Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
The teaching is organized as follows:
Learning outcomes
Provide basic knowledge in neurological rehabilitation and clinical neuropsychology, rehabilitation treatment strategies for neurolesions and neurodegenerative diseases (also based on innovative technologies such as movement analysis and robotics) as well as cognitive disorders. MODULE: NEUROLOGICAL REHABILITATION To acquire the elements for understanding the impact of neurological pathologies on life, relationship and participation of a patient, the importance and necessity of a holistic and interdisciplinary approach of the team. Knowing the functional alterations related to the morbid events of the nervous system, knowing the concepts of motor act, behaviour and the concept of neuroplasticity as a prerequisite of functional recovery. Know and correlate the signs and symptoms to diseases of the Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System. MODULE: ADVANCED PHYSIOTHERAPY STRATEGIES IN NEUROLESIONS AND NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES Critically analyze, from a historical and scientific point of view, the different theories of rehabilitation that lead to different rehabilitative approaches. Know the principles of neurorehabilitation examination; to correlate theoretical knowledge with data emerging from observation and evaluation of the various functional systems of a patient. Know and be able to use the methods for the evaluation of a patient with neurological problems. Knowing how to carry out a physiotherapy assessment and plan treatment in neurological diseases (e.g. Parkinson's disease, SLA, Multiple Sclerosis and others) by integrating specific therapeutic exercises with reflection on possible changes in environmental factors and specific therapeutic education strategies in persistent or degenerative situations. MODULE: PHYSIOTHERAPY METHODOLOGY IN THE DISORDERS OF COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS Know the methodology of evaluation and treatment of the main cognitive dysfunctions of physiotherapeutic interest (e.g. neglect, hemisomatoagnosia, apraxia and others) and know how to plan or adapt therapeutic exercises. Know how to assess the impact of mental function alterations (e.g. waking state, attention, memory, and others) in the physiotherapy process and adapt it accordingly. Know the general aspects of possible alterations of language and communication in the neurological field and achieve an effective integration with the speech therapist. MODULE: CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY Learn the basic principles of cognitive processes by correlating them to their neural bases. In particular, the module will provide the opportunity to analyze some altered behaviours of patients suffering from lesions of the central nervous system and to correlate them with imaging data. MODULE: ROBOTICS AND ANALYSIS OF MOVEMENT IN PHYSIOTHERAPY Provide knowledge regarding the application in rehabilitation of innovative technologies based on electromechanical and robotic devices for the upper and lower limbs. Know the principles of use in the rehabilitation field of devices for the analysis of spatio-temporal, kinetic and kinematic movement parameters based on the use of surface polyelectromiography and motion capture.
Author | Title | Publishing house | Year | ISBN | Notes |
Elisabetta Làdavas, Anna E. Berti | Neuropsicologia | Il Mulino | 2014 | 8815252290 | |
Mc Leod’s | Clinical Examination Manuale di Semeiotica e Metodologia Medica (Edizione 13) | 2015 | |||
Sandrini Giorgio, Dattola Roberto, Smania Nicola | Compendio di Neuroriabilitazione, Seconda edizione aggiornata ed ampliata (Edizione 2) | VERDUCI EDITORE S.R.L | 2021 | 88-7620-914-X | |
Lazaro, Rolando T., PT, PhD, DPT | Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation, Seventh Edition (Edizione 6) | Elsevier | 2020 | ||
Francesconi Katia, Gandini Giovanni | L'intelligenza nel movimento: percezione, propriocezione, controllo postulare (Edizione 1) | Edi-Ermes | 2015 | 978-88-7051-422-3 | |
Otto Schimpf | Riabilitazione Neurologica (Edizione 1) | Edi-Ermes | 2007 | 978-88-7051-253-3 | |
Moro Scandola | Dispense e materiale fornito durante il laboratorio | ||||
Berti Garbarini | L'uomo con tre mani Storie di corpi e identità | Il mulino | 2019 | ||
FitzGerald | Neuroanatomia con riferimenti funzionali e clinici | Edra | 2016 | ||
Perry J. | Analisi del movimento | 2005 | |||
Colombo - Sanguineti | Rehabilitation Robotics | Elsevier | 2018 |