIDS D Donato Zipeto (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Short history of pharmacology D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° Doping and doping control D Aldo Eliano Polettini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° History of surgery D Giovanni Paolo Pollini (Coordinator)
Clinical electrocardiography D Daniele Prati (Coordinator)
Clinical approach to cancer patient D Giampaolo Tortora (Coordinator)
Psychosocial rehabilitation D Lorenzo Burti (Coordinator)
4° 5° Off-label use of medicines in clinical practice D Laura Cuzzolin (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° Pancreatic neoplasms: clinic-pathologic features D Giuseppe Zamboni (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° Nodule of the thyroid: clinicopathologic correlations D Guido Martignoni (Coordinator)
Advanced life support D Enrico Polati (Coordinator)
5° 6° Clinical arithmology D Luca Tomasi (Coordinator)
5° 6° Surgery of intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tree D Calogero Iacono (Coordinator)
5° 6° Surgery of pancreas and peryampullary area D Calogero Iacono (Coordinator)
5° 6° Neonatal surgery D Francesco Saverio Camoglio (Coordinator)
5° 6° Emergencies in the extra-hospital environment D Enrico Polati (Coordinator)
5° 6° Nutritional Epigenomics: a bridge between DNA and disease D Simonetta Friso (Coordinator)
5° 6° The epilepsies and the epileptic syndromes D Luigi Giuseppe Bongiovanni (Coordinator)
5° 6° Management of pain in reumathologic diseases D Davide Gatti (Coordinator)
5° 6° Pancreatic dilemma between inflammation and neoplasia D Luca Frulloni (Coordinator)
5° 6° Neuropathic pain D Stefano Tamburin (Coordinator)
5° 6° Postural pain D Luca Giuseppe Dalle Carbonare (Coordinator)
5° 6° Imaging in reumathology D Maurizio Rossini (Coordinator)
5° 6° Introduction to Robotic Surgery D Paolo Fiorini (Coordinator)
5° 6° Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery D Francesco Sala (Coordinator)
5° 6° Literature search using PubMed D Roberto Leone (Coordinator)
5° 6° Infection in ICU D Anna Maria Azzini (Coordinator)
5° 6° Therapy with biologic agents in rheumatic diseases D Ombretta Viapiana (Coordinator)
5° 6° Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders D Stefano Tamburin (Coordinator)
5° 6° Palliative Medicine in Oncology D Renata Sabbioni (Coordinator)
5° 6° Humanitarian Medicine and Surgery D Elda Baggio (Coordinator)
5° 6° Experimental microsurgery D Alessio Rungatscher (Coordinator)
5° 6° Clinical senology D Giovanni Paolo Pollini (Coordinator)
5° 6° Antibiotic treatment of infectious diseases D Ercole Concia (Coordinator)
5° 6° Intra-articular onjection in Rheumatology D Elena Fracassi (Coordinator)
5° 6° Clinical toxicology in the Emergency Department and CBRN events D Giorgio Ricci (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Colordroppler ultrasound of carotid arteries, lower limbs and abdominal vessels D Sergio De Marchi (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Instrumental, biomulecular, and histomorphometric diagnosis of skeletal and degenerative diseas D Luca Giuseppe Dalle Carbonare (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Disorders of iron metabolism. From molecular pathophysiology to the clinic D Domenico Girelli (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Diagnosis in pediatric allergy D Giorgio Piacentini (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Gynecological endocrinology D Paolo Moghetti (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Tropical Medicine D Michela Conti (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation D Nicola Smania (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° SYNCOPE (T-LOC): Reflex (neurally-mediated) syncope; Orthostatic hypotension (primary and secondary autonomic failure, drug-induced OH, volume depletion); Cardiac syncope (cardiovascular) D Francesca Paluani (Coordinator)
4° 5° 6° Inhalation Therapy in children D Attilio Boner (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Women and medicine D Elda Baggio (Coordinator)
3° 4° 5° 6° Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice D Gian Luca Salvagno (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Alcoholism D Marco Faccini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Psychological aspects of addiction D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Medical ethics and bioethics D Federica Bortolotti (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Dependence on legal drugs (benzodiazepines and pain killers) D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Addictive behaviours D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Heroin and cocaine. History, epidemiology, new scenarios, clinical approach, complications. Serts. D Marco Faccini (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Self-help in medicine D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Tabagism D Fabio Lugoboni (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Introduction to the knowledge of complementary/alternative medicine D Paolo Bellavite (Coordinator)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Medical and antropological emergencies in third world countries D Mariarita Bertoldi (Coordinator)
List of courses with unassigned period
years Modules TAF Teacher
Surgical anatomy of head and neck D Not yet assigned
Basic course ECG and interactive interpretation D Not yet assigned
5° 6° Multiple Sclerosis and demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system: from diagnosis to therapy D Not yet assigned
5° 6° Sicurezza del paziente e gestione del rischio clinico D Not yet assigned

Teaching code



Luca Frulloni





Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)



Corsi elettivi 2° semestre dal Feb 22, 2016 al May 27, 2016.

Learning outcomes

- Identification of different clinical onset of pancreatic diseases: anatomical and clinical correlations.
- Differential diagnosis of pancreatic diseases on the basis of different clinical onset.
- Correct use of diagnostic, radiological and laboratory tools with identification of appropriate diagnostic pathways.
- Definition of the etiology of the disease.
- Identification of the most frequent diagnostic errors in clinical practice.

Examination Methods


DATE E LUOGO: prima lezione 25 febbraio 2016 – ore 16.30-18.30

LUOGO: auletta Gastroenterologia - 5° piano policlinico


Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE