Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

Study Plan

The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.

1° Year

BIO/16 ,BIO/17 ,MED/48
BIO/09 ,MED/48
BIO/09 ,M-PSI/01
M-DEA/01 ,MED/36 ,MED/42 ,MED/48
MED/34 ,MED/48 ,M-PED/01
BIO/10 ,BIO/13 ,FIS/07 ,MED/01

3° Year  activated in the A.Y. 2016/2017

MED/43 ,MED/44 ,M-PSI/06 ,SECS-P/10 ,SPS/07
MED/06 ,MED/09 ,MED/24 ,MED/48
Prova finale
BIO/16 ,BIO/17 ,MED/48
BIO/09 ,MED/48
BIO/09 ,M-PSI/01
M-DEA/01 ,MED/36 ,MED/42 ,MED/48
MED/34 ,MED/48 ,M-PED/01
BIO/10 ,BIO/13 ,FIS/07 ,MED/01
activated in the A.Y. 2016/2017
MED/43 ,MED/44 ,M-PSI/06 ,SECS-P/10 ,SPS/07
MED/06 ,MED/09 ,MED/24 ,MED/48
Prova finale

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.

S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Teaching code






Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)



FISIO VI 3^ ANNO - 2^ SEMESTRE dal Feb 27, 2017 al Apr 12, 2017.

Learning outcomes

Formulate the diagnosis and physiotherapy prognosis.
- Collect data on the history, functions, activity, participation, personal and environmental factors.
- Carry out the assessment of the different functional systems using valid instruments and measures, guidelines, according to the principles of Practice Based on Effectiveness Testing (EBP).
- Critically analyze and interpret the relevant data to identify a functional physiotherapy diagnosis and prognostic hypotheses, also taking into account the recovery indexes.
- Identify the level of disability with reference to the ICF (Disability, Disability, Social Participation) (ICF).
- Define the possible alternative hypotheses in the interpretation of data.
- Explain the clinical reasoning used for physiotherapy functional diagnosis.
- Conduct research in scientific literature.
- Compare the data from the evaluation with possible bibliographic analysis to protect the health of the patient.
2. Define and plan physiotherapy.
- Involve the patient by requesting his / her active participation and informing him i her of the sequence of the physiotherapy path.
- Define physiotherapy problems and their goals to progressively improve the patient's conditions during treatment.
- Identify possible preventive, therapeutic and palliative interventions.
- Choose the resources that can be used within the rehabilitation path.
- Motivate planning choices with reference to theoretical knowledge based on evaluation data on the best available evidence and patient preferences / preferences.
- Formulate its physiotherapy proposal in cooperation with the team to define the goals of the patient's rehabilitation project.
- Participate in the education and information planning and suggest activities for the management of the person and self-care for patients and family members.
3. Manage your work within the Service.
- Plan your work taking into account the goals and priorities of the service in accordance with the organizational needs and best utilization of available resources.
- Evaluate the duration of treatment and the frequency of intervention in the planning of the physiotherapy treatment in relation to the possible side effects of the drugs that may affect the physiotherapy treatment.
- Plan the single rehabilitation session according to the priorities of the interventions, in relation to the problems and needs of each individual patient.
4. Take the physiotherapy treatment
- Pursue physiotherapy goals according to the path set in the intervention planning.
- Choose physiotherapy proposals in relation to possible comorbidities.
- Prepare the setting for physiotherapy intervention.
- Implement preventive measures.
- How to propose the patient activities consistent with the prepared program, ensuring patient safety and complying with current legislation.
- Suggest and take into account any alternative solutions in relation to the results obtained by the patient.
- Use any aids / orthoses to facilitate functional capabilities.
- Maintain an effective collaboration process, taking care of patients and / or family and / or caregivers.
5. Verify and evaluate the results obtained.
- Critically analyze the treatment plan and rehabilitation proposals.
- Verify the results of the physiotherapy proposal in cooperation with other professionals.
- Evaluate the achievement of goals and measure outcomes of physiotherapy by using validated methodologies and tools.
- Evaluate the entire physiotherapy process elaborated in relation to the effectiveness and efficiency of the results obtained.
6. Document the professional acts
- Document the activities carried out on the clinical case in accordance with the sequence of the physiotherapy pathology method using the didactic physiotherapy folder according to the ICF principles for the required skills.
- Establish "reports" relevant to the internship area a student has attended using the methodology for writing the scientific articles.
7. Respect professional attitudes in compliance with the code of ethics.
- Ensure confidentiality of personal information.
- Respect the patient's individuality, ideas and expectations.
- Work with methodological rigidity by applying the ongoing scientific acquisitions to the field of expertise.
- Show awareness of the limits of professional attitudes, skills and competences.
8. Establish an effective relationship with the assisted person, family and team.
- Establish effective communication within the aid relationship through understanding nonverbal communication, body language, and the assumption of behavior that conforms to the character of the person.
- Explain the person how physiotherapy proposals can affect and / or modify functional activity.
- Share the physiotherapy project with the patient and with the family members.


At the end of the Lectures, Tutorial Sessions, Exercises / Simulations and Professional Laboratory of the 1st semester, the student will havetwo practical exercises of 9 weeks overall in hospitals, outpatient, residential, home care facilities with adults, elderly and adult patients with complex pathology in the visceral, geriatric and pediatric age.
At the end of the Lectures, Tutorial Sessions, Exercises / Simulations and Professional Laboratory of the 2nd semester, the student will have two practical experiences of 10 weeks in hospitals, outpatient, residential, home, adult, Pediatric with complex pathology in the visceral, geriatric and pediatric age.
In the second semester, the students who, applying to the university call for proposals and after the selection, are in a useful ranking position, will experience a three-month practical experience at ERASMUS European partners at the University of Verona.

Reference texts
Author Title Publishing house Year ISBN Notes
ORGANIZZAZIONE MONDIALE DELLA SANITA' ICF Classificazione Internazionale del Funzionamento della Disabilità e della Salute Erickson 2001 92 4 154542 9
A cura di Maria Gloria Ferrari IL CODICE DEONTOLOGICO DEI FISIOTERAPISTI. La responsabilità professionale nella relazione di cura Edizioni Libreria Cortina Verona 2014 88 7749 189 2
A.I.FI. Linee Guida per la formazione del fisioterapista MASSON 2003 8821427226

Examination Methods

The achievement of the skills required for admission to the Professional Examination is evaluated by a Commission composed of a Coordinator and at least two professors (MED / 48) and is divided into a written test and a practical test.
The written test will assess the student's ability to identify structural and functional impairments, limitations of activity and participation restrictions in relation to environmental and personal factors (ICF) in a patient (clinical case study). It will also evaluate the student's ability to conduct a clinical reasoning to define a functional diagnosis, identify physiotherapy problems, define goals, plan the treatment and evaluate the outcomes achieved.
In the practical test, with a simulated patient with complex pathology, the student must demonstrate that he has acquired the core professional skills in care and rehabilitation, prevention, education, communication and reporting, professional responsibility, management, training and self-education, efficacy - based tests.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE